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1. Obtain a copy of your schoolsCAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP). If you are not currently employed by a K-12 school, find a CIP from your

1.Obtain a copy of your schoolsCAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP). If you are not currently employed by a K-12 school, find a CIP from your local school district. Alternatively, you can use the sample document that is attached.

2.Review the documentConducting an Educational Needs Assessment. The first step in creating a budget is to conduct a needs assessment to determine the needs of the school.

3.Based on the information in the CIP, create aNEEDS ASSESSMENT PLANfor the school. You will not actually conduct the needs assessment, but you should be able to explain the steps in the process. Include a timeline for the needs assessment (identify the date the budget is due and work backwards to determine when to start the needs assessment).

4.IdentifyONE NEEDbased on the information in the CIP and explain how you would address this need as the administrator.

To summarize, you will submit aNEEDS ASSESSMENT PLANand a description ofONE NEEDand how you would address it.

Sample Needs Assessment Requirements

Each CIP include a comprehensive needs assessment addressing district student performance on the student achievement indicators, and other appropriate measures of performance, that are disaggregated by all student groups served by the district, including categories of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sex, and populations served by special programs, including students in special education programs.

School-wide programs must include a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based on student performance data related to state content standards (TEKS) and performance standards (State Assessment)

Targeted Assistance programs must include a comprehensive needs assessment for the students served through Title I, Part A programs.

The results must be disaggregated with respect to the performance of all student groups served, including the following categories: ethnicity socioeconomic status gender populations served by special programs, including students in special education programs

Each campus-level planning and decision-making committee for a junior, middle, or high school campus shall analyze information related to dropout prevention. (Note: Most of the federal programs require LEAs to conduct needs assessments to determine appropriate allocations and expenditures of funds.)

image text in transcribed 2016-17 Campus Improvement Plan Development and Review Timeline 10/14 CAMPUS ACTIVITIES Final CIP draft complete 9/16 First CIP draft complete 8/22 8/4 CIP Workshop First day of school 6/1 - 7/11 8/22 - 9/16 Review available 2015-16 data and evaluate 2015-16 CIP Strategies Gather CAC input/approval DATA ANALYSIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT 10/3 - 10/14 Revise Plan based on Central Office feedback IMPROVEMENT PLAN 7/1 11/1 & MONITOR IMPLEMENT 8/1 7/11 7/26 2016-17 Data Profile online Notebooks template distributed available 9/1 8/15 State accountability ratings available 10/1 9/16 - 9/30 10/17 - 10/21 Central Office First Review Central Office Final Approval DISTRICT ACTIVITIES Campus and District Accountability Last Updated: 6/6/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED if the campus is rated "Compliance" in any of the GT CAMP areas or if the campus responded "Yes" to 2015-16 Community and Student Engagement Indicator F8_Q10. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Advanced Academics: Rhonda Boyer,, 414-0279. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the 2015-16 Gifted and Talented Campus Accountability Monitoring Plan (GT CAMP). Focus Area Performance Objective 2015-16 Data 2016-17 Goal Data Reviewed Advanced Academics We will eliminate barriers and support high ability and GT student participation in appropriate and academically challenging opportunities. Student Assessment - ____, Service Design - ____, Curriculum and Instruction - _____, Professional Development - _____, Family and Community Involvement - ______ Student Assessment - ____, Service Design - ____, Curriculum and Instruction - _____, Professional Development - _____, Family and Community Involvement - ______ (Improve to the next best rating or maintain Exemplary rating) Parent Satisfaction Survey: 2015-16 Gifted and Talented Campus Accountability Monitoring Plan "My child's school provides adequate information about academic programs and services (e.g., special education, gifted and talented, bilingual education, and career and technical education (CTE))." Percent of GT students meeting 2015-16 Standard, Level II Recommended, and GT enrollment data disaggregated by grade level, ethnicity, ECD, and ELL Level II Advanced on STAAR/EOC Roster of Gifted and Talented population, including enrolled courses Advanced Course/Dual Enrollment rates disaggregated by ethnic groups AP/IB Exam Participation & Performance disaggregated by subpopulations SAT/ACT Exam Participation & Performance disaggregated by subpopulations Austin ISD Plan Alignment Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System District Integrated