26. Robinson Industries: Organization of the EDP Function Introduction Robinson Industries is a loosely knit conglomerate that offers centralized data processing services to its affiliated companies. To improve the attractiveness of its services, the data processing department this past year introduced online services. Several affiliates have become or are becoming users of this service. It has resulted in a reorganization of the data processing department that concerned Mat Dossey, the senior on the audit. Dick Goth, the semi-senior on the engagement, reported that the client had not prepared a new organization chart but agreed to see what he could find out. His report is as follows: Data Processing Department Organization The data processing department now consists of 25 people reporting to the president through the director of data pro- cessing. In addition to these data processing department employees, key committees perform important roles, as do the internal and external auditors for the company. The inter- nal auditors now report operationally to the board of direc- tors and functionally to the president. Committees Selected functions of key committees that are important to the management and control of the data processing depart- ment are described briefly in the following: Data Processing Committee This committee, composed of three members of the board of directors, meets as required to review and evaluate major changes in the data processing area and to review approval of pricing of all services offered. Their responsibilities also include a review of major agree- ments with hardware and software vendors. Audit Committee In its oversight of the audit function, this committee of the board of directors is directly concerned with the quality of the records and reports processed by the department and the controls employed. User Groups These groups consist of representatives from online users within a specific geographic area. They meet periodically throughout the year to discuss common areas of interest, possible enhancements, and current problems relat- ed to the online system. The results of these group meetings are reported directly to the data processing department through a user advisory Committee. Data Processing Department Data processing department management consists of five managers who report to the director through an assistant director. The department management meets weekly to review the status of projects, customer service levels, and any problems. Weekly status reports are then prepared and distributed to each level of line management. Formal meetings with Robinson's president are held quarterly or more often if required, to review future plans and past performance. The following describes the sections within the depart- ment under the direction of each of the five managers. Online Services Online Technical Staff This staff conducts all user train- ing, conversions, and parameter definitions necessary to set up a new user. Training classes are conducted at the data processing center. Conversion assistance is provided to the user prior to the initiation of online services. If conversion programs are required, these are defined by the online ser- vices section to the online analyst programmers for program preparation. During the first month after conversion of a new user, calls are directed to online services: thereafter, user calls are directed to the user liaison section. Applications Coordinator This person is responsible for coordinating the approval of user and data processing de- partment project requests, assisting in the requirements defi- nition of a systems maintenance project, monitoring ongoing projects, and approving project test results. Operations Data Communications Coordinator This person monitors all service levels and response time related to the communi- cations network and terminals. The coordinator receives all user calls regarding communications problems. The coordi- nator logs all calls, identifies the nature of the problem, and reports the status of the problems until they are corrected. Computer Operators This section consists of operators, su- pervisors, and librarians who execute, review, and service the daily computer production runs, special computer runs, and program compilations and tests. The operations are scheduled on a 24-hour basis for 6 days a week. Shift supervisors review all online operations and prepare written documentation of each problem encountered. Scheduler This person is responsible for setting up the computer job runs and adjusting them for online special requests. User Liaison This staff consists of four people who re ceive, log, and report all questions of potential problems, other than communications problems, by online users. User input is obtained through telephone calls, letters, and online messages over the communications network and notes from user committee meetings. Online Reports Control This staff is responsible for the distribution of all hard copy output to all users. Microfiche are sent directly to users from the outside processing vendor. Logs are maintained where appropriate to control distribu- tion and to reconcile items such as check numbers and divi- dend totals. Systems and Programming Online Analyst Programmers This staff is responsible for all the applications and system software programming required for the online system. Systems analysis and pro- gramming consist primarily of maintenance to existing computer programs, correction of problems, and enhance- ments to the current applications. In-House Analyst Programmer This staff is responsible for all applications and system software programming not online Research and Development This staff evaluates and conducts preliminary investigations into new applications such as electronic funds transfers. Marketing This staff responds to requests for information regarding the services provided by the data processing department. Once a user signs an online service agreement as a new user, that member is turned over to online services for training and conversion. Required Based on Dick Goth's report, prepare an organization chart of the data processing department and of its relationships to the rest of the organization affecting it