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#3 Final Project BMGT 364 Mike Davis worked for one of the big outdoor sporting goods stores for more than seven years. Although he never

#3 Final Project BMGT 364 Mike Davis worked for one of the big outdoor sporting goods stores for more than seven years. Although he never completed his degree, Mike took some management courses at the local community college. The knowledge he gained from his coursework along with his own tenacity enabled him to rise into entry-level management. Although Mike enjoyed his job, he couldn't help wondering if there was more to life. Mike always wanted to open his own business because he wanted to be his own boss and thought he might be able to earn a decent living. Recently, retired from a career with the school system as a PE teacher and sports coach, Mike's Aunt Daisy was looking to fulfill her dream of having an outdoor adventure business. She had inherited some property years back but had not done anything with the land to this point. When Aunt Daisy learned that Mike was thinking along the same lines, she determined it was time to start a business. The two decided to go into business together and brought in Mike's younger brother, Ethan, who was working part-time as an athletic trainer. The trio combined their savings and started hashing out a plan to use the five acres of land that Aunt Daisy had inherited. The concept was open a business where teenagers, young adults, and work teams from local businesses could enjoy hours of outdoor fun and entertainment. There was limited sports and entertainment for the target audience so the family decided to open a themed outdoor paint ball park, which they called Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park. Outdoor Adventure offers customers a choice of five battlefields, each offering a different level of play. Each field provides a unique experience for hours of enjoyment. There is the civil war field with a simulated headquarters and trenches; an old castle, which is made of multiple levels and a tower; the woods, which offers a true woodsy battle with placement of several man-made buildings for additional cover; the village, which is a large field with a wooded section running down one side, a two story building and bunkers in the middle, with a creek running down the other side; and the hill, which contains a wooded section and a number of bunkers on a steep incline. A small store is strategically placed in a location central to the fields to eliminate the need for guests to leave the playing area. The costs to customers vary, with rental packages starting at $25 per person. Customers may also purchase a la carte based on their individual needs. Additionally, season passes are available for a cost of $150 and birthday party packages are available for $300. The minimum age to participate in a paint ball event is 10 years. In addition to the five battle fields, there are six air ball fields that are formatted for 3, 5 and 7-man tournament play. Air ball fields offer a variety of layouts that are constantly changed to keep up with the latest craze in tournament play. Many of the fields have dedicated fill stations to eliminate the need for players to leave the field to reload. The facility also includes a shooting gallery designed to allow individuals to sharpen their shooting skills. The gallery contains high velocity paint guns and a variety of still and moving targets. Players may practice aiming, have shootouts or just blast away at targets for sheer enjoyment. Mike manages the business and spends most of his time in his office with the door closed, Ethan trains new employees and supervises paint ball events, and Aunt Daisy has oversight of the shooting gallery. The business started with three employees but has grown quickly to a staff of 20. The venture seemed like a good idea. The family's passion for sports and working with youth appeared to be paying off. There are loyal repeat customers who purchase expensive equipment and supplies from Ethan. These customers also enjoy attending extra training and information sessions. The tournaments have become popular and the local news has been covering the events. Moreover, the business has a reputation for being a safe family friendly environment. However, recently, Outdoor Adventure has been experiencing growing pains. Scheduling is becoming more challenging as the activities on the field increase. Staff is pulled from one area of the park to provide coverage in another. Employees are starting to complain that they do not understand their job duties outside of the paint ball fields and feel they need additional training and procedures. Additionally, a major event was missed due to double-booking. A number of customers have expressed their displeasure with the service and, as a result, spending less time on the field. Local businesses are not responding to special discounts for employee events. There has been an increase in workplace mistakes but fortunately these have not resulted in serious accidents. Customers and employees are starting to question the leadership and often ask, \"How long can a business like this one last?\" or \"Who's running the show?\" Mike has noticed a dip in sales and is now starting to feel they are losing control of the business. While the two closest competitors are 30 - 45 miles away and do not offer nearly the same amenities, Mike understands that if they do not do something quickly, their customer base may decide travel to the competition. Moreover, his passion for owning a sports-oriented business is waning. He is concerned about the continued success of the business but the work no longer seems fun or interesting. Aunt Daisy, on the other hand, is not interested in discussing the books and does not see any need to worry. She is not concerned about what Mike calls \"a few random incidents\" and sees the dip in sales as an indication that it would be a good idea to expand the offering. In fact, she has been presented with the possibility of forming a paint ball competing team. She feels this opportunity is too big to pass up and wants to convince the others that it's a good time to pursue. Course Reference links Outline For The Consultancy Report I. Title Page The title page of a formal report works in collaboration with the cover page to provide a solid introduction to the consulting report. Your team's report will certainly have a sense of permanence; it will likely be filed and periodically reviewed and consulted. Therefore, the title page should include specific information regarding the report: Names of the authors or other contributors, including contact information and the name of the organization you're working within. A very good and specific title that reflects, as much as possible, the main points of the report The name of the business or organization that your team is consulting