10. In a process model, when a running process needs to wait for a certain event to continue, the process will be placed into the state of (A) New (B) Blocked/Suspend (C) Exit (D) Ready (E) None of the above Manager (C) Package Manager (D) Telephony Manager (E) Content Providers another process is in the corresponding section of the code is called (A) Mutual exclusion (B) Critical session 11. In Android systems, the contacts with related data are shared and handled by (A) XMPP (B) Resources 12. A section of code within a process that requires access to shared resources and that must not be executed while (C) Critical section (D) Atomic operation (E) None of the above 13. When a process is in the situation of Starvation, it must be in the following state: (A) Ready (B) Blocked (C) Swapped (D) Exit (E) None of the above 14. In the race situation, when multiple processes or threads are trying to read and write certain data items, the final value of the variable is determined by (A) the winner of the race (B) the loser of the race (C) sometimes winner sometimes loser (D) both values combined (E) None of the above 15. Which of the following statement is untrue regarding concurrency mechanisms: (A) Binary semaphore has to be either .0, or1, (B) Mutex has to be either .0' or' ? , (C) Semaphore has to be either .0, or . i , (D) Spinlocks execute in an infinite loop waiting for the value of the lock (E) None of the above 16. Monitor is one of the concurrency mechanisms. It is usually a piece of (A) software (B) hardware (C) firmware (D) may be either of the above (E) None of the above (A) Strong semaphore (B) Weak semaphore (C) Binary semaphore (D) Mutex (E) None of the above atomic primitive (B) semSignal is an atomic primitive (C) They can be implemented in either hardware or 7. A semaphore that does not specify the order in which processes are removed from the waiting queue is called 8. Which of the following statement regarding implementation of the semaphore is untrue? (A) sem Wait is an firmware (D) It may use one of the hardware supported scheme for mutual exclusion (E) None of the above Communication of a message between two processes implies which of the following? (A) Synchronization (B) 19. Atomic operation (C) Blocking of the process (D) Unblocking of the process (E) None of the above Which of the following regarding Readers/Writers problem is untrue? (A) Any number of readers may read the file at the same time (B) Any number of writers may write the file at the same time (C) If a writer is writing to the file, no reader may read it (D) Depending upon the type of implementation, either reader or writer may have priority (E) None of the above