15-'0532021 AsaeESmEHLZ Managing mum research to a national initiative called Plastic Free .July as detailed in: mailmplasticfreewagf The Council has indicated that it wishes to promote Plastic Fee .July to local residents, schools and businesses. Specically, discussions with senior management indicate that its objectives for the campaign are: . To create awareness amongst local business, schools and residents about the problems associated with single use plastic. . To encourage local business, schools and residents to get involved in the challenge to attempt not to use any singleuse plastic during July. The council understands that it needs to compete with a range of numerous environmental initiatives, so they would like to ensure that marketing communication is innovative and creative to capture the attention of the target groups. The Council's overall communication and marketing strategy indicates that, generally, a combination of advertising, editorial, digital and social media are to be used for all marketing campaigns, along with targeted community engagement activities as relevant i.e. one event or more must be conducted. There is a small budget attached to the campaign, $5,000. Essentially it is expected that the budget may cover an event or series of events during Plastic Free July and that marketing communications need to focus on low cost marketing communications options. Assume that it is April and you have approximately 12 weeks to plan and implement the campaign. Complete the following activities: 1. Research marketing communication tools Research marketing communications options for Broad Shire Council, using the Plastic Free July web site as your main resource. You will be required to prepare a report and action plan for senior management that will need to be approved prior to developing and implementing marketing communications {Assessment Task 3}, using the brieng report and action plan templates provided to you. Using the Plastic Free July web site and any other resources you choose, research possible marketing communication options to achieve the stated marketing communication objectives of raising awareness and encouraging behavioural change, as well as to meet the budget allocated. Review at least six options for marketing communications, ensuring that you identify and evaluate a mix of marketing communication options in accordance with the Council's overall communication and marketing strategy as indicated in the scenario. Your report will need to explain traditional marketing communication techniques and their relevance to Council's requirements, as well as how such techniques can be integrated with digital and social media marketing to form an effective integrated marketing communication campaign. As the customer is the key in integrated marketing communication, you should also explain the impedance of customercentric marketing. 2. Write a brieng report for marketing communication Develop a briefing report that includes: :.-'-'ec'.a.c immepum'opmsea'-S-'ai nicenfi'l-B 2'5 Imps E