In Chapter 6 we discussed the withe-water rapids view of change, which refers to situations in which unpredictable changes is normal and expected, and managing it is a continual process. Do you think it's possible to establish and maintain effective standards and controls in this type of environment? Discuss.
L018.5 Six management control issues employee theft, workplace violence, customer interactions, and corporate governand place privacy For each of these issues, managers need to have policies in place to control inapprone ate actions and ensure that work is getting done efficiently and effectively. Adjusting controls for cross-cultural difference ifferences may be needed primarily in the areas of measuring and taking corrective actions. Organizations should clearly cone municate to managers and employees how to approach and respond to routine . nonroutine situations within and outside the hor he home country . Employees who use the Internet and social media for personal use are not entitled to privacy. Organizations need to establish clear policies that outline the differences betwen proper and improper use and the consequences for usin for using technology inappropriately. Employee theft is costly to organizations. Procedures for monitoring theft and the consequences for committing a theft should be clearly explained to employees. Workplace violence is a prevalent problem. Organizations need to develop emer. Chapter 18 cidents of violence that include protecting the safety her interactions because employee service productivity erceptions of service value. Organizations want ships among their employees and customers used to govern a corporation so that the inter. board of directors looks out for the interests t called for more disclosure and transparency tavern a corporation offed to allbommi sd for ement 510 Borismione Goto my complete the problems marked with REVIEW AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS mounted original pur 18-1. Why is control an essential managerial function in all 18-7. In Chapter 6 we discussed the white-water rapids types of organizations? view of change, which refers to situations in which 18-2. State the information sources for measuring unpredictable change is normal and expected, and performance. managing it is a continual process. Do you think it's 18-3. Discuss the four main workplace discipline problems. possible to establish and maintain effective standards 18-4. What do the two liquidity ratios-current and acid- and controls in this type of environment? Discuss. actually measure and reveal? 18-8. "Every individual employee in an organization 18-5. Explain the balanced scorecard approach to plays a role in controlling work activities." Do you evaluating organizational performance. agree with this statement, or do you think control is 18-6. Why is control important to customer interactions? something that only managers are responsible for? Explain. Pearson MyLab Management If your professor has assigned these, go to mymanagementlab.com for the following Assisted-graded writing questions: 18-9. Why is control important to customer interactions? 18-10. What are some work activities in which the acceptable range of variation might be higher than average? What about lower than average? (Hint: Think in terms of the output from the work activities, whom it might affect, and how it might affect them.)