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280/o 2 21257 ID /' C. O on -' p. 5. E: m 3 on Fl. CD 0 :>' CD 0. r: > O Ci

280/o 2 21257 ID /' C. O on -' p. 5. E: m 3 on Fl. CD 0 :>' CD 0. r: > O Ci Module Four > Module Four Assignments > Application Assignment 2 k "L * 9 c r . N Application ASSIgnment 2 / v 2016-FalI-MA2025EOL44 fi (Statistical Problem A Solving 44) Application Assignment 2 Attached Files: D Breakfast Cereals.xlsx (15.865 KB) Application Assignment #2 You work for a hospital that has a specialized center for obesity and weight management. Your boss assigns you the task of analyzing supposedly "healthy" breakfast cereals in the following data set: l----l -J l---J gi --J -J ---J -l l-J l---J l---J L...-l (This data set has also been attached above as an Excel document.) Examine and evaluate the data set for K significant findings (eg. mean, standard deviation, scatterplot, histogram, bar chart etc.) which will be used in educational materials for patients. i' .] giOB'II'Q 'E'T,' 280/02 21256 0 IEI l usd I II-II I Il-Il- 1 I vllhl -r I ml :l 'r "" '::',C ,..--------'4 - va KM 7 fr 7 7 - g 7 fi 7 AM Datafile Name: Cereals Datafile Subjects: Food , Health Story Names: Healthy Breakfast Reference: Data available at many grocery stores Authorization: free use Description: Data on several variable of different brands of cereal. A value of -1 for nutrients indicates a missing observation. Number of cases: 77 Variable Names: 1. 2. NHOKDOON'ICUU'Jb-PUO O'UUUh-b Name: Name of cereal mfr: Manufacturer of cereal Where A = American Home Food Products; G = General Mills; K = Kelloggs; N = Nabisco; P = Post; Q = Quaker Oats; R = Ralston Purina . type: cold or hot . calories: calories per serving . protein: grams of protein . fat: grams of fat . sodium: milligrams of sodium . fiber: grams of dietary fiber . carbo: grams of complex carbohydrates . sugars: grams of sugars potass: milligrams of potassium . vitamins: vitamins and minerals - O, 25, or 100, indicating the typical percentage of FDA recommended . shelf: display shelf (1, 2, or 3, counting from the floor) . weight: weight in ounces of one serving . cups: number of cups in one serving . rating: a rating of the cerealsOB'II'Q 1'3,' 280/oi; 21256 . calories: calories per serving . protein: grams of protein . fat: grams of fat . sodium: milligrams of sodium fiber: grams of dietary fiber carbo: grams of complex carbohydrates sugars: grams of sugars . potass: milligrams of potassium / . vitamins: vitamins and minerals - O, 25, or 100, indicating the typical percentage of FDA recommended 3. shelf: display shelf (1, 2, or 3, counting from the floor) 4. weight: weight in ounces of one serving 5. cups: number of cups in one serving 6. rating: a rating of the cereals r The Data: Npomooqcvcnqs. name mfr type calories protein fat sodium fiber carbo sugars potass vitamins shelf weight cups rating 100%;Bran N C 70 4 1 130 10 5 6 280 25 3 1 0.33 68.402973 100%-Natural-Bran Q C 120 3 5 15 2 8 8 135 0 3 1 1 33.983679 All-Bran K C 70 4 1 260 9 7 5 320 25 3 1 0.33 59.425505 All-Bran-with-Extra-Fiber K C 50 4 0 140 14 8 0 330 25 3 1 0.5 93.704912 Almond-Delight R C 110 2 2 200 1 14 8 -1 25 3 1 0.75 34.384843 Apple-Cinnamon-Cheerios G C 110 2 2 180 1.5 10.5 10 70 25 1 1 0.75 29.509541 Apple-Jacks K C 110 2 0 125 1 11 14 30 25 2 1 1 33.174094 Basic-4 G C 130 3 2 210 2 18 8 100 25 3 1.33 0.75 37.038562 Bran-Chex R C 90 2 1 200 4 15 6 125 25 1 1 0.67 49.120253 Bran-Flakes P C 90 3 0 210 5 13 5 190 25 3 1 0.67 53.313813 Cap'n'Crunch Q C 120 1 2 220 0 12 12 35 25 2 1 0.75 18.042851 Cheerios G C 110 6 2 290 2 17 1 105 25 1 1 1.25 50.764999 Cinnamon-ToaSt-Crunch G C 120 1 3 210 0 13 9 45 25 2 1 0.75 19.823573 Clusters G C 110 3 2 140 2 13 7 105 25 3 1 0.5 40.400208 Cocoa-Puffs G C 110 1 1 180 0 12 13 55 25 2 1 1 22.736446 Corn-Chex R C 110 2 0 280 0 22 3 25 25 1 1 1 41.445019 Corn-Flakes K C 100 2 0 290 1 21 2 35 25 1 1 1 45.863324 Corn-Pops K C 110 1 0 90 1 13 12 20 25 2 1 1 35.782791 Count-Chocula G C 110 1 1 180 0 12 13 65 25 2 1 1 22.396513 Cracklin'-0at-Bran K C 110 3 3 140 4 10 7 160 25 3 1 0.5 40.448772 Cream-of-Wheat-(Quick) N H 100 3 0 80 1 21 0 -1 0 2 1 1 64.533816 Crispix K C 110 2 0 220 1 21 3 30 25 3 1 1 46.895644 Crispy-Wheat-&-Raisins G C 100 2 1 140 2 11 10 120 25 3 1 0.75 36.176196 Double-Chex R C 100 2 0 190 1 18 5 80 25 3 1 0.75 44.330856 Froot-Loops K C 110 2 1 125 1 11 13 30 25 2 1 1 32.207582 Frosted-Flakes K C 110 1 0 200 1 14 11 25 25 1 1 0.75 31.435973 Frosted-Mini-Wheats K C 100 3 0 0 3 14 7 100 25 2 1 0.8 58.345141 Fruit-&-Fibre-Dates,-WalnutS,-and-Oat5 P C 120 3 2 160 5 12 10 200 25 3 1.25 0.67 40.917047 Fruitful-Bran K C 120 3 0 240 5 14 12 190 25 3 1.33 0.67 41.015492 Fruity-Pebbles P C 110 1 1 135 0 13 12 25 25 2 1 0.75 28.025765 Golden-Crisp P C 100 2 0 45 0 11 15 40 25 1 1 0.88 35.252444 Golden-Grahams G C 110 1 1 280 0 15 9 45 25 2 1 0.75 23.804043 Grape-NutS-Flakes P C 100 3 1 140 3 15 5 85 25 3 1 0.88 52.076897 Grape-Nuts P C 110 3 0 170 3 17 3 90 25 3 1 0.25 53.371007 Great-Grains-Pecan P C 120 3 3 75 3 13 4 100 25 3 1 0.33 45.811716 Honey-Graham-Ohs Q C 120 1 2 220 1 12 11 45 25 2 1 1 21.871292 Honey-Nut-Cheerios G C 110 3 1 250 1.5 11.5 10 90 25 1 1 0.75 