1st picture is the assignment. the 2nd and 3rd are samenows list
Today, you'll need to look at the opening scenes of Shakespeare's Hamlet, or Othello, which you can find online at: shakespeare.mit.edu (and many other sites). Because the plays of Shakespeare were originally intended to be seen, not read, I strongly encourage students to view at least one film version of each of the plays. Better yet, select a scene or two and view them in two or more different versions, which are easily available on Youtube. Here is one good version of the full play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuXyOVDnqkM Consider the character of Hamlet: does he exhibit any of the characteristics from Samenow's list? n - thirsts for excitement by doing what is forbidden n. needs to feel unique, powerful sets himself apart, bullying others n is competitive: an arrogant winner or a revenge-seeking loser n as a child, seeks to prove himself while struggling with carefully concealed fears n to him, reputation is all important; will turn violent if feels his self-image threatened n violence is his way of gaining, or regaining, control nl lies as a way of life, in order to preserve his self-image. for a sense of power over others; hides behind a mask of secrecy that few if any ever penetrate n has no concept of obligation, rarely keeps promises: although there is an urgency to his every demand, he is none too quick to comply with request made of others takes, but rarely gives; has an inflated self-image. assumes people will do his bidding n does not know true friendship, trust, love, loyalty. teamwork nt there is a sensitivity and gentleness that is as sincere as his selfishness and destructiveness; he has a Jekyll & Hyde personality ns scorns people who are hardworking and honest n exploits people who are kind and trusting n may be sentimental but rarely considerate; altruistic acts have sinister motives has little if any remorse, but knows right from wrong n despite his actions, considers himself a good person ni is rational, calculating, deliberate - chooses criminal peers and criminal behavior n n nr rarely does career criminal stick to one type of crime criminal behavior has its precedent in thoughts (of the crime) n was sneaky and defiant, lying to parents; he gravitated toward adventurous, older kids; his crime is caused by conflicts that are rooted in childhood and remain unresolved