1. Prepare a production budget for Septembec, October, Nowember, and Decenter for gift baskets. (Note: Round all answers to the nearest whole sunit.) Jani's Flowers and Gifts Production Budget for Gift Baskets Feobuc: + ched Wy What Concet 2. Prepare a direct matenals purchases budget for the two trpes of matenals used in the productan of oir baskets far the months af September, October, und Mrrember. (Note; Round answers to the nearest whole unit.) 3. Why do you think there is such a big difference in budgeted unuts from November to December? Why did Jani budget fewer units in January than in Decemben? 2. December is the last month of the vear so Jarr has too budget all the balance units in her Annual budget co meet ber tarpets. 3. None of the aboves. 2. Prepare a direct matenals purchases budget for the two types of materials used in the production of gif baskets for the months of September, October, and November. (Note: Round answers to the nearest whole unit.) Jani's Flowers and Gifts Direct Materials Purchases Budget For September, October, and November tine Item Description September October November Fruit: Production 247 202 217 Pounds of fruit Pinquired for production Desired ending inventory Total needs tess: beginning inventory 1 1 1 247 202. 237 Pounds purchaved 10 12 757 214 255 Small oits: Production. 12 12 Items reauired Needed lor production Desired inventory Fotal needs 247 202 237 243 Lew Ueginaing inventony 521 6 6 1402 1,212 424 769 inote 1,7122191 \( 4 2 4 \longdiv { 5 2 1 } \) Deme-nutehated 1901 1280 1097 basket for the rest of the vear and for January of next year. Jani likes to hiave 5% of the next month's sales needs on hand at the end of each month, This requirement was met on August 31 . Tho materiats nee nected for each frut bocket: The matenals-inventory policy is to have 5% of the next month's frut needs an hand and 35% of the next month's production needs of small gats. (The retatively low inventory amount for frut is designed to pervent spoulage.) Materials inventory on August it mit this compamy polech Required: Jani's Howers and Gifts