II. Executive Summary An executive summary is designed primarily to serve the person who, at least initially, does not intend to read the entire report. It usually states the main points of each section and emphasizes results, conclusions, and recommendations, usually in around three pages. Executive summaries are ideally suited to the needs of readers who are seeking advice about a decision or a course of action. These summaries are called executive summaries because some decision makers rely wholly upon their advisors to read and evaluate the rest of the report. For the purposes of this project, the executive summary should be three pages, and should concentrate on listing the tasks performed by the team. This would involve summarizing problem/opportunity areas, methodology, conclusions, and recommendations. It's not a bad idea to develop an executive summary during the early stages of your team's writing process, as this document can help to provide your team some focus. Keep in mind, however, that this will also be a document that will need to be revised to properly reflect your report. III. Introduction to the Report The introduction allows your readers to preview the nature of the project you have undertaken for your client. Essentially, the introduction forecasts the basic organization of the report. Some writers and readers insist that the following questions should always be addressed and/or considered in the introduction to the report: What is the problem or the opportunity? Be specific. Whenever you can, quantify. Describe the problem or opportunity in monetary terms, because the proposal itself will include a budget of some sort and you want to convince your readers that spending money on what you propose is smart. Be positive. In other words, don't say that a problem is slowing down production; say that it is costing $4,500 a day in lost productivity. What is the purpose of the proposal? Even through it might seem obvious to you, the purpose of the proposal is to describe a problem or opportunity and propose a course of action. Be specific in explaining what you want to do. What is the background of the problem or the opportunity? In answering this question, you probably will not be telling your readers anything they don't already know. Your goal here is to show them that you understand the problem or opportunity, as well as the relationships or events that will affect the problem and its solution. What are your sources of information? Review the relevant literature, including internal reports, memos, external public articles, or even books, so that your readers will understand the context of your work. Clients are looking to you for sound advice. If your research is sloppy, incomplete, and rather nominal (for example, you checked out a few websites that the client could do on his or her own free time), your report will be less 3 convincing, and your ethos as a provider of sound advice will be suspect. The best reports always contain complete and thorough research--and complete and thorough research cannot be completed in the waning moments of the semester. What is the scope of your proposal? If appropriate, indicate what you are proposing to do as well as what you are not proposing to do. What is the organization of the proposal? Indicate the organizational pattern you will use in the proposal. What are the key terms that will be used in the proposal? If you will use any new, specialized, or unusual terms, the introduction is an appropriate place to define them. In addition, you will want to include the following information in your introduction: The report is written both to provide the client with a record of the project and to fulfill one of the requirements for Management 451. List the members of the consulting team, and acknowledge anyone who has provided the team with assistance, including your project advisor and the faculty who have taught Management 451. IV. Background Because not all clients will necessarily be competent in your field, the background section needs to clearly articulate the context behind your research. The Background Sections require you to conduct comprehensive research. Your suggestions need to be based on the research that your team has conducted, and this research needs to be demonstrated to your client. Again, your ethos as a sound provider of business advice is largely based on the research that supports your findings and ideas. Background Sections Normally all of the categories of background information listed in the report outline can be fully developed. The order of these sections can be varied if such an alteration makes sense. Open the \"background\" sequence with a major heading, BACKGROUND, followed by a brief introduction that explains how the background sections help to key frames of reference for your analysis. Open each section with an appropriate heading. The generic headings can be revised so that they are more specific. For example, Client Profile can be revised to read A Look at Our Client: Historic Harmar Merchants. Clearly organize each of the sections. Open each section with an introductory preview of the material. Even more importantly, end each section with a conclusion that summarizes and explains to the client what the information is designed to demonstrate. Relate and unify all of the sections so that it reads as a coherent whole. Use good transitions between sections, and conclude with a section in which you pull together and evaluate the background. The Background section is an important phase in researching and coming to understand your client, the firm, and the situation and environment in which they operate. It is an important part in the structure of your final paper, and should be between 8 and 10 pages. Please remember that the Background section is not the place to analyze problems and opportunities. These sections provide the background and frame of reference for the analysis of the problems. V. a Client Profile The purpose of the Client Profile is to both \"bring the client to life\" and to tie the information together by explaining how it helps portray your client as a member of the business community. Do not hesitate to interpret information and to draw conclusions. If your client is a group of people of whom your contact person is a member, you may want to treat the group as a \"collective client.