2.3 Binary Periodic Number A binary periodic number is a binary decimal number consisting of a periodic/recurring decimal part. 100.01-101 is an example of a binary periodic number. Here, 100 is called the characteristic, 01 is called the anti-period, 101 is called the period. Hence, a binary periodic number can be represented as characteristic.antiperiod period where characteristic antiperiod, period can be empty, but a string where all of them are empty is not valid. Examples of valid strings are .10.00, 10.1, 10.10, . But is an invalid string. A binary periodic umber can be represented as a rational number by applying the The characteristic is evaluated as starting from right to left multiply each digit by the . The anti-period is evaluated as starting from left to right divide by the non-zero powers following rules powers of 2. In this example, 22 +0 21 +0 2 4 of 2. In this example example, 101 evaluates to 5, length(period-3. Hence result is ph) = The period is evaluated as starting from right to left multiply each digit by the powers of 2. Then,divide the result by 2-1 where 1 is the length of the period. In this . The rational number which represents the binary periodic number is obtained by adding the value of characteristic, anti-period and period. In this example 100.01101 evaluates to 4 + )- .The rational nurnber should be in the simplifed form Implement the following A constructor RationalNumber (String s) where string s is of format characteristic.antiperiod period. The constructor should parse the string s and convert the binary periodie number to a rational number. Hint: . Char Java.lang.String.charAt (int index) returns the char value at the specified index . Char java.lang.String.substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) returns a new string that is a substring of this string