1. Summarize the case study
then answer the 3 case questions.
7. Company objectives influence product line length- the votal number of items in the product line. Product lines 9. The label can be a simple attached tag or an elaborately tend to lengthen over time. A company lengthens its designed graphic that is an inhereat part of the package. product line in two ways: line stretching and line fitling. A label performs sceetal functions It identifien the prodLine stretching occurs when a company lengthens its uct or brand; it might desribe the product (who made it. oct through persuasive messaging 8. Packaging includes all the activities of designing and 10. Guarantees and warranties are explicit or implicit promproducing the container for a product. Packaging must achieve a number of objectives identify the brand, convey descriptive and persuasive information, facilitate during a specified period. Gaarantees reduce the buyer's product tranyportation/proection/storage, and aid con- perceived risk by suggesting that the product is of high quality and that the company and its service perforsumption. A good package draws the consumer in and encourages product choice. mance are dependable. Whether expressed or implied, warranties and gaaramtes are kegally enforceable. marketing SPOTLIGHT Apple Apple Computers was founded, in 1976, by colloge dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who wanted to make computers more user-friendly so poople could use them at home and at work. The company's first major success - Apple II Winched in 1977 -revolutionized the computer industry with the introduction of the first-ever color graphics. On the heels of explosive growth, Apple wont publio in 1980. Sevenal years later, in 1983, Jobs hired John Sculey, CEO of RepsiCo at the time, as Apple's CEO-a decision that bockfired when, in 1986, Sculy ended up firing Jobs. Apple's focus on short-torm profits rather than innova- One of Apple's early wnd mott important innovations fion led to a gradual deterioration of its market position, and cultural phenomenons it introduced many consumers to Apple by 1996, experts were raising questions about the company/s and initiated a series of monumental product innovations. viablify. To make up for lack of innovation, Apple bought out The Pod exemplfied Apple's leading-edge design skills and Next Software-the company founded by Jobs after he left looked, teit, and operated the no other device. To the delight Apple - and brought back Jobs as an interim CEO the off- of Apple and the chagrin of competifor Sont, the iPod olaly became CEO in 2000. Onoe back at the helm of Apple, became "the Wakman of the 21st century." The dynamic Jobs forged an alliance with Microsoft to develop a Mac duo of the Pod and the newly launched ifunes Music store version of its popular Otfice sottware, introduced iBook-an. helped drive IPod sales through the root, entry-level laptop for consumer and education makets, and The IPod was also central in changing the way people lislaunched Mac - a suite of allin-one compulers featuring dis- tened to and used music. According to musician John Mayer, tinctly colored, translucent egg-shaped cases. Over the past two decades. Apple has continued to use their Fods, leading them to lsten to more music, and with Invest heavly in research and development to become more passion. The ifod has gone through a series of generaa world lesder in innovative new-product launches. The fions, and along the way Apple has added features like photo, oompary transiormed the way people fisten to music, play video, and radio capabilies. Realizing the success of its foray vidoo games, talk on the phone, and even read books. into the musio industry in general and the iPod in particular. Applis's revolutionary product innovations include the Apple launched ifunes-a software-based digital markitplace Pod, Msc, Phone, and Pad and are the reason why the for music, Introduced in 2003 , the funes store became the compary lopped Fortune mognzine's World's Most Admired largest music vendor in the United States by 2008 and the Companies list foe many years. largest music vendor in the world by 2010 (continued) Apple fans and to people who had not used Apple preducts in the past. To reach such a broad consumer base, the compeny tad to shin its channel strategies. Apple added "mass electronic" retailers such as Blest Buy and (the now obseletel could do anything with their Ped, including croting mowmountain climbing saler. Circul City to its oxisting charnels, which quadrupled its On the heols of the suctest of the Pad, in 25t5 Appin number of outlets. Besides the enhanced "push" eHlort, Apple also devel- introduced is frst wabbie device, Apple Watch, oflemp, the popularity of the IPod. The Sinouettes, which featured silhouettes of people listering to and dancing with their tastert-gowing product categorist, aeting over 30 millon vis Pods, appeared all over the world. This eimple message worked across cultures, portraying the iPbd as cool but not in 2019 . Thue to its masion of strying at the forpfrart ef use. beyond the reach of anyone who efipyed music. triendy consumer