4. (2) Statal in the data file capm5 are data on the monthly return of six firms (GE, IBM, Ford, Microsoft, Disney, and Exxon-Mobil), the rate of return on the market portfolio (MKT), and the rate of return on the risk-free asset (RISKFREE). (See variable names and definitions attached at the end of the assignment. The 180 observations cover January 1998 to December 2012 a) Estimate the CAPM R-R, -a,+B (R-R,)+e, for each firm. Attach your regression output at the end of the assignment. Note that you will need to create the variables R-R, and R-R, To create R - R, open the dataset and type gen mkt_rp-mkt - riskfree To create R, -R, for GE type (you can create the risk premium for other firms similarly) gen ge_rp - ge-riskfree Then to estimate the CAPM for GE you would type reg ge_rp mkt_rp b) Rank the firms according to their "beta" value from largest to smallest, c) Finance theory says that "alpha" should be zero. Does this seem correct given your estimates? 4. (2) Statal in the data file capm5 are data on the monthly return of six firms (GE, IBM, Ford, Microsoft, Disney, and Exxon-Mobil), the rate of return on the market portfolio (MKT), and the rate of return on the risk-free asset (RISKFREE). (See variable names and definitions attached at the end of the assignment. The 180 observations cover January 1998 to December 2012 a) Estimate the CAPM R-R, -a,+B (R-R,)+e, for each firm. Attach your regression output at the end of the assignment. Note that you will need to create the variables R-R, and R-R, To create R - R, open the dataset and type gen mkt_rp-mkt - riskfree To create R, -R, for GE type (you can create the risk premium for other firms similarly) gen ge_rp - ge-riskfree Then to estimate the CAPM for GE you would type reg ge_rp mkt_rp b) Rank the firms according to their "beta" value from largest to smallest, c) Finance theory says that "alpha" should be zero. Does this seem correct given your estimates