Improvement Plan Strategy We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: Gifted and Talented teacher certification/qualification data Campus Gifted and Talented Count, by grade level and six weeks reporting period not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Factor 9: Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Key Action Step 1.2a: Students will have multiple opportunities for flexible, personalized learning. Indicator 7: % students in Grades 9-12 completing Advanced/Dual Credit courses not applicable not applicable This person is responsible for ensuring this Strategy is completed: We require these resources: We reviewed this baseline data before implementing this strategy: (formative) We will check this data to see if this strategy was effective: (summative) Beginning date Ending date We will use federal funds to implement this strategy. Review campus demographics and GT demographics to identify equity and access patterns and increase student GT identification. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Support teacher professional development for completion of 30-hr GT Foundations and 6-hr GT Update. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Support out-of-school options including academic competitions and academic clubs that target high ability and GT students. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Support core content area Pre-AP/AP teachers to receive the required GT, Pre-AP, and AP training. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Use College Board AP Potential to support enrollment in AP and dual credit courses and increase equity and access. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Campus & District Accountability 1 Status Notes DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area requirement is yet TBD. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Department TBD: Name TBD, Email TBD, Phone TBD. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the Total Education Administrative Management Solution (TEAMS) system. Focus Area Performance Objective Attendance We will develop a campaign to encourage students to come to school regularly and stay in school through enhanced attendance, completion, and Dropout prevention efforts. Attendance Rates All Students ____, Hispanic ____, African American ____, White ____, ECD ____ 2016-17 Goal Attendance Rates All Students ____, Hispanic ____, African American ____, White ____, ECD ____ (Goal TBD) Data Reviewed Attendance data disaggregated by subpopulations Campus attendance data Roster of migrant population, including supports provided Campus roster of students experiencing homelessness/unaccompanied youth Campus roster of students in foster care MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING MISSING Austin ISD Plan Alignment 2015-16 Data Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System District Integrated Improvement Plan Strategy We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Factor 7: Dropout Prevention Strategies Key Action Step 4.1b: Ensure successful transitions between campus levels (elementary to middle school, middle to high school, high school to post-secondary). Indicator 16: Achievement Gap Indicator: Attendance rate not applicable not applicable This person is responsible for ensuring this Strategy is completed: We require these resources: We reviewed this baseline data before implementing this strategy: (formative) We will check this data to see if this strategy was effective: (summative) Beginning date Ending date We will use federal funds to implement this strategy. Ensure all staff receives professional development on Developing Campus Wide Attendance Systems (CSSF). Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Ensure all staff receives professional development on Developing and Creating Individualized Attendance Plans in eCST (CSSF). Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Ensure all staff receives professional development on Attendance Data Analysis and Collaborative Problem Solving (CSSF). Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Twilight program will give opportunities after school for students to make up attendance and recovery credits. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Campus/Twilight Graduation Coaches will meet with the CST team to discuss attendance and credits for students to graduate on time. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Campus & District Accountability 1 Status Notes DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED if the rate at which African American, Hispanic, or White students are referred is more than 1% greater than the overall rate at which students are referred. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Student Services: Paul Perez,, 414-2182. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from Student Services via Austin ISD's Disciplinary Electronic Educational Documentation System (DEEDS). Focus Area Performance Objective 2015-16 Data 2016-17 Goal Data Reviewed Campus Climate and Discipline - Disproportionality We will reduce the rate of home suspensions for any over-represented race/ethnicity group. Home School Suspension Rates: All Students ____, African American ____, Hispanic ____, White ____ ____(#) discretionary removals or emergency placements Home School Suspension Rates: All Students ____, African American ____, Hispanic ____, White ____ (no disproportionate group will have a rate greater than the total rate) TBD (#) discretionary removals or emergency placements Student Climate Survey: Staff Survey (TELL): "My classmates show respect to each other." "The consequences for breaking the school rules are the same for everyone." "My classmates behave the way my teachers want them to." Parent Satisfaction Survey: "My child attends school in a safe learning environment." "My child is treated with respect by other students." Discretionary Removals disaggregated by subpopulations Number of campus disciplinary consequences, by disposition type and grade Austin ISD Plan Alignment Rates of verbal and social bullying, as reported by students (Q10) Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis Sys. District Integrated Improvement Plan Strat. We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: Implement a campus-wide behavior system from the beginning of the year that all campus staff can utilize and which includes strong systems with clear expectations. "Students at this school follow rules of conduct." "Teachers consistently enforce rules for student conduct." "Administrators consistently enforce rules for student conduct." In School and Home School Suspensions disaggregated by subpopulations Number of campus disciplinary referrals, by referral type and grade level Rates of staff and student training on recognizing, preventing, and responding to bullying Campus Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Plan not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Factor 7: Dropout Prevention Strategies Key Action Step 1.3c: Each student will learn in a physically and emotionally safe environment. Indicator 19: Achievement Gap Indicator: # discretionary removals or emergency placements not applicable not applicable We reviewed this This person is We will check baseline data responsible for We will use federal this data to see if We require Beginning before this strategy was ensuring this Ending date funds to implement implementing this these resources: date effective: Strategy is this strategy. strategy: (summative) completed: (formative) Start of __ 6 End of ___ 6 Yes No weeks weeks Work with campus based Child Study Team (Campus CST) on building school-wide and classroom-based evidence bases menu of behavioral interventions and progress monitoring tools, identifying students in need of intervention, holding CST meetings, and implementing and supporting effective classroom management systems. Engage students in the crucial development of campuswide No Place for Hate activities that connect to current events to students lives. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Work with campus Child Study Team (Campus CST) on collecting school-wide/common area behavioral data, collecting school-wide classroom data, and developing campus active supervision systems based on data. Seek partnerships with organizations that provide counseling services for students and their families. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Campus & District Accountability 1 not applicable not applicable Status Notes DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED if the campus rate of SPED OSS placements is greater than 10%. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Special Education: Dr. Bonita Homer,, 414-1731. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the 2015-16 6th 6 wks CRTE Indicator #4 and the 2016 Teaching, Empowering, Leading, and Learning (TELL) Survey: "Students at this school follow rules of conduct." Focus Area Performance Objective 2015-16 Data 2016-17 Goal Data Reviewed Campus Climate and Discipline - Disrectionary Removals We will reduce the rate at which we refer our special education students to discretionary OSS settings. The SpEd OSS rate was __%. __% of campus staff felt students at their school follow rules of conduct. The SpEd OSS rate will be less than 10%. At least 81% of campus staff will feel students at their school follow rules of conduct. Number and rate of SpEd student OSS Placements (CRTE) Number of campus disciplinary referrals, by referral type and grade level Number and rate of SpEd student Discretionary Removals Rates of tobacco, alcohol, and other substance use and abuse Number and rate of SpEd student In School Suspensions Campus Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Plan SpEd discipline referral rates and trends in resulting dispositions Austin ISD Plan Alignment Rates of verbal or physical assaults or fighting, as reported by students Support provided by School Psychologists, including mental health services available to students Campus actions to recognize and prevent gang involvement Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Factor 7: Dropout Prevention Strategies Key Action Step 1.3c: Each student will learn in a physically and emotionally safe environment. Indicator 24: % campus staff who feel students at their school follow rules of conduct Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System SPED Indicator 17: SPED Discretionary DAEP Placement SPED Indicator 18: SPED Discretionary Placement