1. Consider the following data requirements for a banking application A bank account has an account number, an opening date and a balance. There are two types of accounts: checking and saving. An account must be at least either saving or checking, while some accounts can be both saving and checking. A saving account has an interest rate while a checking account has a minimum deposit amount. An account owner has an owner id and a start date. An owner may own several accounts, while an account can have several owners. An owner always owns at least one account, while not every account has an owner. A check has a check number, which is unique only in the same checking account. A check also has a date and an amount. A check must belong to one and only one checking account while a check account may have many checks. There are two categories of owners: person and company. A person has a first name, a last name, and an SSN. A company has a name, a tax id and an address. Every company is an owner, while not every person is an owner. A bank employee has an SSN, a name (first and last) and a start date. Some bank employees are account owners. Each employee-owner has a bonus interest rate. Draw an EER diagram based on the requirements. (50 pts) 2. Consider the following EER diagram. Map it into a relational database schema. Hint: Do not forget to add UNIQUE and NOT NULL in the schema where they needed. (50 pts) Note: For simplicity, the domain for each attribute can be omitted in the schema. The database schema should use the following format for each table: Relation_name (attribute name list), PK: ....FK (if any): ... references..., UNIQUE, NOT NULL For example: Project (ProjectNo, ProjectName), PK: Project No. Employee (EmployeeNo, Name, WorksOn), PK: EmployeeNo, FK: WorksOn references Project, Workson: UNIQUE, NOT NULL. * Assume that workson is a 1:1 total relationship for Employee between Employee and Project