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175 Homework B Section 6.3 (Part II) 1 of 3 WebAssign 175 Homework B Section 6.3 (Part II) (Homework) Current Score : - /

175 Homework B Section 6.3 (Part II) 1 of 3 WebAssign 175 Homework B Section 6.3 (Part II) (Homework) Current Score : - / 5 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Thursday, September 24 2015 11:59 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.3.016. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region enclosed by the curves f(x) = x2 and g(x) = x + 6 about the x-axis. 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.3.024. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region enclosed by the graphs about the y-axis over the given interval. x = 4 y, x = 16 y2 3. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.3.026. Let R be the region enclosed by f(x) = x2 + 2, g(x) = (x 2)2 and the axes x = 0 and y = 0. Compute the volume V obtained by rotating R about the x-axis. (Hint: Express V as a sum of two integrals.) V= 9/15/2015 8:58 PM 175 Homework B Section 6.3 (Part II) 2 of 3 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.3.028. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region A in the figure below about the line y = 6. 9/15/2015 8:58 PM 175 Homework B Section 6.3 (Part II) 3 of 3 5. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.3.036. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region B in the figure below about the y-axis. 9/15/2015 8:58 PM 175 Section 6.2/6.4 (Part II) B 1 of 3 WebAssign 175 Section 6.2/6.4 (Part II) B (Homework) Current Score : - / 7 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Thursday, September 24 2015 11:59 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.4.046. Use the most convenient method (Disk or Shell Method) to find the given volume of rotation. Region between x = y(5 y) and x = 0, rotated about the x-axis. 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.4.048. Find the volume of rotation of the region underneath the graph of y = x x5 in the figure below about the y-axis. 9/15/2015 9:02 PM 175 Section 6.2/6.4 (Part II) B 2 of 3 3. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.4.050. Find the volume of rotation of the region enclosed by the graphs of y = x3 + 2, y = 4 x2, and x = 2 as shown in the figure about the line y = 1. 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.2.028. Charge is distributed along a glass tube of length 6 cm with linear charge density (x) = x(x2 + 1)2 104 coulombs per centimeter for 0 x 6. Calculate the total charge. (Round your answer to two decimal places.) 105 coulombs 5. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.2.030. Odzala National Park in the Republic of the Congo has a high density of gorillas. Suppose that the radial population density is (r) = 55(4 + r2)2 gorillas per square kilometer, where r is the distance from a grassy clearing with a source of water. Calculate the number of gorillas within a 7-km radius of the clearing. (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.) gorillas 9/15/2015 9:02 PM 175 Section 6.2/6.4 (Part II) B 3 of 3 6. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.2.032. Find the total mass of a circular plate of radius 23-cm whose mass density is the radial function (r) = 0.08 + 0.01 cos(r2) g/cm3. (Round your answer to two decimal places.) g 7. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.2.036. The velocity of fluid particles flowing through a tube of radius 5 cm is v(r) = 10 0.6r 0.16r 2 cm/s, where r cm is the distance from the center. What quantity per second of fluid flows through the portion of the tube where 0 r 2? (Round your answer to two decimal places.) cm3/s 9/15/2015 9:02 PM 175 Section 6.2 (Part I) B 1 of 2 WebAssign 175 Section 6.2 (Part I) B (Homework) Current Score : 6 / 6 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Thursday, September 24 2015 11:59 PM MDT 1. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersRogaCalcET2 6.2.009. Find the volume V of the solid whose base is the circle x2 + y2 = 9 and whose cross sections perpendicular to the x-axis are triangles whose height and base are equal. V = 72 2. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersRogaCalcET2 6.2.011. Find the volume V of the solid whose base is the semicircle y = 16 x2 , where 4 x 4 and whose cross sections perpendicular to the x-axis are squares. V = 256/3 3. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersRogaCalcET2 6.2.014. The base of the solid is the region enclosed by y = x2 and y = 3. The cross sections perpendicular to the y-axis are rectangles of height y3. Compute the volume of the solid. 363 4. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersRogaCalcET2 6.2.015. Find the volume V of the solid whose base is the region |x| + |y| 8 and whose cross sections perpendicular to the y-axis are semicircles (with diameter along the base). V= 5123 9/15/2015 9:00 PM 175 Section 6.2 (Part I) B 2 of 2 5. