1. Find the roots of the given simultaneous equations by using solve function -4x+y-6y+120 Also, verify your result with fsolve and ezplot functions. 2. A system's total response can be divided into two parts Total Response = Zero-Input Response (Based on Initial Conditions) +Zero-State Response (Based on Force Function -the input) A) Use dsolve function to solve (D2+3D+2)y(t) Df(t) with f(t)= 10e ut) and y(0 )-0 and y,(0 )=-5. But you need to solve this problem in 4 steps. 1 step: Find Zero-Input (in short Z.I.) Response 2d step: Find Zero-State (in short Z.S.) Response 3"step: Find Total Response 4 Step: Show Zero-Input Response + Zero-State Response Total Response B) Use the method between page 15-page 19 in Powerpoint (Matlab_Lecture006.pptx) solve 'Ik + 2]-51k + 1]+6y@ ]-3k +1]+5f[A] withinitcal conditions f-1)-11/6,-2)-37/36 and input f[A)-(2,-ulk] Z.I Please, follow the steps in A) also to show Total Response Response + Z.S. Response 1. Find the roots of the given simultaneous equations by using solve function -4x+y-6y+120 Also, verify your result with fsolve and ezplot functions. 2. A system's total response can be divided into two parts Total Response = Zero-Input Response (Based on Initial Conditions) +Zero-State Response (Based on Force Function -the input) A) Use dsolve function to solve (D2+3D+2)y(t) Df(t) with f(t)= 10e ut) and y(0 )-0 and y,(0 )=-5. But you need to solve this problem in 4 steps. 1 step: Find Zero-Input (in short Z.I.) Response 2d step: Find Zero-State (in short Z.S.) Response 3"step: Find Total Response 4 Step: Show Zero-Input Response + Zero-State Response Total Response B) Use the method between page 15-page 19 in Powerpoint (Matlab_Lecture006.pptx) solve 'Ik + 2]-51k + 1]+6y@ ]-3k +1]+5f[A] withinitcal conditions f-1)-11/6,-2)-37/36 and input f[A)-(2,-ulk] Z.I Please, follow the steps in A) also to show Total Response Response + Z.S. Response