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1 . Consider an algorithm that selects the median of an array as the pivot for quicksort. What are the potential effects on the performance

1. Consider an algorithm that selects the median of an array as the pivot for quicksort. What are the potential effects on the performance of the algorithm? A) Improves the average-case time complexity to better than On log n) B) Ensures that the worst-case time complexity is O(n log n) C) Can lead to degraded performance if all elements are identical D) Eliminates the need for recursion in the sorting process 2. Which graph properties are utilized by the Boruvka's algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree? A) The graph is undirected. B) The graph allows for cycles. C) Edge weights can be negative. D) Each component selects the cheapest outgoing edge. 3. Which conditions are necessary for successfully applying Dijkstra's algorithm to a graph? A) The graph must not contain any cycles. B) All edge weights must be non-negative. C) The graph can be either directed or undirected. D) The source vertex must have edges connecting to all other vertices. 4. In the context of dynamic programming, which statements are accurate for an algorithm solving the coin change problem (minimum number of coins for a given value)? A) Can be solved using a greedy approach effectively for all sets of denominations B) Utilizes a bottom-up approach to build the solution C) The complexity necessarily improves with memoization D) Is solvable in polynomial time for any set of denominations 5. In a directed graph, an algorithm is designed to find all the strongly connected components. Which of the following statements could be true for such an algorithm? A) Utilizes depth-first search at least twice B) Can be optimized using Dijkstra's algorithm C) Has a best-case time complexity of O(V + E) D) Requires sorting of the vertices based on their in-degrees 6. In the context of branch and bound, which strategies are valid for improving efficiency? A) Using a Least Cost Bound to prioritize nodes B) Pruning branches that exceed a known upper bound C) Incremental state space generation D) Applying a greedy algorithm at each decision point
7. What characteristics make backtracking a suitable approach for the n-Queens problem? A) The solution space is discrete and finite. B) Solutions can be built incrementally. C) The problem can be solved without backtracking by using advanced matrix operations. D) The state space shrinks as the solution progresses. 8. Which factors should be considered when choosing between backtracking and branch and bound for a given problem? A) The availability of a good bounding function. B) The problem's requirement for finding all solutions vs. a single optimal solution. C) The homogeneity of the search space. D) The computational cost of maintaining branch states. 9. What is an effective method for the branch and bound algorithm when solving assignment problems? A) Using a least-cost matrix reduction at each node. B) Integrating backtracking to revert to previous solutions. C) Employing a depth-first search to maximize memory efficiency. D) Prioritizing branches based on historical data of similar problems. 10. When using backtracking to solve constraint satisfaction problems with multiple constraints, what techniques can prevent the combinatorial explosion of possibilities? A) Applying constraint propagation to reduce the domains of future variables. B) Limiting depth of search to a predefined threshold. C) Using least constraining value heuristic to choose the next step. D) Sequentially adding constraints to avoid early exhaustive searches. 11. Which of the following are valid optimizations that can be applied to the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for improving performance in finding maximum flow in a network? A) Using BFS instead of DFS to find augmenting paths, as in the Edmonds-Karp implementation. B) Dynamically updating edge capacities using a scaling factor to handle high-capacity networks. C) Applying a greedy algorithm to select the highest capacity paths first. D) Using priority queues to manage the exploration of paths in terms of their current flow capacity. 12. Which techniques are crucial when adapting max flow algorithms like Ford-Fulkerson to real-world applications such as network traffic optimization or pipeline flow management? A) Incremental flow adjustment to react to real-time demand changes. B) Integration with cost optimization to not just maximize flow but also minimize operational costs. C) Ensuring algorithmic stability and predictability in highly variable flow scenarios. D) Utilizing feedback from flow measurements to adjust model parameters dynamically.
13. What innovative applications of max flow algorithms could potentially enhance operations in urban traffic management systems? A) Optimizing the flow of vehicles to reduce congestion. B) Managing traffic signals dynamically based on real-time traffic data. C) Routing emergency vehicles through the least congested paths. D) Using predictive modeling to forecast traffic flow and adjust signals preemptively. 14. Which of the following strategies are typically used to approximate solutions to NP-hard problems? A) Greedy algorithms that build a solution iteratively based on local optimal choices. B) Dynamic programming to break down the problem into smaller, overlapping subproblems. C) Heuristics that provide good-enough solutions in a reasonable time. D) Exact algorithms that guarantee the optimal solution in polynomial time. 15. Which aspects are critical when designing approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems to ensure they are both efficient and effective? A) The approximation ratio that guarantees how close the solution is to the optimal. B) The worst-case time complexity to ensure the algorithm runs within acceptable limits. C) The adaptability of the algorithm to different problem instances and constraints. D) The use of machine learning models to predict optimal solutions.

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