1. Traditional methods that forensic investigators use to determine human age require the destructive testing of bones or teeth. This presents a problem for crime
1. Traditional methods that forensic investigators use to determine human age require the destructive testing of bones or teeth. This presents a problem for crime scene investigators when the body of the deceased is not available.
A recently developed DNA-based blood test now enables forensic investigators with only a drop of blood for evidence to determine the age of the person who was bleeding. The test also works on dried bloodstains even those revealed by a heat-vision camera. This could help detectives reopen cases that went cold years ago.
This Excel file
Blood Test Measure | Age in Years |
-15.49 | 78.2 |
-11.04 | 51.3 |
-13.62 | 70.1 |
-7.79 | 7.6 |
-14.84 | 77.9 |
-8.3 | 20.1 |
-9.83 | 24.4 |
-15.12 | 65.7 |
-13.31 | 55 |
-14.66 | 72.5 |
-15.77 | 63 |
-15 | 64.7 |
-10.45 | 38.7 |
-7.68 | 26.1 |
-15.93 | 76.2 |
-6.06 | 17.3 |
-16.82 | 77.6 |
-16.74 | 68.1 |
-14.83 | 80.5 |
-8.82 | 27.7 |
-9.72 | 32.2 |
-15.54 | 79.9 |
-7.5 | 14.3 |
-6.55 | 15.4 |
-12.21 | 56.8 |
-10.57 | 51.4 |
-11.12 | 42.3 |
-5.92 | 5 |
-8.03 | 18.5 |
-7.72 | 23 |
-5.04 | 2.9 |
-5.98 | 4.8 |
-8.06 | 10.1 |
-9.55 | 39.9 |
-6.14 | 11.1 |
-15.3 | 81.4 |
-9.55 | 20.3 |
-13.03 | 52.1 |
-6.42 | 7.7 |
-11.92 | 59.8 |
-6.8 | 22.3 |
-13.38 | 53.4 |
-12.92 | 64.8 |
-15.49 | 72.2 |
-12.97 | 66.1 |
-12.53 | 39 |
-12.22 | 65 |
-9.6 | 29 |
-11.42 | 24.6 |
-16.3 | 88.6 |
-10.16 | 46.2 |
-15.13 | 66.9 |
-10.42 | 23.8 |
-8.94 | 22.3 |
-6.76 | 16.7 |
-5.13 | 1.7 |
-13.74 | 64.1 |
-15.41 | 62.7 |
-9.8 | 27.3 |
-8 | 32.8 |
-9.43 | 25.4 |
-13.14 | 52.9 |
-15.58 | 62.9 |
-6.85 | 3.3 |
-8.11 | 27.2 |
-15.89 | 78.7 |
-14.95 | 59 |
-11.92 | 58 |
-7.56 | 31.7 |
-14.65 | 77.1 |
-16.08 | 80.9 |
-10.8 | 55.5 |
-15.83 | 48.8 |
-14.85 | 65.3 |
-9.17 | 47.6 |
-11.84 | 65.1 |
-10.26 | 40.3 |
-5.36 | 7.2 |
-8.25 | 11.4 |
-8.66 | 45.6 |
-16.63 | 82.8 |
-9.72 | 32.6 |
-11.91 | 59.5 |
-11.13 | 39.9 |
-10.3 | 37.9 |
-8.5 | 14.8 |
-4.91 | 4.1 |
-13.16 | 61.6 |
-9.33 | 21.5 |
-8.97 | 41.5 |
-16.03 | 68.9 |
-9.98 | 13 |
-11.02 | 37.6 |
-9.15 | 21.6 |
-11.36 | 35.4 |
-5.3 | 4.9 |
-11.85 | 43.6 |
-11.3 | 44.3 |
-11.14 | 35.8 |
-8.55 | 31.2 |
-12.48 | 50.8 |
-9.41 | 39.8 |
-9.88 | 44.7 |
-5.54 | 7.8 |
-7.08 | 16.7 |
-14.03 | 69.4 |
-10.49 | 39.3 |
-16.05 | 79.6 |
-6.97 | 8.3 |
-8.17 | 25.2 |
-5.64 | 11.3 |
-10.5 | 45.6 |
-7.85 | 33 |
-11.88 | 52.4 |
-9 | 27.9 |
-11.05 | 50.6 |
-6.99 | 10.7 |
-10.99 | 25.8 |
-15.28 | 78.6 |
-9.29 | 46.8 |
-10.6 | 39.5 |
-6.77 | 4.2 |
