14. (Haltepeleta) Residents of an picale neighborhood are complaining that can drive to fast on the road through their neighborhood Suppose tut unknown to the law enforcement officials doing some research the average speed can travel down this modis 146 miles per hour(e) with a standard deviation of 36 mph Suppose further that the distribution of these speed is ked High Supposee lw enforcement of plan to take use of 150 cars traveling this road and were their peedarting point for their research. Although these officials we do this, uppe many, many rande samples of size 150 were taken and the sample vergeted were recorded for sample 1) pint What would you expect the verge of these many, many ample average to 2) pelata) What would you expect the standard deviation of these many, many sample VITR obe 3) (2 polls What would you expect the distribution of these many, many sample averages 1 belle the best anawe Approximately normally distributed 6) Appratimately uniformly distributed .) Skewed let d) Skewed right There would be no distribution they would all be the same value Qotion 14. stond 4 points) Based on your answer to parta (1) through would it be unusual for the officials to see the average speed of 150 randomly selected as on this street to be 37 mple or more vide my neceway writhmete and/or drew pictures to support you awer below 14. (Haltepeleta) Residents of an picale neighborhood are complaining that can drive to fast on the road through their neighborhood Suppose tut unknown to the law enforcement officials doing some research the average speed can travel down this modis 146 miles per hour(e) with a standard deviation of 36 mph Suppose further that the distribution of these speed is ked High Supposee lw enforcement of plan to take use of 150 cars traveling this road and were their peedarting point for their research. Although these officials we do this, uppe many, many rande samples of size 150 were taken and the sample vergeted were recorded for sample 1) pint What would you expect the verge of these many, many ample average to 2) pelata) What would you expect the standard deviation of these many, many sample VITR obe 3) (2 polls What would you expect the distribution of these many, many sample averages 1 belle the best anawe Approximately normally distributed 6) Appratimately uniformly distributed .) Skewed let d) Skewed right There would be no distribution they would all be the same value Qotion 14. stond 4 points) Based on your answer to parta (1) through would it be unusual for the officials to see the average speed of 150 randomly selected as on this street to be 37 mple or more vide my neceway writhmete and/or drew pictures to support you awer below