4. Merger analysis - Corporate valuation model Valuation of the target company is a critical aspect of a merger transaction. Different methods are used in acquisition, valuations such as the corporate valuation method, the adjusted present value approach, the free cash flow to equity approach, and so on. Eades Logistics Corp. is expected to generate a free cash flow (FCF) of $193.00 million this year (FCF - $193.00 million), and the FCF is expected to grow at a rate of 25.00% over the following two years (FCF, and FCFy). After the third year, however, the FCF IS expected to grow at a constant rate of 3.90% per year, which will last forever (FCF4). Eades Logistics Corp.'s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is 11.70% Use corporate valuation method to complete your analysis in your valuation . You would discount the FCFs using the The horizon value of Eades Logistics Corp.'s cash flows is places.) The current total firm value of Eades Logistics Corp. operations is (Note: Round your intermediate calculations to two decimal (Note: Do not round your intermediate calculations) If Eades Logistics Corp. carries $2,599 million of debt before the merger, and the firm has no nonoperating assets or preferred stock, the value of equity of Eades Logistics Corp. to Ziffy Corp. will be $2,598.78 million $865.78 million. $2,000.44 million $190.78 million ethod to complete your analysis. CFs using the in your valuati es Logistics Con long-run growth rate je of Eades Lo WACC s short-run growth rate es $2,599 mil herger, and the firm ha p. to Ziffy Corp. will be mplete your analysis. ne in your valuation. Corp.'s cash flows is . (Note: Round Logistics Corp. opera $241.25 million (Note $4,016.92 million nillion of debt before $313.32 million orp. will be firm has no nonopera Fete your analysis. Tp.'s cash flows is in your valuation. (Note: Round your intermediate cald gistics Corp. operations is (Note: Do not round your int $4,599.44 million Fon of debt before the mer no nonoperating assets or preferred 5. will be $3,464.78 million $4,157.74 million $582.52 million