4-16. Depending on the intentions of the management, the option elected and the ability of the holding enterprise, investments in equity securities are designated as Equity Investments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss, Equity Investments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income or Investment in Associate (or Joint Venture). Indicate to which classification each numbered description below applies. (A) Equity Investments at Fair Value through Profit or Loss (B) Equity Investments at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income (C) Investment in Associate (or Joint Venture)There may be one or more answers for each item. 1. On reporting date, they are measured at market value. 2. Initially recognized at purchase price, which is the fair value at purchase date. 3. Initially recognized at purchase price plus transaction costs. 4. Generally, dividends received or receivable are recorded as dividend revenue. 5. Change in fair value is not recognized, unless there is permanent impairment in value. 6. Dividends received are reported as a decrease in the carrying amount of the investment. 7. Impairment loss and reversal of impairment are not separately accounted for. 8. Bonus issue is not separately recognized in a formal accounting entry. 10. At the date of the disposal of the securities, the equity account accumulated in other comprehensive income may be transferred to another equity account. 11. The income recognized in profit or loss includes change in fair value, cash and property dividends received and realized gains and losses on disposal. 12. Change in fair value is recognized taken to other comprehensive income. 13. The income reported by the investee company is not considered in determining the investor's profit or loss. 14. The receipt of bonus issue or share dividends different from the class of securities held is accounted for as dividend revenue. 15. The disposal of these securities does not recognize gain or loss on sale taken to profit or loss