to ISS - Disproportionality Rate SPED Indicator 19: SPED Discretionary Placement to OSS - Disproportionality Rate District Integrated Improvement Plan Strategy We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: Implement a campus-wide behavior system from the beginning of the year that all campus staff can utilize and which includes strong systems with clear expectations. not applicable not applicable Strategy 3: The district Special Education Team will build capacity at campuses by providing professional development and support for staff with developing and implementing appropriate behavior intervention plans for students with disabilities having behavioral challenges. We reviewed this This person is We will check baseline data responsible for We will use federal this data to see if We require Beginning before this strategy was ensuring this Ending date funds to implement Status Notes implementing this these resources: date effective: Strategy is this strategy. strategy: (summative) completed: (formative) Start of __ 6 End of ___ 6 Yes No weeks weeks Collaborate with Response to Intervention Specialists, Child Study Team, Social Emotional Learning Specialists, and Special Education Behavior Specialists to integrate positive behavior support for campuses, classrooms, and individual students. Implement Professional Learning Communities to reflect collaborative planning, data-driven decision making, consistency across classrooms and grade levels, professional learning for teachers developing awareness of his/her own cultural identity values, attitudes, and biases and focusing on reduction of African-American disproportionality. Access professional learning opportunities for teachers on anti-bullying, cyber safety, and mental health concerns. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Adopt a Three-Tier Approach to behavior: Tier 1 School/Classroom Wide Interventions, Tier 2 Specialized Group Systems, Tier 3 Individualized Systems for Students at High Risk Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Campus & District Accountability not applicable not applicable 1 DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED for all campuses based on Texas Education Code 11.253 (d)(8): Campus Planning and Site-Based Decision-Making. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Learning Support Services: Jane Ross,, 414-0196. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the 2015-2016 Student Climate Survey "I feel safe at my school." Focus Area Performance Objective Campus Climate and Discipline - Violence Prevention We will ensure effective violence prevention and intervention measures are in place on our campus. __% of students felt they are safe in their schools. 2016-17 Goal At least 89% of students will feel they are safe in their schools. Data Reviewed Staff Survey (TELL): Student Climate Survey: "Students at this school follow rules of conduct." "Students at my school are bullied (teased, messed with, threatened by other "Teachers consistently enforce rules for student conduct." students)." "Administrators consistently enforce rules for student conduct." Number of campus disciplinary referrals, by referral type and grade level Support provided by the Joint Juvenile Gang Intervention Unit (JJGIU) Rates of staff and student training on recognizing, preventing, and responding to Support provided by Social Service Specialists cyberbullying Campus Anti-Bullying Plan Campus crisis response procedures Support provided by School Psychologists, including mental health services Support provided by Counselors available to students not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable 1.3c. Each student will learn in a physically and emotionally safe environment. Indicator 21: % students who feel they are safe in their schools not applicable not applicable We reviewed this We will check This person is baseline data this data to responsible for We will use federal We require before see if this Beginning ensuring this Ending date funds to implement Status Notes these resources: implementing strategy was date Strategy is this strategy. this strategy: effective: completed: (formative) (summative) Start of __ 6 End of ___ 6 Yes No weeks weeks Austin ISD Plan Alignment 2015-16 Data Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis Sys. District Integrated Improvement Plan Strat. We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: Implement a campus-wide behavior system from the beginning of the year that all campus staff can utilize and which includes strong systems with clear expectations. Access professional learning opportunities for teachers on anti-bullying, cyber safety, and mental health concerns. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Seek partnerships with organizations that provide counseling services for students and their families. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Collaborate with Response to Intervention Specialists, Child Study Team, Social Emotional Learning Specialists, and Special Education Behavior Specialists to integrate positive behavior support for campuses, classrooms, and individual students. Ensure all staff receives services and professional development from CSS counselors and social service specialists on the Annual Campus Crisis Response Prevention/Intervention Plan with campus crisis team (see procedure checklist). Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Campus & District Accountability 1 DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED if the campus responded "Yes" to 2015-16 Community and Student Engagement Indicator F4_Q12. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Career & Technical Education: Annette Gregory,, 414-9820. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the Career and Technical Education Department and the 2016 High School Exit Survey Table 17 and 2015 Campus Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR). Focus Area Performance Objective 2015-16 Data 2016-17 Goal College, Career, and Life Readiness We will increase access to and support for Career and Technological Education and/or 21st Century Workforce Development. ___ (#) industry licensures/certifications were completed by high school students. __% of high school students participated in community service. __% of students in Grades 9-12 completed Advanced/Dual Credit courses. At least ___ (#) industry licensures/certifications will be completed by high school students. At least 89% of high school students will participate in community service. 35.3%* of students in Grades 9-12 will complete Advanced/Dual Credit courses. Data Reviewed Parent Satisfaction Survey: Number of industry licensures/certifications completed by high school students Austin ISD Plan Alignment "My child's school provides adequate information about future career opportunities for my child." "I am familiar with career and technical education (CTE) programs at the high school my child attends or will attend." Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis Sys. District Integrated Improvement Plan Strat. We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: Roster of students meeting College Readiness Indicators (TSI, SAT, ACT, EOC, PSAT) CTE Coherent Sequence Graduates Percent of College-Ready Graduates Percent of CTE students meeting 2015-16 Standard, Level II Recommended, and Level II Advanced on STAAR/EOC CTE enrollment data disaggregated by grade level Percent of each subpopulation meeting Index 4 Postsecondary Readiness indicator Number of CTE course offerings in the various Career Clusters Number of industry certifications available to students not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Factor 4: 21st Century Workforce Development Program not applicable not applicable not applicable Key Action Step 1.3b: Each student will be academically challenged and prepared for success in college or further study, employment, and participation in a global environment. Indicator 2: # industry licensures/certifications completed by high school students Indicator 36: % high school students participating in community service not applicable not applicable This person is responsible for ensuring this Strategy is completed: We require these resources: We reviewed this baseline data before implementing this strategy: (formative) We will check this data to see if this strategy was effective: (summative) Beginning date Ending date We will use federal funds to implement this strategy. Provide more opportunities for students to participate in enrichment programs such as career and technical education courses, student organizations, leadership opportunities and specialized career opportunities. Provide opportunities for all students, including special populations, to attend college and career symposium/fairs/expositions. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Provide CTE teachers the opportunity to attend campusbased professional development opportunities including, but not limited to ELPS, Literacy, Writing Strategies, Special Populations, and Differentiation. Encourage parents to get involved in Career and Technical Education by being guest speakers in classrooms, offering industry visits for CTE students, serving as CTE advisory members, or assisting with CTE leadership organizations. Host Career and Technical Parent Meetings on topics including, but not limited to college and career guidance, endorsements, and career pathways. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Campus & District Accountability not applicable not applicable 1 Status Notes DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area requirement is yet TBD. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Communication & Community Engagement: Beverly Reeves,, 414-9882. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Focus Area Performance Objective 2015-16 Data 2016-17 Goal Data Reviewed Customer Service We will create a culture where all of our families feel welcome and valued. __% parents/guardians felt they are treated courteously by teachers. __% of parents/guardians felt their involvement is welcomed by teachers. At least 98% of parents/guardians will feel they are treated courteously by teachers. At least 98% of parents/guardians will feel their involvement is welcomed by teachers. Parent Satisfaction Survey: % of parents/guardians who feel they are treated with courtesy and respect by the Principal Parent Satisfaction Survey: % of parents/guardians who feel they are treated with courtesy and respect by the counselors Parent Satisfaction Survey: % of parents/guardians who feel their child is treated with respect by others TBD Austin ISD Plan Alignment TBD Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System District Integrated Improvement Plan Strategy We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: Parent Satisfaction Survey: % of parents/guardians who feel they are treated with courtesy and respect by the Assistant Principal Parent Satisfaction Survey: % of parents/guardians who feel they are treated with courtesy and respect by school staff Parent Satisfaction Survey: % of parents/guardians who feel their involvement is welcomed by teachers TBD TBD not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Key Action Step 6.1a: Provide excellent customer service in interactions with campus and district staff. Indicator 20: % parents/guardians who feel they are treated courteously by teachers Indicator 34: % parents/guardians who feel their involvement is welcomed by teachers not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable This person is responsible for ensuring this Strategy is completed: We require these resources: We reviewed this baseline data before implementing this strategy: (formative) We will check this data to see if this strategy was effective: (summative) Beginning date Ending date We will use federal funds to implement this strategy. All staff will return phone calls within 24 hours of receipt and emails within 48 hours of receipt as per Customer Service Standards. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Establish campus norms for communication with all stakeholders. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Send front office and support staff to customer service training. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Review TELL and Parent Survey data to assess levels of customer service and make necessary changes for improvement. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Ensure all staff receives professional development on Welcoming Schools (CSSF). Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Status Notes Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the 2015-2016 AISD Parent Survey: "The teachers treat me with courtesy and respect" and "The teachers welcome my involvement in my child's education." Campus & District Accountability 1 DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED for all campuses based on Texas Education Code 11.253 (d)(10): Campus Planning and Site-Based Decision-Making. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Coordinated School Health, Fitness, and P.E.: Michele Rusnak,, 414-9779. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the 2015-16 Coordinated School Health Survey. Focus Area Performance Objective Coordinated School Health We will continue to implement a Coordinated School Health plan on our campus. 2015-16 Data The overall Coordinated School Health Rating was ___________ 2016-17 Goal The overall Coordinated School Health Rating will be ___________ (improve to the next best rating or maintain Exemplary rating). Data Reviewed Parent Satisfaction Survey: "My child's school provides adequate opportunities for my child to learn about how to make healthy lifestyle choices." Coordinated School Health Report: CSH Implementation Section Coordinated School Health Report: Parent and Community Participation Number of community education programs related to wellness and physical education Coordinated School Health Report: CSH Planning Section Austin ISD Plan Alignment Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System District Integrated Improvement Plan Strategy We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: We require these resources: We reviewed this baseline data before implementing this strategy: (formative) We will check this data to see if this strategy was effective: (summative) Form a Coordinated School Health team that meets 4 times a year to plan and implement the Districts' Coordinated School Health Events as well as other campus Coordinated School Health events and/or activities. (Evidence: agendas or meeting notes, tweets of students or staff doing the events/activities) Form a Student Wellness Team that supports and assists the campus Coordinated School Health team with school wide activities and events. (Evidence: list of students' names, date and times of meetings) ES/MS only: increase the number of students and parents participating in the CATCH/Family Fun Fitness Night by 10%. (Evidence: date and time of event, number of students and parents attending) ES/MS only: Implement the CATCH Coordination Kit throughout the school year by promoting each theme. (Evidence: emails of communication, tweets of various activities, websiteewsgroup announcements) ES/MS only: Ensure classroom teachers are teaching all the required health lessons (ES), Sexuality and Responsibility lessons (ES/MS) and the CATCH lessons (ES/MS). (Evidence: copy of health lessons, grades) Campus & District Accountability 1 Coordinated School Health Survey Overall Rating Coordinated School Health Report: Health Lesson Section Campus representation on the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) HB 5 Campus Evaluation of Community and Student Engagement (CaSE) ratings: Wellness and Physical Education TBD not applicable not applicable not applicable 1 - Comprehensive needs 10 - Coordination and not applicable assessment integration of federal, state, and local services and programs Factor 2: Wellness and Physical Education Key Action Step 1.3e: Each student will learn about and practice a healthy lifestyle. not applicable not applicable not applicable This person is responsible for ensuring this Strategy is completed: not applicable Beginning date not applicable not applicable Ending date We will use federal funds to implement this strategy. