1. Provide notification of involuntary termination to the HR department the same day as notice is received. 2. Review and approve the payroll journal prior to distribution of payments. 3. Mail annual tax reports (W2s) to employees for tax filing purposes. 4. Only the HR department can extend offer letters for employment. 5. The IT department removes systems access for terminated employees in a timely manner. 6. Collect corporate credit cards in possession of an exiting employee during the exit interview. 7. Reconcile the list of employees receiving W2 s to the employee main table to verify that the company accounts for all employees. 8. Maintain a comprehensive employee handbook. 9. Employees make changes to employee personal information directly via an online portal. 10. Review new hire documentation prior to employee record creation: An involuntary termination that doesn't follow legal regulations may occur. Employee records created for nonecistent employees may resuft in fraudulent payments. Incorrect employee data may result in incorrect payments to the employee. New hires failing to understand their duties, obligations, and company policies may result in misunderstandings and negativeimpacts on productivity. Noncompliance with statutory requirements may result in fines, interest payments, and other penalties. Processing unauthorized payroll transactions may result in the missppropriation of assets. Terminated employees who have access to a corporate credit card can make unauthorized purchases on behalf of the company. Terminated employees continuing to have access to company systems could result in unauthorized changes and use of the system. Violating employment laws for hiring may result in lawsuits, fines, legal penalties, or reputational damage