1. You will need your linker code (company abbreviation) for stock prices for this question. Use your linker code to obtain lhe closing prices for the following two lime periods to obtain two dala sets: The linker code for slack prices is SPCE. Closingprioe ol'SPCE from March 2. 2021. to March 16, 2021. Dale set A Date Closingprioe March 2 33.77 March 3 32.03 March 4 30.30 March 5 27.29 March 8 26.53 March 9 30.20 March 10 30.59 March 11 33.58 March 12 34.55 March 15 34.30 March 16 32.51 Closing price of SPCE from February 15. 2021. to February 28, 2021, Data set B Date Closing price Closing price after adding 0.5 to each jammy 1,6 59.36 was, February 17 49.59 50.09 February 18 48.79 49.29 February :9 5119 51.69 February 22 47.13 47.63 February 23 44.16 44.66 February 24 46.12 46.62 February 25 42.24 42.74 February 26 37.23 37.73 Take the closing prices from data set B and add 0.5 to each one ofthem. Treat data sets A and B as hypothetical sample level data on the weights of newborns Whose parents smoke cigarettes (data set A), and those whose parents do not (data set B). a) Conduct a hypothesis test to compare the variances between the two data sets. b) Conduct a hypothesis to compare the means between the two data sets. Selecting the assumption of equal variance or unequal variance for the calculations should be based on the results of the previous test. c) Calculate a 95' condence interval for the difference between means. 2. Take data sets A and B and delete duplicated values such that each value is unique even when pooling the two data sets. Just like with the previous problem, treat data sets A and B as hypothetical data on the weights of children whose parents smoke cigarettes, and those whose parents do not, respectively. Conduct a Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test on the data 3. Take the mean and standard deviation of data set A calculated in problem I and assume that they are population parameter; (p and (I) known for the variable sh length in a population of rainbow m in the Goldwater River. imagine that data set R is a sample obtained from a different population in Red River (Chapter 6 problem!) 3) Conduct a hypothesis test to see if the mean sh length in the Red River population is different from the population in Coldwater River. b) Conduct a hypothesis test to see if re variance in sh length is different in the Red River population compared to the variance in the Goldwater population