1. Assume yourte in the group facing the scenarios described below. 2. Identity which conflict-managemem strategy-forcing, yiolding, avoiding, problem-solving, compromising -would most likely produce the best results. Each answer can be used only once. 3. Explain the reason for your choice. Whih your response include the degree of Assertiveness and Cooperativeness Scenario 1: Your depariment has been working with Purchasing to solect the best vendors to supply the materials you need for a major new project scheduled to begin at the end of the next quarter-about 4 K months from now. Two wooks ago, your department's repeesentatvos and the purchasing proup met to discuss the options and preferences of both proups. Litte was accomplished in that first meoting because the partes seemed to be interested only in pushing their own preforences and didnt seem to be listening to one another: The second meeting is scheduled for tomorrow attemoon. Strategy: Reason: Scenario 2: Peter from Engheering calied you to set up a meeting between your two departinents to dscuss she final decisions on Product X's design features. These final decisions have pressing to get the final dicison-makers to soe trings the 'engheoring way: Strategy? Peasoo: Sconario 3: crilical for managoment to winc and the other the are very inportant to sthe union mombers. Stratogy Reason: Scenario 4: of from Engineering called you to set up a meeting between your two departments to discuss the final decisions on Product X's design teatures. These final decisions t If any, impact on your department's ability to develop a marketing program for the new product. Peter's department has definite preferonces on these final decisions a ssing to get the final decision-makers to see things the "engineering way" ategy: ason: cenario 3: Ve two labour contract negotiating teams - ono representing corporate heodquarters and the other representing the union members - are down to the final diry of negotiating flore the contract expires. The uhion is throatening to strikb, and management is threatening to replace strikers. Four issues remain unresolved. Two issues are particulart itical for manngement to win, and the other two are very important to the union mombers. itrategy: leason: Bcenario 4: Your company in the key player (meaning youre contributing more money than any other company and are also fesponsible for coardinasing the eflort) in a constortum of six companies woriong together to build a new centraly located facility to meet your employees' childeare needs. At the last mo meetings, where the fepresentatives from the sax companies met to review the bids from tre buiding contractors, the meoting was dismissed with no decision made. Of the three bids submitled, one company in the consontium is pushing for Contractor A, two want Contractor B, and the remaining three (one of which is your company) fivour Contractor Q. The decision deadine is today, and the minting is scheduled to begin in 20 minutes. Strategy: Aeason: Scenario 5: agenda liem, you car aimost foel the tension in the ait - you'd iwear ats thick enough so cut with a knile. Strategy