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersRogaCalcET2 6.2.017. The area of an ellipse is ab, where a and b are the lengths of the semimajor and semiminor axes. Compute the volume of a cone of height h = 60 whose base is an ellipse with semimajor axis a = 12 and semiminor axis b = 10. 2400 6. 1/1 points | Previous AnswersRogaCalcET2 6.2.018. Find the volume V of a regular tetrahedron whose face is an equilateral triangle of side length 6. V= 182 9/15/2015 9:00 PM 175 Section 6.4 B 1 of 3 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel WebAssign 175 Section 6.4 B (Homework) Current Score : - / 6 Due : Thursday, September 24 2015 11:59 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.4.010. Use the Shell Method to compute the volume obtained by rotating the region enclosed by the graphs as indicated, about the y-axis. y = 64 x3, y = 64 16x, for x 0 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.4.020. Use the Shell Method to compute the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region underneath the graph of y = 1 x2 over the interval [1, 1], about the line x = 7. 3. -/1 points Use the Shell Method to calculate the volume of rotation about the x-axis. x = y(4 y), x = 0 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.4.031. Let R be the region under the graph of y = 9 x2 for 0 x 2. Use the Shell Method to compute the volume of rotation of R about the x-axis as a sum of two integrals along the y-axis. Hint: The shells generated depend on whether y [0, 5] or y [5, 9]. 9/15/2015 9:01 PM 175 Section 6.4 B 2 of 3 5. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.4.037. Use the Shell Method to find the volume V of the solid obtained by rotating the region above the graph of y = x2 + 3 and below y = 7 for 0 x 2 about the line y = 3. V= 9/15/2015 9:01 PM 175 Section 6.4 B 3 of 3 6. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.4.041. Use the Shell Method to find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region below the graph of y = x2 + 5 and above y = 0 for 0 x 5 about x = 5. V= 9/15/2015 9:01 PM 175 Section 6.5 A 1 of 1 WebAssign 175 Section 6.5 A (Homework) Current Score : - / 6 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Wednesday, September 16 2015 03:00 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.001. How much work is done raising a 7-kg mass to a height of 13 m above ground? (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2.) J 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.003. Compute the work W required to stretch a spring from equilibrium to 7 cm past equilibrium, assuming that the spring constant is k = 150 kg/s2. W= J 3. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.004. Compute the work W required to compress a spring from equilibrium to 15 cm past equilibrium, assuming that the spring constant is k = 130 N/m. W= J 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.007. If 5 J of work is needed to stretch a spring 10 cm beyond the equilibrium, how much work, W, is required to stretch it 16 cm beyond the equilibrium? W= J 5. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.011. Calculate the work against gravity required to build box of height 5 m and square base of side 2 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2.) J 6. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.013. Calculate the work against gravity required to build the right circular cone of height 5 m and base of radius 1.5 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to one decimal place.) J 9/15/2015 8:57 PM 175 Section 6.5 B 1 of 1 WebAssign 175 Section 6.5 B (Homework) Current Score : - / 4 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Thursday, September 24 2015 11:59 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.006. Compute the work W required to compress a spring 11 cm more when it is already compressed 5 cm, assuming that the spring constant is k = 140 N/m. W= J 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.009. A spring obeys a force law F(x) = kx1.1 with k = 100 N/m. Find the work required to stretch a spring 0.3 m past equilibrium. (Round your answer to two decimal places.) J 3. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.012.Tutorial. Calculate the work against gravity required to build a cylindrical column of height 3 m and radius 0.8 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to the nearest integer.) J 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.014. Calculate the work against gravity required to build the hemisphere of radius 0.4 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to one decimal place.) J 9/15/2015 9:04 PM 175 Section 6.5 A 1 of 1 WebAssign 175 Section 6.5 A (Homework) Current Score : - / 6 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Wednesday, September 16 2015 03:00 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.001. How much work is done raising a 7-kg mass to a height of 13 m above ground? (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2.) J 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.003. Compute the work W required to stretch a spring from equilibrium to 7 cm past equilibrium, assuming that the spring constant is k = 150 kg/s2. W= J 3. