1. Back flows - a. Generally impact lead times - b. Increase material-handling times - c. Result from poorly designed layouts - d. All of the above 2. Warehouses of many maaufseturitie firms in the US have shrunk in size in recent years because: - a. produetion volumes have decreised due to low market demand. - b. they require autornation, which is genemally expensive: - c. just-in-time policies, requiring less stonge of inventory, have been implemented. - d all of the above are true. 3. The following types of material-handling equigment require sigrificant amouint of human tabor: - a. Pushcarts and conveyors - b. Conveyons and AGVs - c. Pushearts and foriclifts - d. Conveyors and forklifts 4. The following statement is irue of forklift trucks: - a. They reduce dependence on human labor - b. They provide flexibility in terms of routing and load sizes - e. They reduce lead times - d. They do not require much maintenance 5. The following statement is true about material-handting equipment: - a. AGVs are oiten preferred when the loads to be curried are light - b. Conveyors are cheap but take up a significant amount of space - c. Forklifts provide the cheapest mode of uransportation in most production environments - d. All of the above 6. The following statement is true about material-handling equipment and the nature of the production shop: - a. Conveyors can be cfficient material transporters for flow shops while forklitts are usually preferred in jobshops - b. Forklifts are the best material transporters in flow shops while conveyors are preferred in job shops - c. AGVs are the most preferred miterial transporters in general - d. None of the above 7. When designing a layout for a flow shop in manufacturing, the following sequence can maximize flow: a. Forming Grinding Assembly