1 Without changing your working directory, create a subdirectory in your Documents directory called Assignments. Change into this new directory (Assignments). Use the pwd command to make sure you are in the correct directory. 2 Without changing your working directory, make another new directory inside Assignments named Assgn1. Change into the Assgni directory and verify you are in the correct directory 3 Use cat to create a simple text file inside the Assgni directory. The filename should be: LastnameFirstname. For example, my file would be named ShafiqueFareha. The file should contain your student number. 4 Use the 1s commands to verify you created the file successfully 5 Use the cat command to see the contents of the file. LastnameFirstname, you created 6 Now use the vim text editor to create another text file in the Asegni directory named course. In this file write: NET211 Introduction to UNIX/Linux Winter 2020 Save and close the file. (Note: you do not need to write the commands you perform inside vim for this step: instead, you will submit the file you created) 7 Use is command to display the detailed information about the 2 files you created including the permissions, size, modification time etc. 8 Change the access permissions of course using chmod so that the user (owner) has read and write permissions, the group has rend permissions, and others luve to permissions at all. The final permissions should be rw-r----- Use the symbolie mode for this step 9. Change the access permissions of the file you created in step 3 (LastnameFirstname) so that the user and group permissions remain unchanged, but others have no permissions at all. Use the octal mode for this step. 10. Use the ls command to display the updated access permissions on both files. 11. Change into your home directory (e.g- /home/student). Verify you are in the correct directory with the appropriate command. 12. Without changing your working directory, create three empty files using the touch command, named harry, ron and hermione. Verify they were created. 13. Change into the Documents directory and verify it worked. 14. Without changing your working directory, use absolute pathnames for both source and destination paths to COPY harry, ron and hermione into the Documents directory. Use is to make sure it worked (check both, your home directory and the Documents directory. Write the command(s) for these checks too.) 15. Without changing your working directory, now use relative pathnames for both source and destination paths to MOVE the harry ron and hermione files from the Documents directory into the Assignments directory. Once again use ls to make sure it worked (check both directories). 16. Change into Assignments and verify it worked. I 17. Delete hermione from your current working directory. 18. Without changing your working directory, move and rename ron (in a single step) from Assignments to Assgnl with the new name of weasley 19. Change into the Assgni directory, then copy and rename harry(in a single step) from Assignments to Assgnl with the new name of potter 20. Use a single find command to get all the files directories in the /var directory containing log anywhere in their name (you will need to use wildcards to do this correctly). The command must be written in such a way that the output is redirected to a file called findresult and the errors redirected to /devull PART TWO: For this part of the assignment, you need to copy the /usr/share/dict/words file to the -/Documents/Assignments/Assgn1 directory. This file contains one word per line. Also, make sure the working directory is - /Documents/Assignments/Assgnl 21. Use the appropriate command to count how many words are in this file. 22. Use grep to count how many words begin with the letter y. 23. Use grep to find all the words that end with ing and save the result in a file called ing result 24. Use grep to find all words that contain the pattem ear anywhere within the word. Save the result in a file called ear result 25. Use grep to find all the words that begin with il. Save the result in a file called il result. PART THREE: For this part of the assignment you will work with the /etc/passwd file. This is a colon separated file. Also, make sure the working directory is -/Documents/Assignments/Assgnl. 26. Copy/etc/passwdinto your working directory (-/Documents/ Assignments/Assel) 27. Use sort to sort passwd alphabetically on the first column and redirect the output to sortechpasswd. 28. Use cut to get the first, third and fourth fields from sortedpasswd and redirect it to a file called users (remember that the delimiter is a colon). 29. Use cut to get the first and seventh fields from passwdand redirect it to a file called logins temp. 30. Sont logins temp on the second column and redirect the output to logins (Hint: View the-k and options of sort