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1. You must create at least 4 pages including the index page. 2. Every link to their respective pages must work. 3. Make sure you

image text in transcribed 1. You must create at least 4 pages including the index page. 2. Every link to their respective pages must work. 3. Make sure you have your resume and classes you are taking 4. You must change for your name. 5. Every page must have the same navigation and footer. You can create templates for this test (extra credit). 6. HTML specifications: a. Title: MAC270 Practical Test Your Name b. Use block division for this test example:


c. Your name must be on the header d. You can use tables on the other pages e. One on the pages must contain form (if form information goes to your email extra credit). 7. Must contain two css files (main.css and responsive.css) 8. Specifications for Responsive CSS a. Class name for first column (one-third) and 47.5% width b. Class name for second column (one-third-second ) and no margins c. Class name for last column (one-third-last) and clear, no float, automatic width and padding 20px 0 0 0. d. Navigation Unordered list and list of item with width of 25% and bottom border of 1px and solid #bababa e. Media screen of 620 max i. Navigation, unordered list and list of items => width of 33% f. Media screen of 500 max i. Navigation, unordered list and list width of 50% and font size of 85% 9. Specifications for the main css file a. Heading 1-6 and paragraphs must have zero margins and zero padding b. Paragraphs should have font size of 93% and line height of 1.5em c. The entire body of all pages must have fonts (Hervetica, Arial or sans-serif), zero padding, zero margins and background color of #3f3f3f d. Images as is displayed in the sample page e. Header should have #E9E9E9 color as background and padding or 40px 0 f. Navigation background of d4d4d4 g. Unordered list within the Navigation ( no margin and no padding) h. Unordered land list of items with the navigation must be left float of the text and font size of 93% with no list style i. Navigation links should have some color when is active and when is visited j. Body Content -> padding of 50px 0 and background color of #FFF k. Footer contain background color or #3f3f3f with white color for the text, center the text with padding of 15px 0

Walter DeLaTorre Home AbOut Me Resume Projects Classes Podofo Contact hp HTML CSS JS Section One Larem ipsum dalor st amet, consectetu adipisicing alit, sed do alusmod t mar ncididumt ut labora at dalore magna aliqua Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud aworcitabion ullamco Section Two orem psum dolor sh amet, consecetur aipisicing lit sad da alsmad tampor inciaidunt ut labore at dolore magna alqua. Ut enim ad minim vaniam, quia nastrud axarctation ulamco Section Three Lorem ipsum dolor st amet, consectetur ut abora et dolore magna aliqua. Ut anim ad Duls aute iure dolor in feprehandarit in velupta?? valt asse cilum delore au fugat nula paratar Exceptour sint accascat cupidatat non proident sunt in Culpa qui omicia deseurt molt anim id est Duis auta inura delor in raprehandant in voluptate vait esse cilum dolore eu fugiat nulia parlatur Exceptaur sint occascat cupidatat non proidant, sunt in culpa qui omicia deserum molit anim id est labons nisi ut ?iquip ax aa comodo consequat Dus auta iure dolor in raprahendarit in voluptate vlt esae clkum dolore su fagiat nula parlatur Excaptour siet occascat cupidatat non proidant, snt in culpa qui oficia de69??1 mall anim id est Spacial Projects Laren ipeam dolorsk amat oansacaturadipisiang ali sad do Glusnod tampor indddurt ut labare dalera magna aliqua It arim ad minim vaniam quis nastrud axarcitation uamco aboris nisi ut aliquip axa commado comsaqut Dus ata nra dolor in rgprahandgrit in wluptata vuk essa dlum dolore ? fuga ula pariatur Excepteur sint occaecat cupidstal non proident sunt in clps qui afficis deserunt molit arim id est lasorum impomant Comen Not itel Laram ipaam door st amat oanseetaturadipisiana aht sad do ?usnod tamper indddunt ut labora at dalers magna aliqua. It arim ad minim vaniam, quis nastrud axarcitation uamco aboris nisi ut aliquip axa commodo comsaquat Dus ata iure dobr r" prahandgrit in voluptat vai essa cilum dolore ? fugiat nula pariatur Excogtour sint occaacat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui offcia deserunt molit anim id est lasorum Lorem ipeum dolor st amet cansecleur adipiaisng eit sed do eluanod tempor incidi durt ut labare et dolore magna aliqua. Ut erim ad minim veniam quis nostrud axerctation lamco aboris risi ut eliqup ex ea commodo const Duis eute iure dolor in reprehenderit in volsptate vel esse clum dalore eu fugia nula parlatur Excepteur sint occaecat oupidatat non poident. sunt n oulpa qui offcia deserunt molit anim id estlasorum Not Vitel Mathematic, Enginserng and Computer Sciance Department

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