4. [1 point] Is the study design for these analyses paired or unpaired? Please explain your reasoning. 5. a. [2 point] Identify your preferred methods for point estimation and hypothesis testing, and briefly explain why you have chosen them. Your preferred methods should match the objectives identified in question 3. If using a ttest, be specific about the method that you plan to use (exact, Welch's, or paired). b. [1 point] Explain how point estimation will proceed if the data fail to meet the requirements for the method in 5a. c. [1 point] Explain how hypothesis testing will proceed if the data fail to meet the requirements for the method in 5a. 6. [2 points] You may assume independence and random sampling for the purposes of this homework. Please (i) generate a plot (or a set of plots) to check the requirements of your selected methodology. (ii) Then state whether or not these conditions have been met. Optionally, you may also present the results from a goodness-of-fit test or other numeric statistics if you feel that you need them to convince yourself that the assumptions have (or have not) been met. To receive full credit, your statement must cite specific evidence in your plots or statistics to support your conclusions. If you run a goodness-of-fit test, please do 1E paste raw R output into your homework; simply report the critical statistics. The short tutorial titled usingwdpbznwithwtidypdf may be helpful here. Your plot(s) should represent the data for each phenotype separately. This can be done by defining a color aesthetic for Phenotype, or by faceting by Phenotype (see Tutorials 4 and 8 to review plotting methods). The plot(s) that you choose should allow us to check for outliers and to check the assumptions of your chosen analysis (see 5a)