31.072217 Honey-comb P C 110 1 0 180 0 14 11 35 25 1 1 1.33 28.742414 Just-Right-Crunchy--NuggetS K C 110 2 1 170 1 17 6 60 100 3 1 1 36.523683 Just-Right-Fruit-&-Nut K C 140 3 1 170 2 20 9 95 100 3 1.3 0.75 36.471512 Kix G C 110 2 1 260 0 21 3 40 25 2 1 1.5 39.241114 Life Q C 100 4 2 150 2 12 6 95 25 2 1 0.67 45.328074 Lucky-Charms G C 110 2 1 180 0 12 12 55 25 2 1 1 26.734515 Maypo A H 100 4 1 0 0 16 3 95 25 2 1 1 54.850917 Muesli-Raisins,-Dates,-&-Almonds R C 150 4 3 95 3 16 11 170 25 3 1 1 37.136863 Muesli-Raisins ,-Peaches ,-&-Pecans R C 150 4 3 150 3 16 11 170 25 3 1 1 34.139765 Mueslix-Crispy-Blend K C 160 3 2 150 3 17 13 160 25 3 1.5 0.67 30.313351 Multi-Grain-Cheerios G C 100 2 1 220 2 15 6 90 25 1 1 1 40.105965 Nut&H0ney-Crunch K C 120 2 1 190 0 15 9 40 25 2 1 0.67 29.924285 Nutri-Grain-Almond-Raisin K C 140 3 2 220 3 21 7 130 25 3 1.33 0.67 40.692320 Nutri-grain-Wheat K C 90 3 0 170 3 18 2 90 25 3 1 1 59.642837 Oatmeal-Raisin-Crisp G C 130 3 2 170 1.5 13.5 10 120 25 3 1.25 0.5 30.450843 Post-Nat.-Raisin-Bran P C 120 3 1 200 6 11 14 260 25 3 1.33 0.67 37.840594 Product-19 K C 100 3 0 320 1 20 3 45 100 3 1 1 41.503540 Puffed-Rice Q C 50 1 0 0 0 13 0 15 0 3 0.5 1 60.756112 Puffed-Wheat Q C 50 2 0 0 1 10 0 SO 0 3 0.5 1 63.005645 Quaker-Oat-Squares Q C 100 4 1 135 2 14 6 110 25 3 1 0.5 49.511874 Quaker-Oatmeal Q H 100 5 2 0 2.7 -1 -1 110 0 1 1 0.67 50.828392 Raisin-Bran K C 120 3 1 210 5 14 12 240 25 2 1.33 0.75 39.259197 Raisin-Nut-Bran G C 100 3 2 140 2.5 10.5 8 140 25 3 1 0.5 39.703400 Raisin-Squares K C 90 2 0 0 2 15 6 110 25 3 1 0.5 55.333142 Rice-Chex R C 110 1 0 240 0 23 2 30 25 1 1 1.13 41.998933 Rice-Krispies K C 110 2 0 290 0 22 3 35 25 1 1 1 40.560159 Shredded-Wheat N C 80 2 0 0 3 16 0 95 0 1 0.83 1 68.235885 Shredded-Wheat-'n'Bran N C 90 3 0 0 4 19 0 140 0 1 1 0.67 74.472949 Sh redded-Whea t-spoon-s ize N C 90 3 0 0 3 20 0 120 0 1 1 0 . 67 72. 801787 Smacks K C 110 2 1 70 1 9 15 40 25 2 1 0.75 31.230054 Special-K K C 110 6 0 230 1 16 3 55 25 1 1 1 53.131324 Strawberry-Fruit-Wheats N C 90 2 0 15 3 15 5 90 25 2 1 1 59.363993 Total-Corn-Flakes G C 110 2 1 200 0 21 3 35 100 3 1 1 38.839746 Total-Raisin-Bran G C 140 3 1 190 4 15 14 230 100 3 1.5 1 28.592785 Total-Whole-Grain G C 100 3 1 200 3 16 3 110 100 3 1 1 46.658844 Triples G C 110 2 1 250 0 21 3 60 25 3 1 0.75 39.106174 Trix G C 110 1 1 140 0 13 12 25 25 2 1 1 27.753301 Wheat-Chex R C 100 3 1 230 3 17 3 115 25 1 1 0.67 49.787445 Wheaties G C 100 3 1 200 3 17 3 110 25 1 1 1 51.592193 Wheaties-Honey-Gold G C 110 2 1 200 1 16 8 60 25 1 1 0.75 36.187559

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