2. Importance of ethics (Connect, Perform) Think about why ethics are especially important in today's business environment and complete the following sentence When nearly all Americans in a recent survey said that they believe executives base decisions primarily on what will advance their careers, the survey respondents were indicating ethics in business management. Despite broad regulatory reforms after the Enron scandal over a decade ago, corporate boards stil are not providing the oversight necessary to prevent ethical lapses, according to an article in the Harvard Business Review. Which of the following are likely areas of concern for corporations? Check all that apply. Executive bonuses are based on a number of qualitative and quantitative measures rather than just on stock price Corporations place too much emphasis on pleasing shareholders and not enough on meeting the needs of other stakeholders such as customers, employees, and members of the public. Executives' pay exceeds their value to the organization, as indicated by historical measures Corporations focus on meeting short-term earnings goals rather than on creating long-term value. AN Grader Now Save Think about why ethics are especially important in today's business environment and complete the following sentence. When nearly all Americans in a recent survey said that they believe executives base decisions primarily on what will advance respondents were indicating ethics in business management. Despite broad regulatory refo of serious concerns about al over a decade ago, corporate boards still are not providing the overs prevent ethical lapses, accord great confidence in Ivard Business Review. Which of the following are likely areas of concen corporations? Check all that basic satisfaction with Executive bonuses lack of interest in qualitative and quantitative measures rather than just on stock price. Corporations place too much emphasis on pleasing shareholders and not enough on meeting the needs of other stakel customers, employees, and members of the public. Executives' pay exceeds their value to the organization, as indicated by historical measures Corporations focus on meeting short-term earnings goals rather than on creating long-term value. Grade it Now Contine Type here to search t e e x 9023