1.0 Intervention Title: Something catchy and relevant. 2.0 Project Summary: A short statement (your 30 second 'pitch") that describes the health problem in relation to a specific population in a specific setting and how this health promotion intervention is going to address this issue. 3.0 Background (can have various subheadings as required) e.g. 1.1, 1.2 . Introduce your chosen health concern (it should beone of the National Priority Areas or easily linked to one). . Describe why it is an important issue, citing statistics where relevant. Introduce your setting & population (e.g. inner city school - primary aged children). Why is this setting/population important for the health promotion intervention. 4.0 Determinant Analysis. I.e. why are children in '* school prone to high rates of obesity Determinants identified in the literature relevant to this general group. Local Needs Assessment (Mock-Data) - specific data about the actual population (e.g. focus groups were conducted: At 'x school there is high prevalence of culturally and linguistically diverse students and families, with limited knowledge about healthy eating; low socio-economic area - lack of money to purchase healthy food; healthy food policy not being implemented and needs revision). If you are making up this data reference as (Mock Data, 2013). If you have actual true data then reference as usual. I am allowing mock data to be used as it is beyond the scope of this unit to do a real needs assessment on your population of interest. 5.0 Related State and National Guidelines (bullet point) - (e.g. latest Nutritional Guidelines, National Physical Activity Guidelines). 6.0 Vision, Goal, Objectives and Strategies Vision - A vision statement Goal . State your goal e.g. "To reduce the prevalence of obesity among children at Westfield High" Objectives For this assessment no more than 3 objectives. Each objective must relate to one of the social-ecological determinants of health namely: the (1) social/family environment, (2) physical environment and (3) policy. The objectives must also relate to some of the key determinants identified in section 1.0. For example (obesity at 'x primary school). Objective 1 (educate parents about healthy eating); Objective 2 (encourage healthy food choices at school); Objective 3