\" Do a profile of the group as a whole (for example, the history and makeup of a governing board.) Some things that you will want to include in the Client Profile: Places of residence Educational and training background Career experience Civic interests and activities How and why your client became interested in this business Your client's business philosophy and/or attitude towards business Any other information that contributes to a portrait of your client as a person who has chosen to become the operator of a small business VI. Defining the Firm's Objectives This section should include: A description of the firm's short-term and long-term objectives Prioritization of primary and secondary objectives Objectives should be stated as specifically as possible (for example, \" increase net income by 20% of the end of FY 2005\"). VII. Defining the Team's Tasks First, this section should clearly describe the tasks that the consulting team has agreed to carry out and explain how the team and client chose those tasks. Normally, these tasks can be identified concisely (for example, \"Task One: Developing a Market Plan. Task Two: Selecting a New Location\"). This section should also identify any tasks that the team originally agreed to perform but which, for whatever reason, was unable to complete. The team must clearly point out how a general task breaks down into component tasks. For example, \"Developing a Market Plan\" will involve several component tasks. The tasks may include: \"Designing and Administering a Market Survey\"; \"Designing an Advertising Strategy\[Type the document title] [Type the document subtitle] hp Consultancy Report for Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park This consultancy report is focused on Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park, aimed at helping the management solve the problems currently being faced by the organization. Currently, the organization is facing problems such as poor human resource management, planning, controlling, utilization of resources and communication. After years of successful operation, Outdoor Adventure has begun experiencing problems. Due to the fast growth rate, scheduling activities is becoming more difficult. Due to poor human resource management, the staffs do not know their responsibilities anymore since they are being pulled from one area of the organization to another area to provide services. Because of this, they are less motivated, feel overworked and feel the need for more training. Also, poor management has resulted to double booking of events; a major event was missed, leading to a number of customers expressing displeasure. The customer base is slowly reducing. Local business, the major customers of the park, no longer respond to the parks offers and promotions. Also, the number of workplace mistakes has increased, resulting to minor accidents and in the process, tarnishing the organizations' reputation of Family safety. The solution to these problems can only be attained by rethinking the whole organizational structure and management style. Currently, the business uses traditional corporate approach where power is to a single authority. This approach has evidently done more harm to the business than good. The management of the organization should embrace the collaborative approach that recognizes power is greatest when exercised as a team. By using collaborative corporate approach, the management will be able to encourage participation in the decision making activities across all levels. By adopting the collaborative management approach, the management of Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park will be able to allow solutions for management problems to develop from the ideas of the group and thus take the team approach to problem solving. Introduction Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park is a firm dedicating to providing outdoor recreation activities to the young people and teams from surrounding businesses. After years of successful operation, Outdoor Adventure has begun experiencing problems. Due to the fast growth rate, scheduling activities is becoming more difficult. Due to poor human resource management, the staffs do not know their responsibilities anymore since they are being pulled from one area of the organization to another area to provide services. Because of this, they are less motivated, feel overworked and feel the need for more training. Also, poor management has resulted to double booking of events; a major event was missed, leading to a number of customers expressing displeasure. The customer base is slowly reducing. Local business, the major customers of the park, no longer respond to the parks offers and promotions. Also, the number of workplace mistakes has increased, resulting to minor accidents and in the process, tarnishing the organizations' reputation of Family safety. Purpose of the proposal The purpose of this proposal is to provide a workable solution for the problems being faced by Outdoor Adventure Park. The proposal will provide a clear insight to the problem and recommendation to the problem solution. Background of the problem The problems being faced by Outdoor Adventure Park are due to poor management. The organization was started without a clear business plan. The purpose of a business plan is to outline the organizational structure, allocate resources and responsibilities among the staff, and state a clear cut objectives, vision, mission statement and goals of the organization. Because of lack of an organizational structure, the customers and the employees have started to question the leadership and management of the company, wondering who was running the show. Also, lack of organizational structure has resulted to poor human resource management, the employees lack proper training and don't really understand their duties and responsibilities anymore. Sources of the information The information used to compile the data comes from a case study carried out earlier about the Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park. Scope of the proposal This proposal aims at providing the management of the Outdoor Adventure Paintball park with recommendations to help them solve their current management problems. The proposal is barely offering recommendations to the management. The management is not under any obligation to follow the recommendations of this report. A Look at the History of the Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park The Park was founded by Mike, Daisy and Ethan with a specific objective of providing a chance for business teams and young people to enjoy outdoor sports in a controlled environment. Mike is the General Manager of the park while Ethan takes care of human resource management and Daisy is in charge of the shooting range. As a general manager, mike is responsible for ensuring the organization runs smoothly. Ethan ensures that the staff is well trained and Daisy supervises the shooting range. Currently, Outdoor Adventures Paintball Park employs over 20 full time employees and offers five different outdoor activities. The organization has been running for a number of years now without an organizational structure. This has resulted into a number of problems that we aim to solve with this proposal. Client Profile Name of the Client: Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park. Ownership: Partnership (Mike, Daisy and Ethan) Top management team: Mike (General Manager, Ethan (Human resource manager) and Daisy (Supervisor) Industry: Sports and recreation. Consultancy Tasks 1. Develop the right management style for the organization. -Give reasons why a given management style has been chose. -Explain the four core functions of management -Explain how the four management functions are related to each other. 