3 2. Type in the program given below using the template, main.asm. Comment out the include statement. Add the statement "RAMStart EQU $0900" right above the statement "ROMStart EQU $4000." Replace the variable definitions in the template by the variables in this homework. Replace the instructions in the template by the instructions in this homework . Do not leave any space in the beginning of a statement with the directive EQU, DS or DC. Leave at least a space before each instruction. Do not remove the statements "XDEF Entry, Startup" and "ABSENTRY Entry;" the labels "En- try" and "Startup," and the Interrupt Vectors" section in the template. 3. Compile and run it using "Single-Step" to find out what each instruction does. Make sure that the memory contents starting at the address $900 are displayed in the memory window. RAMStart EQU $0900 ROMStart EQU $4000 ORG RAMStart DS.B DS.B 5 DS.W vd DC.B $A$10.$B,"B" DC.W $03.$10,8900,8910,"1" ORG ROMStart Idaa #$12 staa va Idx $914 Idx #8914 Idan -1.x staa -12.x Idab 1,+x Idy b.x stab by sta 3x Idd sta (dx Idx #vd Idaa 2,x+ Idan 3,x+ staa 1,- rts va vb ve ve #5 3 2. Type in the program given below using the template, main.asm. Comment out the include statement. Add the statement "RAMStart EQU $0900" right above the statement "ROMStart EQU $4000." Replace the variable definitions in the template by the variables in this homework. Replace the instructions in the template by the instructions in this homework . Do not leave any space in the beginning of a statement with the directive EQU, DS or DC. Leave at least a space before each instruction. Do not remove the statements "XDEF Entry, Startup" and "ABSENTRY Entry;" the labels "En- try" and "Startup," and the Interrupt Vectors" section in the template. 3. Compile and run it using "Single-Step" to find out what each instruction does. Make sure that the memory contents starting at the address $900 are displayed in the memory window. RAMStart EQU $0900 ROMStart EQU $4000 ORG RAMStart DS.B DS.B 5 DS.W vd DC.B $A$10.$B,"B" DC.W $03.$10,8900,8910,"1" ORG ROMStart Idaa #$12 staa va Idx $914 Idx #8914 Idan -1.x staa -12.x Idab 1,+x Idy b.x stab by sta 3x Idd sta (dx Idx #vd Idaa 2,x+ Idan 3,x+ staa 1,- rts va vb ve ve #5