1. What is Uncle Bruce's plantwide overhead rate? 2. Calculate the departmental overhead rates for Uncle Bruce's three production lines. Round all answers to the nearest cent. 3. Which products have been overcosted by the plantwide rate? Which products have been undercosted by the plantwide rate? Uncle Bruce Snacks makes potato chips, com chips, and cheese pufts using three diffetent production ines within the same manulacturing plant. Currently, Uncle Bruce uses a single plantwide ovorhead rate to alocate its $3,766,400 of annual manufacturing ovechead. Of this amount, $1,840,000 is associated with the potalo chip line, $1,166,400 is associated with the corn chip line, and $760,000 is associaled with the cheese pulf ine. Uncle Bruce's plant is currenty running a fotal of 17,600 machine hours: 10,000 in the potato chip line. 3,600 in the corn chip line, and 4,000 in the cheose puan line. Uncle Bruce considers machine hours to be the cost driver of manutacturing overhead costs. Read the 1. What is Uncle Bruce's plantwide orerhead rate? Delermino the formula for calculating the plantwide overhead rate, then calculate the rate. 2. Calculate the departmental overhead rains for Uncle Bruce's three production ines. Round al answors to the neareat cent. Begin by dotermining the formula for calculating a departments overhesd rate, then calculate the ovechead rates for each depatment: 3. Which products have been overcosted by the plantwide rate? Which products have been underooted by the plantwide nate? For each product, select it it was orercossed or underooved by using the plantwide rate: 2. Calculate the departmental overhead rates for Uncle Bruce's three production lines. Round all answers to the nearest cent. Begin by determining the formula for calculating a departments overhead rate, then calculate the orerhead rates for each deportment. 3. Which products haye benn cvercosted by the plantwide rate? Which groducts have been ungercosted by the plantusle rate? For each product, select if it was overcosted or undercotted by using the plantaide rate