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No not applicable not applicable Status Notes DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED for all High School campuses. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of High Schools Office: Lara Gueguen,, 414-9757. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the 2016 High School Exit Survey Table 31 and the National Student Clearinghouse. Focus Area Performance Objective 2015-16 Data 2016-17 Goal Data Reviewed Direct to College Enrollment We will increase the percent of students who enroll in postsecondary education directly after they graduate from high school. __% of high school students submitted college applications. __% of students enrolled directly in college within one year of graduation. At least 89% of high school students will submit college applications. At least 70% of students will enroll directly in college within one year of graduation. Rate of students who enroll in college the Fall after HS graduation HS Exit Survey: Percent of students intending to take a gap year between high school and college (Table 8) College Readiness Update: Percent of test-taking Seniors who met college readiness criteria in Mathematics (Figure 4) HS Exit Survey: Ways in which seniors prepared for postsecondary education (Table 27) Number of FAFSA applications submitted in 2015-16. Number of college access activities provided to students. Austin ISD Plan Alignment Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System District Integrated Improvement Plan Strategy We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: HS Exit Survey: Percent of seniors planning to enroll directly in college the Fall after HS graduation (Table 2) College Readiness Update: Percent of test-taking Seniors who met college readiness criteria in ELA (Figure 3) College Readiness Update: Percent of test-taking Seniors who met college readiness criteria in both Math and Reading (Figure 5) Amount of scholarship funds awarded to Class of 2016. not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Factor 4: 21st Century Workforce Development Program Key Action Step 1.3b: Each student will be academically challenged and prepared for success in college or further study, employment, and participation in a global environment. Indicator 3: % high school students submitting college applications Indicator 4: % students enrolling directly in college (within one year of graduation) not applicable not applicable This person is responsible for ensuring this Strategy is completed: We require these resources: We reviewed this baseline data before implementing this strategy: (formative) We will check this data to see if this strategy was effective: (summative) Beginning date Ending date We will use federal funds to implement this strategy. Increase the number of college applications submitted for the Class of 2016. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Increase the number of financial aid applications (FAFSA or TASFA) submitted for the Class of 2016. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Increase the amount of scholarship funds awarded to the Class of 2016. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Increase the number of college access activities provided to students including application drives financial aid activities and scholarship workshops. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Increase the number of staff members trained in financial aid and college application processes. Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Campus & District Accountability 1 Status Notes DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED if the campus had more than 5 late Annual or Re-Evaluation meetings in 2015-16. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of Dyslexia and 504 Services: Rachel Robillard,, 414-6645. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from the Department of Dyslexia and 504 Services. Focus Area Performance Objective 2015-16 Data 2016-17 Goal Austin ISD Plan Alignment Data Reviewed Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System District Integrated Improvement Plan Strategy We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: Campus personnel will comply with 504 legal regulations concerning annual meetings, reevaluation, intervention and accommodations for 504 students as evidenced by ongoing audit of e504 record. Campus personnel will attend professional development for 504 Campus Coordinators and Dyslexia Designees concerning implementation of 504 policies and procedures. Campus administrators will work with the 504 Department to provide ongoing support for 504 Campus Coordinators and Dyslexia Designees