1. Understanding the difference between open-end and ciosed-endfunds Categorizing Mutual Funds For each of the foliowing statements regarding mutual funds, indicate whether it is true of open-end, closed-end, or both open-and ciosed-end funds. From the table, you can see that mutual funds can be broken down broadly according to the fund's organization. The term mutual fund usually refers to funds, but, on a practical basis, it refers to both open- and closed-end funds. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a particular kind of mutual fund that has characteristics of open-end funds in that the number of shares fixed, but they are similar to closed-end funds because the shares publicly traded. fou can see that mutual funds can be broken down broadly according to the fund's organization. The term mutual fund usually refers funds, but, on a practical basis, it refers to both open-and closed-end funds. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a particular k. of mutual fund that has characteristics of open-end funds in that the number of shares fixed, but they are similar to closed-end funds because the shares publicly traded. Categorizing Mutual Funds For each of the following statements regarding mutual funds, indicate whether it is true of open-end, closed-end; or both open- and ciosed-end funds, From the table, you can see that mutual funds can be broken down broadiy according te organization. The term mutual fund usualiy refers to funds, but, on a practical basis, it refers to both open- and closed-e of mutual fund that has characteristics of open-end funds in that the number of shares because the shares publicly traded. Far arh of the following statements regarding mutual funds, indicate whether it is true of open-end, closed-end, or both open- and closed-end funds. From the table, you at mutual funds can be broken down broadly accerding to the fund's organization. The term mutual fund usually refers to 4 on a practical basis, it refers to both open- and closed-end funds. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a particufar kind of mutual fund that teristics of open-end funds in that the number of shares fixed, but they are simizar to closed-end funds because the shares publicly traded