-12.58 | 46.2 |
-8.57 | 21.9 |
-10.86 | 19.3 |
-7.17 | 10.7 |
-11.02 | 42 |
-5.64 | 17.2 |
-8.16 | 22.1 |
-7.34 | 27.1 |
-9.31 | 26.5 |
-15.6 | 80.8 |
-10.55 | 31.9 |
-14.62 | 74.2 |
-12.88 | 45.3 |
-13.53 | 58.8 |
-13.05 | 48.2 |
-12.51 | 40 |
-9.19 | 16.7 |
-11.46 | 30.2 |
-12.37 | 51.9 |
-12.94 | 59.3 |
-5.2 | 6.9 |
-6.15 | 32.7 |
-14.37 | 72.2 |
-12.83 | 60.9 |
-14.31 | 65.8 |
-7.27 | 22.5 |
-10.6 | 46.6 |
-8.58 | 35.6 |
-14.21 | 72 |
-11.18 | 44.6 |
-6 | 20.9 |
-7.19 | 26.1 |
-14.62 | 68.5 |
-10.99 | 44.5 |
-8.77 | 31.2 |
-16.13 | 81 |
-9.64 | 18.7 |
-15.49 | 70.3 |
-11.04 | 32.8 |
-13.62 | 53.3 |
-7.79 | 31.4 |
-14.84 | 72.2 |
-8.3 | 12 |
-9.83 | 51.2 |
-15.12 | 83.3 |
-13.31 | 67.7 |
-14.66 | 63.2 |
-15.77 | 69.8 |
-15 | 62.5 |
-10.45 | 36.2 |
-7.68 | 32.6 |
-15.93 | 69.6 |
-6.06 | 10 |
-16.82 | 70.2 |
-16.74 | 71.5 |
-14.83 | 81.6 |
-8.82 | 33.1 |
-9.72 | 26.4 |
-15.54 | 63.3 |
-7.5 | 15.2 |
-6.55 | 10 |
-12.21 | 48.5 |
-10.57 | 29.3 |
-11.12 | 36.6 |
-5.92 | 5 |
-8.03 | 20.4 |
-5.77 | 14.5 |
-7.72 | 31.9 |
-8.06 | 13 |
-9.55 | 37.5 |
-6.14 | 15.2 |
-15.3 | 79.4 |
-9.55 | 25.9 |
-13.03 | 49.1 |
-6.42 | 5.9 |
-11.92 | 61.2 |
-6.02 | 6.7 |
-6.8 | 14.1 |
-13.38 | 54.8 |
-12.92 | 60.1 |
-15.49 | 69.4 |
-12.97 | 52.6 |
-12.53 | 49.6 |
-12.22 | 54.8 |
-9.6 | 36.1 |
-11.42 | 54.2 |
-16.3 | 83.5 |
-10.16 | 40.5 |
-15.13 | 71.2 |
-6.44 | 12.2 |
-10.42 | 34 |
-8.94 | 25.5 |
-6.76 | 7.1 |
-13.74 | 38.9 |
-15.41 | 70.1 |
-9.8 | 35.3 |
-8 | 24 |
-9.43 | 26.6 |
-13.14 | 66.1 |
-15.58 | 60.9 |
-6.85 | 22.9 |
-8.11 | 22.2 |
-7.26 | 12 |
-15.89 | 62.8 |
-14.95 | 61.6 |
-11.92 | 53.2 |
-7.56 | 29.5 |
-14.65 | 65.3 |
-16.08 | 79.7 |
-10.8 | 45.3 |
-15.83 | 79.2 |
-14.85 | 65 |
-9.17 | 37.2 |
-11.84 | 38.3 |
-10.26 | 37.2 |
-8.25 | 27.4 |
-8.66 | 28.7 |
-16.63 | 96.2 |
-9.72 | 33.1 |
-11.91 | 44.5 |
-11.13 | 47.6 |
-10.3 | 38.4 |
-8.5 | 26.9 |
-4.91 | 8.4 |
-13.16 | 56 |
-9.33 | 22.6 |
-8.97 | 20 |
-16.03 | 78.1 |
-9.98 | 21.8 |
-3.84 | 10.6 |
-11.02 | 35 |
-9.15 | 21.3 |
-11.36 | 30.6 |
-5.3 | 5.7 |
-11.85 | 39.6 |
-11.3 | 33.3 |
-11.14 | 53.4 |
-8.55 | 19.1 |
-12.48 | 48.9 |
-9.41 | 56.4 |
-9.88 | 45.8 |
-5.54 | 1.9 |
-7.08 | 16.3 |
-14.03 | 69.7 |
-10.49 | 36.1 |
-16.05 | 77.9 |
-6.97 | 19.2 |
-8.17 | 31.4 |
-5.64 | 7.2 |
-5.73 | 8.5 |
-10.5 | 39 |
-7.85 | 14 |
-11.88 | 48.5 |
-9 | 40.8 |
-11.05 | 41.6 |
-6.99 | 20.5 |
-10.99 | 59.3 |
-15.28 | 77 |
-9.29 | 45.1 |
-10.6 | 35.7 |
-6.77 | 4.7 |
-12.58 | 63.8 |
-8.57 | 30.8 |
-10.86 | 51.3 |
-7.17 | 12.8 |
-11.02 | 48.8 |
-8.16 | 32.4 |
-7.34 | 21.2 |
-9.31 | 34.5 |
-4.58 | 22.5 |
-15.6 | 71.4 |
-10.55 | 37 |
