2-45. After completing a course in database management, you are asked to develop a preliminary ERD for a gym database. The entity types that should be included are as shown in Table 2-3. During further discussions you dis- cover the following: The employees can be staff or trainers. The Employee type field is used to distinguish between the two, which take the values "S" and "T" for staff and trainer bon respectively. Each member can opt for one or more programs. The gym offers several programs. A program might not be chosen by any member of the gym. The gym's management wishes to track the payment details of the members (Amount, Mode of Payment, and Date of Payment). Suggest how they can track this. Construct an ER diagram to represent your findings from this situation. Establish the relationship and identify the business rules and how they have been modeled on the ER diagram. What is the identifier for ProgramOpted entityis it composite or primary? If payment informa- tion is also to be stored in this entity, which other attri- butes are you likely to add? Are there any foreign keys? If there are, what are they? Draw a data model for this situa- tion using the tool you have been told to use in the course. TABLE 2-3 Entity Types for Problem and Exercise 2-45 Member The members of the gym. Identifier is Members, and other attributes are Name, Age, Gender, Email, Contact number, Address, LocationID Employees Trainers and other staff at the gym. Identifier is Employeels, and other attributes are Employee Type, Name, Email, Contact Number, Reporting Time, Address, Location Program Available Program for working out at the gym, such as aerobics and weight training. Identifier is Programid, and other attributes are Program Name, Duration, Charges. Program Opted Which member at the gym has opted for which program. This entity contains the fields MemberID ProgramlD, Starting Date, Ending Date. Location The region of operation of the gym that has several branches in the city. Identifier is LocationID, Name, Contact Number, Address