1. Test1: Write a C program that prints the perimeter of a rectangle to and width as input. ABDI HA ake its height Test Data: 04 NAO ARO AHMED PARL201704 Input the height of the Rectangle : 5 Input the width of the Rectangle : 7 Perimeter of the Rectangle is :704 24.00 ABDI AHMED 2704 ABDI HANY AHMED 2. Test 2: Write a C program to read temperature in centigrade and display a suitable message according to temperature state below : Temp =40 then Its Very Hot Test Data : 42 AHMED 201704 Expected Output : Its very hot. ABDI HANAD AHMED OMARL201704 4. Test4:Program to create calculator using switch...case 1.Input two numbers and a character from user in the given format. Store them in some variable say num], op and num2. 2.Switch the value of op i.e. switch(op). 3. There are four possible values of op i.e. '+', 4.For case '+' perform addition and store result in some variable i.e. result = num1 + 1-4; '*' and '/'. ABDI HO AHMED num2. 5.Similarly for case '-' perform subtraction and store result in some i.e. result = num1 - num2. Oriable 6.Repeat the process for multiplication and division. 7.Finally print the value of result. VAD AHMED 7794 AHMED WO ABDI AHMED ORL201704 3.Test 3: Write a program in C with loop to display the cube of the name Up to given an integer. Test Inpirata : 104 Input number of terms : 5 Expected Output: Number is : 1 and cube of the 1 is :1 Number is : 2 and cube -ANAD 2 2 is :8 Number is : 3 and Com the 3 is :27 Number is : 4 and cube of the 4 is :64 Number is : 5 and cube of the 5 is :125 1702 20 com? ABDI HANAD ABD HANAD 5. ME AHMED Test5: Write a program to read 10 integer numbers from file "data.txt into an array of size 10, calculate the summation and find out the largest value. OMARE 1) The program should include three more functions, readFile(int*,int), largest(int*,int), summation(int *,int). BDIAS 2)These three functions should be called in ns should be called in the main function. 3)readFile is implemented to read data from "data.txt" into the array. 4)Summation is implemented to calculate the summation value from the array. 5)Largest is implemented to find out the largest value from the array. FANAD BPI HANA BPI HANAD