2. Develop roles and responsibility of the owners and employees. -Discuss why these positions are important in the business. 3. Make specific recommendations for improving the management of the park. Conclusion and recommendations For the organization to solve its problems, it should change its entire organizational structure. Instead of using the traditional management style, the organization should strive to utilize the better and modern Collaborative management approach. By using collaborative corporate approach, the management will be able to encourage participation in the decision making activities across all levels. By adopting the collaborative management approach, the management of Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park will be able to allow solutions for management problems to develop from the ideas of the group and thus take the team approach to problem solving. From our research, it's clear that the employees and the management do not understand their responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities of the in the organization should be assigned as follows. 1. General Manager- Managing the overall activities of the organization. 2. Human resource manager- Managing all activities in the business associated with employee training, payment, allocation of duties, performance appraisal and transfers. 3. Operational manager- The operational manager will be in charge of ensuring that all activities in the organization run smoothly. These activities include, ensuring proper scheduling of events, ensuring that employees supervise the activities to avoid accidents, and supervising the employees during their activities. 4. Workers- The workers should perform the task according to their training and the allocation by the human resource manager. The collaborative approach recommended will help the organization to solve its problems including; failed to determine the best way to organize resources, including personnel; underestimates the importance of recruitment, job design and descriptions, and training; assumed that motivation will occur naturally; fails to define standards and other measurable outcomes; ignored negative information; Delayed actions to improve organizational outcomes Summary Conclusion We are happy to have the opportunity to present our findings to your organization. We hope that our recommendations will be taken into consideration to help you company achieve its goals and objectives References Table of Contents Consultancy Report for Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park............................................................................1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................2 Purpose of the proposal...................................................................................................................................3 Background of the problem.............................................................................................................................3 Sources of the information...............................................................................................................................4 References........................................................................................................................................................4 Scope of the proposal.......................................................................................................................................4 Client Profile.....................................................................................................................................................5 Consultancy Tasks.............................................................................................................................................5 Conclusion and recommendations..................................................................................................................6 Summary Conclusion........................................................................................................................................7 References........................................................................................................................................................8 Consultancy Report for Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park This consultancy report is focused on Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park, aimed at helping the management solve the problems currently being faced by the organization. Currently, the organization is facing problems such as poor human resource management, planning, controlling, utilization of resources and communication. After years of successful operation, Outdoor Adventure has begun experiencing problems. Due to the fast growth rate, scheduling activities is becoming more difficult. Due to poor human resource management, the staffs do not know their responsibilities anymore since they are being pulled from one area of the organization to another area to provide services. Because of this, they are less motivated, feel overworked and feel the need for more training. Also, poor management has resulted to double booking of events; a major event was missed, leading to a number of customers expressing displeasure. The customer base is slowly reducing. Local business, the major customers of the park, no longer respond to the parks offers and promotions. Also, the number of workplace mistakes has increased, resulting to minor accidents and in the process, tarnishing the organizations' reputation of Family safety. The solution to these problems can only be attained by rethinking the whole organizational structure and management style. Currently, the business uses traditional corporate approach where power is to a single authority (Suzanne, Dexter and Andrew, Organizational change for Corporate sustainability). This approach has evidently done more harm to the business than good. The management of the organization should embrace the collaborative approach that recognizes power is greatest when exercised as a team. By using collaborative corporate approach, the management will be able to encourage participation in the decision making activities across all levels (Suzanne, Dexter and Andrew, Organizational change for Corporate sustainability) By adopting the collaborative management approach, the management of Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park will be able to allow solutions for management