3 2. Type in the program given below using the template, main.asm. Comment out the include statement. Add the statement "RAMStart EQU $0900 right above the statement "ROMStart EQU $4000. Replace the variable definitions in the template by the variables in this homework. Replace the instructions in the template by the instructions in this homework. . Do not leave any space in the beginning of a statement with the directive EQU, DS or DC. Leave at least a space before each instruction. . Do not remove the statements "XDEF Entry, Startup" and "ABSENTRY Entry," the labels "En try" and "Startup," and the "Interrupt Vectors" section in the template. 3. Compile and run it using "Single-Step" to find out what each instruction does. Make sure that the memory contents starting at the address $900 are displayed in the memory window. RAMStart EQU $0900 ROMStart EQU $4000 ORG RAMStart DS.B DS.B 5 DS.W vd DC.B $A$10.$B,"B" DC.W $03,$10,8900,8910,"1" ORG ROMStart Idaa #$12 staa Idx $914 #$914 Idan -1.x -12.x Idab 1,+x Idy b.x stab by 3.x Idd dx/ Idx #vd Idaa 2,x+ Idan 3.x+ 1,- va vb ve ve VA Idx stan stan stas staa rts 3 2. Type in the program given below using the template, main.asm. Comment out the include statement. Add the statement "RAMStart EQU $0900 right above the statement "ROMStart EQU $4000. Replace the variable definitions in the template by the variables in this homework. Replace the instructions in the template by the instructions in this homework. . Do not leave any space in the beginning of a statement with the directive EQU, DS or DC. Leave at least a space before each instruction. . Do not remove the statements "XDEF Entry, Startup" and "ABSENTRY Entry," the labels "En try" and "Startup," and the "Interrupt Vectors" section in the template. 3. Compile and run it using "Single-Step" to find out what each instruction does. Make sure that the memory contents starting at the address $900 are displayed in the memory window. RAMStart EQU $0900 ROMStart EQU $4000 ORG RAMStart DS.B DS.B 5 DS.W vd DC.B $A$10.$B,"B" DC.W $03,$10,8900,8910,"1" ORG ROMStart Idaa #$12 staa Idx $914 #$914 Idan -1.x -12.x Idab 1,+x Idy b.x stab by 3.x Idd dx/ Idx #vd Idaa 2,x+ Idan 3.x+ 1,- va vb ve ve VA Idx stan stan stas staa rts