3 Interprocess communication 3.1 TCP Socket is: (letter corresponding to the correct answer). a. suitable for applications that require high reliability, and transmission time is relatively less critical. b. suitable for applications that need fast, efficient transmission c. a simple transmission model without implicit hand-shaking dialogues d. connectionless 3.2 In a synchronous communication: (letter corresponding to the correct answer). a. The sending operation is non-blocking. b. Both sending and receiving processes are blocking operations. c. The recelving operation can have blocking and non-blocking variants d. The sending operation is non-blocking and the receiving operation is blocking 3.3 Marshalling is the: (letter corresponding to the correct answer). a. process of taking a collection of data items and assembling them into a form suitable for transmission in a message. b. process of disassembling a collection data items from a message at the destination. c. process of assembling a collection data items from a message at the destination. d. process of taking a collection of data items and disassembling them into a form suitable for transmission in a message. 3.4 If a variable should not be serialized it must be declared with the following field modifier: (letter corresponding to the correct answer). a. public. b. final. c. transient. d. private. e. protected. 3.5 List and explain two alternative approaches to extemal data representation and marshalling. 3.6 Based on the Java object band1 bellow, create a corresponding XML document (marshalling). A.lbum albuml = new Album ("Kid A, "experimental rock", 2000) ; Album album2 = new Album ("Amnesiac", "experimental rock ", 2001) ; Band band 1= new Band " RRadiohead") ; : band1 . add (a1bum1) ; band1. add (a1bum2) : Note that: - the constructor of the class Albwm has three parameters: Album (String title, String genre, int year) - the constructor of the class Band has one parameter: Band (String name)