1. Copy the data (including headings) in to a new spreadsheet. You should have columns A through G and rows 1 through 68 filled with
1. Copy the data (including headings) in to a new spreadsheet. You should have columns A through G and rows 1 through 68 filled with data. Row 1 is occupied by headings and Rows 2 through 68 are comprised of data spanning the years 1953 through 2019.
2. Using data on the capital stock (see legend) construct a measure of investment for the years 1954 through 2019. To do so, you will need to calculate the change in the capital stock between each consecutive year and add the amount of depreciation that occurs. Total depreciation over a year can be constructed by multiplying the size of the capital stock from the preceding year by the rate of depreciation for the current year. This amounts to taking the models capital accumulation equation literally to back out a time-series for investment given a time series for the capital stock and the depreciation rate of capital. Save this imputed investment data in a column H and label it I(t) : Imputed I in your spreadsheet.
3. Construct an output measure for each year by adding your constructed measure of investment to the time-series for consumption that is included in the data set (Yt = Ct + It). Save this output data in a column I of your spreadsheet and labelitY =C+I.
4. Construct the annual growth rate of the labour force, nt, by calculating the growth rate of the labour force of each year between 1954 through 2019. Save this data in column J of your spreadsheet labelled n(t) : emp growth rate.
National accounts-based variables rgdpna rconna rnna labsh delta Real GDP at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$) Real consumption at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$) Capital stock at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$) Share of labour compensation in GDP at current national prices Average depreciation rate of the capital stock Real GDP, employment and population levels pop Population (in millions) emp Number of persons engaged (in millions) avh Average annual hours worked by persons engaged Year rnna rgdpna 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 rconna 138968.328125 94520.25 150078.1875 101888.0859375 155997.84375 104116.53125 156355.90625 104347.6796875 159780.625 108564.0390625 170618.890625 112134.984375 181070.375 120277.6328125 185281.28125 122699 187807.84375 126043.875 199598.484375 132875.203125 213073.5 142066.3125 226548.46875 150140.109375 231601.609375 156117.875 245918.8125 163557.640625 258551.625 173090.484375 277079.75 181728.578125 297292.28125 193599.28125 309082.875 201436.75 321175.8125 208982.484375 329570.46875 218084.375 343093.96875 230013.859375 347725.40625 243248.140625 356723.5 249276.15625 369556.375 259713.734375 372870.84375 265463.4375 387947.84375 270533.84375 399719.125 275664.125 413060.8125 285446.0625 426809.28125 298530.25 417332.125 305820.59375 436451.34375 311665.28125 459362.125 319090.46875 477909 334915.1875 490101.28125 342826.5625 labsh delta emp 733107.375 0.680492460727692 0.0220786686986685 3.65340876579285 771454.3125 0.680492460727692 0.0223101358860731 3.73108339309692 810403.5 0.680492460727692 0.0225758161395788 3.81129145622253 838407.6875 0.680492460727692 0.0227802880108356 3.89543914794922 867267.4375 0.680492460727692 0.0229278858751059 3.94643235206604 905469.3125 0.680492460727692 0.0230945907533169 3.98142695426941 947253.1875 0.680492460727692 0.0232805125415325 4.03041982650757 989916.75 0.685819327831268 0.0234572142362595 4.15540218353271 1020954.0625 0.680521786212921 0.0235781092196703 4.16740036010742 1061094.75 0.670636415481567 