technologies, Apple now invests tieaty it As the ifod's populanty grew, a halo effect helped resut, in 2007 Apple officialy changed as name them Apple. Ansor's Aloxil, Google's Assistant, and Applelu own Sint. Computer lnc. to Apple the to help commuricate the comApple's ievestment in nesesch and develogm wit io to pany's expanded focus on non-computer products. Appic's. way the company remains a leader in this cuathrout hndeth. neot-largest product leanch after the ipd was the Phone. Apple spent over $18 billion on research and developnert its 2007 entry into the cell phone industry. The Phone, wath in 2020 and continues to increabe is RaO budgit in ade its touch-screen pod, virtual keyboard, and intomet and to say ahesd of the competion. Creating. producing and e-mal capabiltes, lusnched to huge consumer exeitement launching new products is a top prorty for Aople Supored Poople lined up for hours to be among the first to buy one. by creative marketing. the compery's pionecing is the at Investrent atalysts initialy feared that Apple's two-year ton why consumers and aralyst stay on their toes mublep. contract with ATST and high initisl price would hinder the news of Apple's latest products. 4 Phone's succest. Seventy-four days after the product's debut, however, Apple had sold ts one-miliond iPnone. Questions It had taken the ifod two years to resch the cumulative sales 1. What are the key factors contributing to Appla's phe: (\$1.1 miltion) that the Phone had reached in its first quarter. nomenal sucoess? In fact, hat the IPod buyers switched to ATST from a dimerent 2. Acple's produet launches over the past decade han wireless carrier, some incuring fees to break their contracta, been monumental, What makes the company 20 good it fost to have a chase to own an iPhone. innovation? The launch of the Pad who created a media trengy in 3. How important was the Phone to Aocle's cunet tup 2013. The multitouch device combined the look and feel of cess? Discuss the significance of the Pad and Apple the IPhone with the power of a MacBook and gave consumers access to music, books, movies, pictures, video games, Watch launches to Apple b new-product devilopnet strategy. marketing SPOTLIGHT Casper Casper is an American e-commerce company that peimarily sels mattresses. The idea of Casper was thought up by four members of a New York Cify venture accelenator in 2013. The company aimed to be an allemative to what they called "Big Mstress," the dominart manulscturers and retalers at the time. The four brands that made up "Bg Mattress" were Serta, Simmons, Tempur-Pedic, and Sealy, The Casper 7. Company objectives influence product line length- the votal number of items in the product line. Product lines 9. The label can be a simple attached tag or an elaborately tend to lengthen over time. A company lengthens its designed graphic that is an inhereat part of the package. product line in two ways: line stretching and line fitling. A label performs sceetal functions It identifien the prodLine stretching occurs when a company lengthens its uct or brand; it might desribe the product (who made it. oct through persuasive messaging 8. Packaging includes all the activities of designing and 10. Guarantees and warranties are explicit or implicit promproducing the container for a product. Packaging must achieve a number of objectives identify the brand, convey descriptive and persuasive information, facilitate during a specified period. Gaarantees reduce the buyer's product tranyportation/proection/storage, and aid con- perceived risk by suggesting that the product is of high quality and that the company and its service perforsumption. A good package draws the consumer in and encourages product choice. mance are dependable. Whether expressed or implied, warranties and gaaramtes are kegally enforceable. marketing SPOTLIGHT Apple Apple Computers was founded, in 1976, by colloge dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who wanted to make computers more user-friendly so poople could use them at home and at work. The company's first major success - Apple II Winched in 1977 -revolutionized the computer industry with the introduction of the first-ever color graphics. On the heels of explosive growth, Apple wont publio in 1980. Sevenal years later, in 1983, Jobs hired John Sculey, CEO of RepsiCo at the time, as Apple's CEO-a decision that bockfired when, in 1986, Sculy ended up firing Jobs. Apple's focus on short-torm profits rather than innova- One of Apple's early wnd mott important innovations fion led to a gradual deterioration of its market position, and cultural phenomenons it introduced many consumers to Apple by 1996, experts were raising questions about the company/s and initiated a series of monumental product innovations. viablify. To make up for lack of innovation, Apple bought out The Pod exemplfied Apple's leading-edge design skills and Next Software-the company founded by Jobs after he left looked, teit, and operated the no other device. To the delight Apple - and brought back Jobs as an interim CEO the off- of Apple and the chagrin of competifor Sont, the iPod olaly became CEO in 2000. Onoe