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.004. Compute the work W required to compress a spring from equilibrium to 15 cm past equilibrium, assuming that the spring constant is k = 130 N/m. W= J 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.007. If 5 J of work is needed to stretch a spring 10 cm beyond the equilibrium, how much work, W, is required to stretch it 16 cm beyond the equilibrium? W= J 5. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.011. Calculate the work against gravity required to build box of height 5 m and square base of side 2 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2.) J 6. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.013. Calculate the work against gravity required to build the right circular cone of height 5 m and base of radius 1.5 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to one decimal place.) J 9/15/2015 8:57 PM 175 Section 6.5 B 1 of 1 WebAssign 175 Section 6.5 B (Homework) Current Score : - / 4 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Thursday, September 24 2015 11:59 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.006. Compute the work W required to compress a spring 11 cm more when it is already compressed 5 cm, assuming that the spring constant is k = 140 N/m. W= J 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.009. A spring obeys a force law F(x) = kx1.1 with k = 100 N/m. Find the work required to stretch a spring 0.3 m past equilibrium. (Round your answer to two decimal places.) J 3. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.012.Tutorial. Calculate the work against gravity required to build a cylindrical column of height 3 m and radius 0.8 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to the nearest integer.) J 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.014. Calculate the work against gravity required to build the hemisphere of radius 0.4 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to one decimal place.) J 9/15/2015 9:04 PM \f175 Section 6.5 A 1 of 1 WebAssign 175 Section 6.5 A (Homework) Current Score : - / 6 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Wednesday, September 16 2015 03:00 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.001. How much work is done raising a 7-kg mass to a height of 13 m above ground? (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2.) J 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.003. Compute the work W required to stretch a spring from equilibrium to 7 cm past equilibrium, assuming that the spring constant is k = 150 kg/s2. W= J 3. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.004. Compute the work W required to compress a spring from equilibrium to 15 cm past equilibrium, assuming that the spring constant is k = 130 N/m. W= J 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.007. If 5 J of work is needed to stretch a spring 10 cm beyond the equilibrium, how much work, W, is required to stretch it 16 cm beyond the equilibrium? W= J 5. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.011. Calculate the work against gravity required to build box of height 5 m and square base of side 2 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2.) J 6. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.013. Calculate the work against gravity required to build the right circular cone of height 5 m and base of radius 1.5 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to one decimal place.) J 9/15/2015 11:38 PM 175 Section 6.5 B 1 of 1 WebAssign 175 Section 6.5 B (Homework) Current Score : - / 4 Abdulaziz Alfoudri Math 175 Fall 2015, section 006, Fall 2015 Instructor: Thomas Kinzel Due : Thursday, September 24 2015 11:59 PM MDT 1. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.006. Compute the work W required to compress a spring 11 cm more when it is already compressed 5 cm, assuming that the spring constant is k = 140 N/m. W= J 2. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.009. A spring obeys a force law F(x) = kx1.1 with k = 100 N/m. Find the work required to stretch a spring 0.3 m past equilibrium. (Round your answer to two decimal places.) J 3. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.012.Tutorial. Calculate the work against gravity required to build a cylindrical column of height 3 m and radius 0.8 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to the nearest integer.) J 4. -/1 pointsRogaCalcET2 6.5.014. Calculate the work against gravity required to build the hemisphere of radius 0.4 m out of a lightweight material of density 600 kg/m3. (Assume that acceleration due to gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2. Round your answer to one decimal place.) J 9/15/2015 11:39 PM

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