charged with keeping the campus compliant with applicable federal and state laws. Campus personnel will attend professional learning opportunities, provided by the 504 Department, for 504 Campus Coordinators and Dyslexia Designees on how to integrate general and content specific accommodations for all 504 students with disabilities. Campus personnel will comply with mandates from the State Dyslexia Handbook that address support and intervention for students identified with dyslexia. Campus & District Accountability Dyslexia and 504 Services We will increase our 504 Services/Dyslexia compliance rate. ___ (#) 504 Annual meetings were late. ___ (#) 504 Re-Evaluation meetings were late. 100% of 504 Annual meetings will be held on time. 100% of 504 Re-Evaluation meetings will be held on time. Number of late Annual meetings and re-Evaluation meetings Discipline rates for students receiving Dyslexia/504 services TEAMS: Students: Special Programs: District 504 Listing MISSING MISSING Roster of students receiving Dyslexia/504 services, including supports Attendance rates for students receiving Dyslexia/504 services MISSING MISSING MISSING not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable Factor 9: Compliance Key Action Step 4.1a: Improve supports to struggling learners by improving interventions, resources, and training, and articulate these interventions in curriculum and instructional tools. not applicable not applicable not applicable We reviewed this We will check This person is baseline data this data to responsible We will use federal We require before see if this Beginning for ensuring Ending date funds to implement Status Notes these resources: implementing strategy was date this Strategy this strategy. this strategy: effective: is completed: (formative) (summative) Start of __ 6 End of ___ 6 Yes No weeks weeks 1 Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No Start of __ 6 weeks End of ___ 6 weeks Yes No DRAFT 6/8/2016 2016-17 Sample Campus Improvement Plan Template, Austin Independent School District This Focus Area is REQUIRED if the campus TELPAS Beginner/Intermediate Reading rate is > 4.5% or if the campus responded "Yes" to 2015-16 Community and Student Engagement Indicator F5_Q10. Support for this Focus Area is provided by the Office of English Language Learners: Maria Narvaez,, 414-4401. General CIP support is provided by Gina Cordero,, 414-9959. Data for the 2015-16 Data Point/s and 2016-17 Goal/s comes from 2016 Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) and STAAR 3 and 5 results. Focus Area Performance Objective 2015-16 Data 2016-17 Goal Data Reviewed English Language Learners We will ensure all of our English Language Learners continue to grow in their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. (19 TAC 74.4) (Strategic Plan 1.1 (b)) __% of ELLs remained at beginning/intermediate proficiency on TELPAS Reading after 5 years in US schools. __% of Grade 3 ELLs were proficient in English or Spanish. __% of Grade 5 ELLs were proficient in English. Less than __% of ELLs will remain at beginning/intermediate proficiency on TELPAS Reading after 5 years in US schools (10% reduction). At least 75% of Grade 3 ELLs will be proficient in English or Spanish. At least 85% of Grade 5 ELLs will be proficient in English. Number and percent of ELLs that remain at Beginning proficiency on TELPAS Roster of ELLs with Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System after 2 years in US schools or Beginning/Intermediate after 6 years (Long Term (TELPAS) results and Years in US Schools ELLs) District Benchmarks STAAR/End-of-Course current and longitudinal results, including all versions Number and rate of ELL In School and Home School Suspensions ELL referral rates and trends in resulting dispositions Austin ISD Plan Alignment ELL enrollment data disaggregated by grade level, GT, CTE, ECD, and SpEd ELL Progress Measure data Applicable System Safeguards Applicable Title 1, Part A Components Community & Student Engagement Factor Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Key Action Step Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Scorecard Indicator Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System District Integrated Improvement Plan Strategy We will undertake this Strategy in order to achieve our Performance Objective: Ensure all teachers use their Proficiency Level Descriptor/Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide (PLD/LIAG) rubrics from LPAS to identify their ELL students' proficiency levels in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. [89.1210. Program Content and Design] Train teachers to use sheltered instructional strategies to make core content comprehensible and to develop academic language. Monitor implementation of selected sheltered instructional strategies in both lesson planning and classroom instruction to meet the needs of ELLs. 89.1210. Program Content and Design Campus & District Accountability Roster of ELL/LEP population, including support and accommodations Teacher Certification/Qualification Data, including special program qualifications (Bilingual/ESL) Social Studies - ELL 88.3%, LEP >75%, SPED >75% Annual Dropout Rate: All Students ___, LEP

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