0.0236915722489357 4.26738548278809 1102491.375 0.66170072555542 0.0238224528729916 4.38936805725098 1152809 0.668188273906708 0.0239364635199308 4.54684543609619 1196973.625 0.680541634559631 0.0240205265581608 4.6845760345459 1244982.75 0.676057040691376 0.0240973215550184 4.8534517288208 1293922.375 0.670348346233368 0.0242036338895559 5.00527954101563 1352203.125 0.664248585700989 0.0243349224328995 5.12748718261719 1414031.5 0.656886160373688 0.0244635995477438 5.27084159851074 1473595.625 0.671027183532715 0.0245420318096876 5.47068738937378 1533065 0.67545211315155 0.0245688073337078 5.5827751159668 1592975.75 0.66993522644043 0.0245469845831394 5.65217733383179 1655112.25 0.69223564863205 0.0244956333190203 5.7987699508667 1705167.25 0.719803273677826 0.0244399420917034 5.89822244644165 1757197.75 0.713882863521576 0.0243951585143805 5.87368726730347 1811559.75 0.700886011123657 0.0243374165147543 5.96029710769653 1867683.625 0.700094521045685 0.0242641530930996 6.0140118598938 1932241.375 0.682669162750244 0.0242408104240894 6.03192615509033 1995033.125 0.67145711183548 0.0242607034742832 6.11177444458008 2069984.125 0.672304034233093 0.0243126507848501 6.27751445770264 2149184.5 0.677482724189758 0.0244219154119492 6.35634326934814 2207012.75 0.675740718841553 0.0245225224643946 6.34023141860962 2267684.75 0.646006941795349 0.0246083047240973 6.24129390716553 2336902.5 0.64459490776062 0.0247394144535065 6.45838212966919 2409085.75 0.641788065433502 0.0249009113758802 6.68181467056274 2475880 0.63194215297699 0.0250502377748489 6.97703170776367 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 518249.65625 538260.1875 557481.5 555263.6875 557552.375 580021.25 603128.6875 626275.25 650565.875 676370.8125 707326.1875 743213.0625 772444.6875 787359.5 818864.9375 843315.6875 877516 905633.9375 930942.25 966729.75 1002092.3125 1021502.75 1042621.5 1068298.625 1110156.375 1138852.875 1167701.25 1193304.875 1226367.125 1254581 1291582.25 1319492.875 1315734.25 354213.5625 369156.5625 383581 389328 398618 406723.25 414407.625 431694.3125 447194.375 459446.1875 481216.09375 507430.6875 527621.375 542554.9375 559334.25 580488.125 608917.125 634734.6875 655170.375 687267.3125 717995.1875 728164.625 749150.875 777938.75 802367.25 813636.4375 831702.4375 851364.4375 877850 903621.125 931211.375 955053.875 950036.5625 2548968.5 2633667.25 2712928 2769505.25 2816451.25 2870618.75 2930325 3003980.75 3076581 3154457.75 3242560.25 3330681.75 3426859.5 3497693.75 3580112.5 3681222.75 3793366 3910282.5 4038025.25 4167987.25 4311797 4450216 4585471.5 4723137 4886940.5 5051751.5 5203163.5 5336625.5 5454116 5568053 5693317.5 5809769 5913514 0.613189876079559 0.609080970287323 0.618466675281525 0.626008689403534 0.617311120033264 0.607275784015656 0.601339638233185 0.604075372219086 0.607523500919342 0.617958426475525 0.611847579479218 0.613369345664978 0.605032026767731 0.60654604434967 0.608154714107513 0.600817263126373 0.60151207447052 0.603244006633759 0.593034625053406 0.588050246238708 0.593336462974548 0.569114029407501 0.577103137969971 0.574954748153687 0.575421273708344 0.582465291023254 0.582097172737122 0.596026003360748 0.604028284549713 0.583876967430115 0.579755961894989 0.571645140647888 0.571645140647888 0.0251958295702934 0.0253705512732267 0.0255569983273745 0.0256795138120651 0.0256976261734962 0.0256994888186455 0.0257405806332827 0.0258468557149172 0.0260340608656406 0.026297889649868 0.02662568166852 0.0269280634820461 0.027212368324399 0.0274622216820717 0.0277271531522274 0.0280710496008396 0.0284550208598375 0.0289012808352709 0.0294532105326653 0.0300544984638691 0.0306941904127598 0.0313319228589535 