problems to develop from the ideas of the group and thus take the team approach to problem solving. Introduction Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park is a firm dedicating to providing outdoor recreation activities to the young people and teams from surrounding businesses. After years of successful operation, Outdoor Adventure has begun experiencing problems. Due to the fast growth rate, scheduling activities is becoming more difficult. Due to poor human resource management, the staffs do not know their responsibilities anymore since they are being pulled from one area of the organization to another area to provide services. Because of this, they are less motivated, feel overworked and feel the need for more training. Also, poor management has resulted to double booking of events; a major event was missed, leading to a number of customers expressing displeasure. The customer base is slowly reducing. Local business, the major customers of the park, no longer respond to the parks offers and promotions. Also, the number of workplace mistakes has increased, resulting to minor accidents and in the process, tarnishing the organizations' reputation of Family safety. Purpose of the proposal The purpose of this proposal is to provide a workable solution for the problems being faced by Outdoor Adventure Park. The proposal will provide a clear insight to the problem and recommendation to the problem solution. Background of the problem The problems being faced by Outdoor Adventure Park are due to poor management. The organization was started without a clear business plan. The purpose of a business plan is to outline the organizational structure, allocate resources and responsibilities among the staff, and state a clear cut objectives, vision, mission statement and goals of the organization. Because of lack of an organizational structure, the customers and the employees have started to question the leadership and management of the company, wondering who was running the show. Also, lack of organizational structure has resulted to poor human resource management, the employees lack proper training and don't really understand their duties and responsibilities anymore. Sources of the information The information used to compile the data comes from a case study carried out earlier about the Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park. References Most of the concepts and ideas used in this book are based on arguments in the book titled Organizational Change for Corporate Sustainability by Suzanne, Dexter and Andrew and Management by Boundless Scope of the proposal This proposal aims at providing the management of the Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park with recommendations to help them solve their current management problems. The proposal is barely offering recommendations to the management. The management is not under any obligation to follow the recommendations of this report. A Look at the History of the Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park The Park was founded by Mike, Daisy and Ethan with a specific objective of providing a chance for business teams and young people to enjoy outdoor sports in a controlled environment. Mike is the General Manager of the park while Ethan takes care of human resource management and Daisy is in charge of the shooting range. As a general manager, mike is responsible for ensuring the organization runs smoothly. Ethan ensures that the staff is well trained and Daisy supervises the shooting range. Currently, Outdoor Adventures Paintball Park employs over 20 full time employees and offers five different outdoor activities. The organization has been running for a number of years now without an organizational structure. This has resulted into a number of problems that we aim to solve with this proposal. Client Profile Name of the Client: Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park. Ownership: Partnership (Mike, Daisy and Ethan) Top management team: Mike (General Manager, Ethan (Human resource manager) and Daisy (Supervisor) Industry: Sports and recreation. Consultancy Tasks 1. Develop the right management style for the organization. -Give reasons why a given management style has been chose. -Explain the four core functions of management -Explain how the four management functions are related to each other. 2. Develop roles and responsibility of the owners and employees. -Discuss why these positions are important in the business. 3. Make specific recommendations for improving the management of the park. Conclusion and recommendations For the organization to solve its problems, it should change its entire organizational structure. (Boundless, Management)Instead of using the traditional management style, the organization should strive to utilize the better and modern Collaborative management approach. By using collaborative corporate approach, the management will be able to encourage participation in the decision making activities across all levels. By adopting the collaborative management approach, the management of Outdoor Adventure Paintball Park will be able to allow solutions for management problems to develop from the ideas of the group and thus take the team approach to problem solving. From our research, it's clear that the employees and the management do not understand their responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities of the in the organization should be assigned as follows ( Boundless, Management) 1. General Manager- Managing the overall activities of the organization. 2. Human resource manager- Managing all activities in the business associated with employee training, payment, allocation of duties, performance appraisal and transfers. 3. Operational manager- The operational manager will be in charge of ensuring that all activities in the organization run smoothly. These activities include, ensuring proper scheduling of events, ensuring that employees supervise the activities to avoid accidents, and supervising the employees during their activities. 4. Workers- The workers should perform the task according to their training and the allocation by the human resource manager. The collaborative approach recommended will help the organization to solve its problems including; failed to determine the best way to organize resources, including personnel; underestimates the importance of recruitment, job design and descriptions, and training; assumed that motivation will occur naturally; fails to define standards and other measurable outcomes; ignored negative information; Delayed actions to improve organizational outcomes Summary Conclusion We are happy to have the opportunity to present our findings to your organization. We hope that our recommendations will be taken into consideration to help you company achieve its goals and objectives References

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