-14.62 | 61.8 |
-12.88 | 66.3 |
-13.53 | 66.4 |
-13.05 | 54.2 |
-12.51 | 39.9 |
-9.19 | 30.5 |
-11.46 | 38.4 |
-12.37 | 58.2 |
-12.94 | 61.5 |
-3.41 | 2.4 |
-6.15 | 7.9 |
-14.37 | 82.6 |
-12.83 | 56 |
-14.31 | 65.5 |
-7.27 | 3.5 |
-10.6 | 41.8 |
-8.58 | 23.9 |
-14.21 | 62.2 |
-11.18 | 32.8 |
-5.14 | 3.5 |
-6 | 11.2 |
-7.19 | 24.2 |
-14.62 | 56.3 |
-10.99 | 54.6 |
-8.77 | 27.4 |
-16.13 | 64.7 |
-9.64 | 34.2 |
Blood Test for Age
has data on the DNA-based blood test measurements of 321 volunteer human subjects with known ages from just under 2 to just over 96.
A) A wealthy philanthropist well-known in London's high society was murdered in his home. Sherlock Holmes finds a blood-stained golf club in a dumpster 2 blocks from the philanthropist's home. The blood test measurement on the golf club blood has value -14.2. Use the least squares prediction equation to estimate the age of the person whose blood is on the golf club. ANSWER 63.44
B)Help Holmes solve this murder mystery by calculating a 95% prediction interval for the age of the person whose blood is on the golf club.
-lower bound of prediction interval
-upper bound of prediction interval
Professional sports teams in the National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), National Basketball Association (NBA), and National Hockey League (NHL) are in cities across the United States. Population size of the surrounding metropolitan area is an important consideration when deciding to locate a team of one of the above leagues in a city. This Excel le top SO metro area by pop inc pop percapinc profranch shows the populations of the 50 most populous metropolitan areas in the United States and the number of teams from the above 4 leagues that are located in each metropolitan area. Question 1. What is the slope of the least squares regression line for predicting the number of teams from the population of the metropolitan area? (use 3 decimal places} Question 2. What is the value of SSE, the sum of the squares of the residuals? (use 2 decimal places} Question 3. Estimate :7, the standard deviation of the error term in the simple linear regression model. sr estimate of a (use 2 decimal places) Question 4. Calculate SE{b1}, the estimate of the standard deviation obi of the least squares slope b1 sbl, estimate 01ch1 (use 4 decimal places) Question 5. what is the value of the test statistic for testing Ho: 51 = D? Welect the correct choice below concerning the Pvalue of the test Ho: ,81 = 0 H3: ,81 :=- D O P-value :3 .05 O P-valueStep by Step Solution
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