0.0318463258445263 0.0322724469006062 0.0327415131032467 0.0331838987767696 0.0333857759833336 0.0333503037691116 0.0331978723406792 0.0330267883837223 0.0329514816403389 0.0329741798341274 0.0330407507717609 7.14133453369141 7.41216230392456 7.72200393676758 7.84548377990723 7.67402029037476 7.63543462753296 7.66720294952393 7.92257976531982 8.21547794342041 8.32112693786621 8.38268947601318 8.52865123748779 8.68107891082764 8.90264701843262 9.011887550354 9.18527889251709 9.39804840087891 9.56089019775391 9.91147232055664 10.164608001709 10.4890012741089 10.7577571868896 10.8535356521606 11.1212606430054 11.3263559341431 11.4491596221924 11.5539350509644 11.6672391891479 11.9084930419922 12.07155418396 12.3240880966187 12.6194372177124 12.8631744384766 National accounts-based variables rgdpna rconna rnna labsh delta Real GDP at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$) Real consumption at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$) Capital stock at constant 2017 national prices (in mil. 2017US$) Share of labour compensation in GDP at current national prices Average depreciation rate of the capital stock Real GDP, employment and population levels pop Population (in millions) emp Number of persons engaged (in millions) avh Average annual hours worked by persons engaged Year rnna rgdpna 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 rconna 138968.328125 94520.25 150078.1875 101888.0859375 155997.84375 104116.53125 156355.90625 104347.6796875 159780.625 108564.0390625 170618.890625 112134.984375 181070.375 120277.6328125 185281.28125 122699 187807.84375 126043.875 199598.484375 132875.203125 213073.5 142066.3125 226548.46875 150140.109375 231601.609375 156117.875 245918.8125 163557.640625 258551.625 173090.484375 277079.75 181728.578125 297292.28125 193599.28125 309082.875 201436.75 321175.8125 208982.484375 329570.46875 218084.375 343093.96875 230013.859375 347725.40625 243248.140625 356723.5 249276.15625 369556.375 259713.734375 372870.84375 265463.4375 387947.84375 270533.84375 399719.125 275664.125 413060.8125 285446.0625 426809.28125 298530.25 417332.125 305820.59375 436451.34375 311665.28125 459362.125 319090.46875 477909 334915.1875 490101.28125 342826.5625 labsh delta emp 733107.375 0.680492460727692 0.0220786686986685 3.65340876579285 771454.3125 0.680492460727692 0.0223101358860731 3.73108339309692 810403.5 0.680492460727692 0.0225758161395788 3.81129145622253 838407.6875 0.680492460727692 0.0227802880108356 3.89543914794922 867267.4375 0.680492460727692 0.0229278858751059 3.94643235206604 905469.3125 0.680492460727692 0.0230945907533169 3.98142695426941 947253.1875 0.680492460727692 0.0232805125415325 4.03041982650757 989916.75 0.685819327831268 0.0234572142362595 4.15540218353271 1020954.0625 0.680521786212921 0.0235781092196703 4.16740036010742 1061094.75 0.670636415481567 0.0236915722489357 4.26738548278809 1102491.375 0.66170072555542 0.0238224528729916 4.38936805725098 1152809 0.668188273906708 0.0239364635199308 4.54684543609619 1196973.625 0.680541634559631 0.0240205265581608 4.6845760345459 1244982.75 0.676057040691376 0.0240973215550184 4.8534517288208 1293922.375 0.670348346233368 0.0242036338895559 5.00527954101563 1352203.125 0.664248585700989 0.0243349224328995 5.12748718261719 1414031.5 0.656886160373688 0.0244635995477438 5.27084159851074 1473595.625 0.671027183532715 0.0245420318096876 5.47068738937378 1533065 0.67545211315155 0.0245688073337078 5.5827751159668 1592975.75 0.66993522644043 0.0245469845831394 5.65217733383179 1655112.25 0.69223564863205 0.0244956333190203 5.7987699508667 1705167.25 0.719803273677826 0.0244399420917034 5.89822244644165 1757197.75 0.713882863521576 