2 The Methods For each of the following, create a static method with the appropriate inputs and outputs. Call each of them in the main method. 2.1 Uniqueness Write a method called unique which takes in a List and returns true if all the items in the List are unique. All the items are unique if none of them are the same. Return false otherwise. 2.2 All Multiples Write a method named allMultiples) which takes in a List of integers and an int. The method returns a new List of integers which contains all of the numbers from the input list which are multiples of the given int. For example, if the List is [1,25,2,5,30, 19,57,2,25] and 5 was provided, the new list should contain [25,5,30,25 2.3 All Strings of Size Write a method named allStringsOfsize ) which takes in a List
and an int length. The method returns a new List which con- tains all the Strings from the original list that are length characters long For example, if the inputs are ["I"like, "to" "eat" e eat" "apples", "and", bananas and 3, the new list is "eat", "eat eat", "and" 2.4 isPermutation Write a method called isPermuaion which takes in two List objects which contain the same types. It returns true if the Lists are permutations of each other and false if not. Two lists are permutations if they contain the same elements, including the same number of duplicates, but they don't have to contain the elements in the same order. For example, [1,2, 4] and [2,1,4] are permutations of each other 2.5 String To List of Words Write a method called stringToListofwords which takes in a String con- verts it into a list of words. We assumes that each word in the input string is separated by whitespace. Use the equals0 metbhod. The split O method of String can split an input up along a provided special string called a regular expression or regez. A regex is mach like a code for pattern, and splitO will match anything in that pattern. The regex"+matches any amount of whitespace