back at the helm of Apple, became "the Wakman of the 21st century." The dynamic Jobs forged an alliance with Microsoft to develop a Mac duo of the Pod and the newly launched ifunes Music store version of its popular Otfice sottware, introduced iBook-an. helped drive IPod sales through the root, entry-level laptop for consumer and education makets, and The IPod was also central in changing the way people lislaunched Mac - a suite of allin-one compulers featuring dis- tened to and used music. According to musician John Mayer, tinctly colored, translucent egg-shaped cases. Over the past two decades. Apple has continued to use their Fods, leading them to lsten to more music, and with Invest heavly in research and development to become more passion. The ifod has gone through a series of generaa world lesder in innovative new-product launches. The fions, and along the way Apple has added features like photo, oompary transiormed the way people fisten to music, play video, and radio capabilies. Realizing the success of its foray vidoo games, talk on the phone, and even read books. into the musio industry in general and the iPod in particular. Applis's revolutionary product innovations include the Apple launched ifunes-a software-based digital markitplace Pod, Msc, Phone, and Pad and are the reason why the for music, Introduced in 2003 , the funes store became the compary lopped Fortune mognzine's World's Most Admired largest music vendor in the United States by 2008 and the Companies list foe many years. largest music vendor in the world by 2010 (continued) Apple fans and to people who had not used Apple preducts in the past. To reach such a broad consumer base, the compeny tad to shin its channel strategies. Apple added "mass electronic" retailers such as Blest Buy and (the now obseletel could do anything with their Ped, including croting mowmountain climbing saler. Circul City to its oxisting charnels, which quadrupled its On the heols of the suctest of the Pad, in 25t5 Appin number of outlets. Besides the enhanced "push" eHlort, Apple also devel- introduced is frst wabbie device, Apple Watch, oflemp, the popularity of the IPod. The Sinouettes, which featured silhouettes of people listering to and dancing with their tastert-gowing product categorist, aeting over 30 millon vis Pods, appeared all over the world. This eimple message worked across cultures, portraying the iPbd as cool but not in 2019 . Thue to its masion of strying at the forpfrart ef use. beyond the reach of anyone who efipyed music. triendy consumer technologies, Apple now invests tieaty it As the ifod's populanty grew, a halo effect helped resut, in 2007 Apple officialy changed as name them Apple. Ansor's Aloxil, Google's Assistant, and Applelu own Sint. Computer lnc. to Apple the to help commuricate the comApple's ievestment in nesesch and develogm wit io to pany's expanded focus on non-computer products. Appic's. way the company remains a leader in this cuathrout hndeth. neot-largest product leanch after the ipd was the Phone. Apple spent over $18 billion on research and developnert its 2007 entry into the cell phone industry. The Phone, wath in 2020 and continues to increabe is RaO budgit in ade its touch-screen pod, virtual keyboard, and intomet and to say ahesd of the competion. Creating. producing and e-mal capabiltes, lusnched to huge consumer exeitement launching new products is a top prorty for Aople Supored Poople lined up for hours to be among the first to buy one. by creative marketing. the compery's pionecing is the at Investrent atalysts initialy feared that Apple's two-year ton why consumers and aralyst stay on their toes mublep. contract with ATST and high initisl price would hinder the news of Apple's latest products. 4 Phone's succest. Seventy-four days after the product's debut, however, Apple had sold ts one-miliond iPnone. Questions It had taken the ifod two years to resch the cumulative sales 1. What are the key factors contributing to Appla's phe: (\$1.1 miltion) that the Phone had reached in its first quarter. nomenal sucoess? In fact, hat the IPod buyers switched to ATST from a dimerent 2. Acple's produet launches over the past decade han wireless carrier, some incuring fees to break their contracta, been monumental, What makes the company 20 good it fost to have a chase to own an iPhone. innovation? The launch of the Pad who created a media trengy in 3. How important was the Phone to Aocle's cunet tup 2013. The multitouch device combined the look and feel of cess? Discuss the significance of the Pad and Apple the IPhone with the power of a MacBook and gave consumers access to music, books, movies, pictures, video games, Watch launches to Apple b new-product devilopnet strategy. marketing SPOTLIGHT Casper Casper is an American e-commerce company that peimarily sels mattresses. The idea of Casper was thought up by four members of a New York Cify venture accelenator in 2013. The company aimed to be an allemative to what they called "Big Mstress," the dominart manulscturers and retalers at the time. The four brands that made up "Bg Mattress" were Serta, Simmons, Tempur-Pedic, and Sealy, The Casper