0.0243951585143805 5.87368726730347 1811559.75 0.700886011123657 0.0243374165147543 5.96029710769653 1867683.625 0.700094521045685 0.0242641530930996 6.0140118598938 1932241.375 0.682669162750244 0.0242408104240894 6.03192615509033 1995033.125 0.67145711183548 0.0242607034742832 6.11177444458008 2069984.125 0.672304034233093 0.0243126507848501 6.27751445770264 2149184.5 0.677482724189758 0.0244219154119492 6.35634326934814 2207012.75 0.675740718841553 0.0245225224643946 6.34023141860962 2267684.75 0.646006941795349 0.0246083047240973 6.24129390716553 2336902.5 0.64459490776062 0.0247394144535065 6.45838212966919 2409085.75 0.641788065433502 0.0249009113758802 6.68181467056274 2475880 0.63194215297699 0.0250502377748489 6.97703170776367 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 518249.65625 538260.1875 557481.5 555263.6875 557552.375 580021.25 603128.6875 626275.25 650565.875 676370.8125 707326.1875 743213.0625 772444.6875 787359.5 818864.9375 843315.6875 877516 905633.9375 930942.25 966729.75 1002092.3125 1021502.75 1042621.5 1068298.625 1110156.375 1138852.875 1167701.25 1193304.875 1226367.125 1254581 1291582.25 1319492.875 1315734.25 354213.5625 369156.5625 383581 389328 398618 406723.25 414407.625 431694.3125 447194.375 459446.1875 481216.09375 507430.6875 527621.375 542554.9375 559334.25 580488.125 608917.125 634734.6875 655170.375 687267.3125 717995.1875 728164.625 749150.875 777938.75 802367.25 813636.4375 831702.4375 851364.4375 877850 903621.125 931211.375 955053.875 950036.5625 2548968.5 2633667.25 2712928 2769505.25 2816451.25 2870618.75 2930325 3003980.75 3076581 3154457.75 3242560.25 3330681.75 3426859.5 3497693.75 3580112.5 3681222.75 3793366 3910282.5 4038025.25 4167987.25 4311797 4450216 4585471.5 4723137 4886940.5 5051751.5 5203163.5 5336625.5 5454116 5568053 5693317.5 5809769 5913514 0.613189876079559 0.609080970287323 0.618466675281525 0.626008689403534 0.617311120033264 0.607275784015656 0.601339638233185 0.604075372219086 0.607523500919342 0.617958426475525 0.611847579479218 0.613369345664978 0.605032026767731 0.60654604434967 0.608154714107513 0.600817263126373 0.60151207447052 0.603244006633759 0.593034625053406 0.588050246238708 0.593336462974548 0.569114029407501 0.577103137969971 0.574954748153687 0.575421273708344 0.582465291023254 0.582097172737122 0.596026003360748 0.604028284549713 0.583876967430115 0.579755961894989 0.571645140647888 0.571645140647888 0.0251958295702934 0.0253705512732267 0.0255569983273745 0.0256795138120651 0.0256976261734962 0.0256994888186455 0.0257405806332827 0.0258468557149172 0.0260340608656406 0.026297889649868 0.02662568166852 0.0269280634820461 0.027212368324399 0.0274622216820717 0.0277271531522274 0.0280710496008396 0.0284550208598375 0.0289012808352709 0.0294532105326653 0.0300544984638691 0.0306941904127598 0.0313319228589535 0.0318463258445263 0.0322724469006062 0.0327415131032467 0.0331838987767696 0.0333857759833336 0.0333503037691116 0.0331978723406792 0.0330267883837223 0.0329514816403389 0.0329741798341274 0.0330407507717609 7.14133453369141 7.41216230392456 7.72200393676758 7.84548377990723 7.67402029037476 7.63543462753296 7.66720294952393 7.92257976531982 8.21547794342041 8.32112693786621 8.38268947601318 8.52865123748779 8.68107891082764 8.90264701843262 9.011887550354 9.18527889251709 9.39804840087891 9.56089019775391 9.91147232055664 10.164608001709 10.4890012741089 10.7577571868896 10.8535356521606 11.1212606430054 11.3263559341431 11.4491596221924 11.5539350509644 11.6672391891479 11.9084930419922 12.07155418396 12.3240880966187 12.6194372177124 12.8631744384766Step by Step Solution
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