(12) Uist the crimes reported to hrve occurred invebics in ward 20 whin a suce premury desergtion of "UOTCA VemicuE THEST - Show the seconden ioscripoun doterk. communtsy arra turberi and hiocy have a lackion tha warta with "inthiche" - Sart vie reita ty diathet then by gecond an destipticen (1.3) List the crimes reported With a primany desorptoon of 'CKIMINAL TRESPASS' that occurred in wand 33 where an arrest has been made. - Show the primary description, way di district, FB: code, and locition description. - Sort the resuits by primary description then by ward then by district 10 (14) List the crimes regarted between Lantudes 4202 and 42.021 (inclustie) that hive location descripton of SIDENALK? - Show the vele from the FEl_coos ubie, ward, distnct Wock and date (1.4) List the crimes reportod between fatitudes 42.02 and 42.021 (inclusive) that have a location description of "SIDEWALK": - Show the title from the Fgi codetable ward, district block, and date. + Sort the resils ty ward then by district then by tirla 15. Build a deta ed thet all crimes reported to have occurted in locationes under munapernent of thit Chicape Howirs auchinity wad number? 20 mhere an arrust isas beenimade - Shbor the cale number, ruce primary descripcion, luts secondiany tenaripecor communityarearnumber, ung digtrict number = + Order the ranut by secondicy desichobritran orinary beschetion - Hiotelocitors under dite 10 (D) 18 (26) Biuld a desalod up of crimes ogaivut Prsperty reporticd to have occurred in datrigt? 7 at locanons with a descripocn of PApx pecrentre - Show the care rumben lich primpry descripon luca seconday derription, tati. and block: - Ordee thermes by secoediry describrion ithen primary dimcripen - Note Only inclede crimes column kquas Thoperty" community acea narite then by arrest. 10 (18) List the crimes reported to have occurred at exactly 10.00 Am oen December 14.2018. - Shove the sitie from the FBl_code rable, ward, district. cominunity area number, and location diescriptign: - Sort the repuls bydiatrict then by tite then by ward. (0) (19) Suppose you work for (110) Suppose you kneintas (12) Uist the crimes reported to hrve occurred invebics in ward 20 whin a suce premury desergtion of "UOTCA VemicuE THEST - Show the seconden ioscripoun doterk. communtsy arra turberi and hiocy have a lackion tha warta with "inthiche" - Sart vie reita ty diathet then by gecond an destipticen (1.3) List the crimes reported With a primany desorptoon of 'CKIMINAL TRESPASS' that occurred in wand 33 where an arrest has been made. - Show the primary description, way di district, FB: code, and locition description. - Sort the resuits by primary description then by ward then by district 10 (14) List the crimes regarted between Lantudes 4202 and 42.021 (inclustie) that hive location descripton of SIDENALK? - Show the vele from the FEl_coos ubie, ward, distnct Wock and date (1.4) List the crimes reportod between fatitudes 42.02 and 42.021 (inclusive) that have a location description of "SIDEWALK": - Show the title from the Fgi codetable ward, district block, and date. + Sort the resils ty ward then by district then by tirla 15. Build a deta ed thet all crimes reported to have occurted in locationes under munapernent of thit Chicape Howirs auchinity wad number? 20 mhere an arrust isas beenimade - Shbor the cale number, ruce primary descripcion, luts secondiany tenaripecor communityarearnumber, ung digtrict number = + Order the ranut by secondicy desichobritran orinary beschetion - Hiotelocitors under dite 10 (D) 18 (26) Biuld a desalod up of crimes ogaivut Prsperty reporticd to have occurred in datrigt? 7 at locanons with a descripocn of PApx pecrentre - Show the care rumben lich primpry descripon luca seconday derription, tati. and block: - Ordee thermes by secoediry describrion ithen primary dimcripen - Note Only inclede crimes column kquas Thoperty" community acea narite then by arrest. 10 (18) List the crimes reported to have occurred at exactly 10.00 Am oen December 14.2018. - Shove the sitie from the FBl_code rable, ward, district. cominunity area number, and location diescriptign: - Sort the repuls bydiatrict then by tite then by ward. (0) (19) Suppose you work for (110) Suppose you kneintas