5 answer all the parts
Krow Your Rights Coip. Has three stock oplion plans cutstanding on Docenbor 31, 2023. They provide the holders wth the following ertiternents [1] (Click tine icon to viow the entitertienis) The areage price of ordenary shares in 2023 was \$i0. Know Your Rights's basio EPS from continuing operations for tho yoar was $1.3 : Required a. Which of the sock oplions are diktive and shich are anfislutive in 2023 ? What is the rule in this respect? b. Assuming that ad thee option plans have been in place the entive yoa, for each plan, delermine the incremenial number of shares, if any, that need to be corisidered for diuted EPS puposes. c. Aswime that sock option A was issuod on April 1, 2023. Does this change your answer to requrement (b)? If so, what is the rovised number of incremental thares for ogtion A that noed to te considered for dillod eps pupores? Requirement a. Which of the siock optons are dintive and which are antidaswe? What is the nde in thes resecc? What is the rise? The rue in this respect is that if earnings per thare from conkrning opeiabions cal options ate dibtive and these aie multiplo comersion opsons, the ditive allemative is always consibored. Which of the slock optons are diativo and which are andidititie? the stock options are dilutive and which are antidilutive in 2023? What is the rule in this respect? that all three option plans have been in place the entire year, for each plan, determine the incremental number of shares, if any, that need to be considered for dill hat slock option A was issued on April 1, 2023. Does this change your answer to requirement (b)? If so, what is the revised number of incremental shares for option Entitlements a. Stock option A-The holders may purchase 20,000 ordinary shares at any time on or before December 31,2027 , for $16 each. b. Stock option B - The holders may purchase 9.000 ordinary shares at any time on or before December 31, 2024, for $17 each. From January 1, 2025, to December 31. 2027, the holders may purchase 14,000 ordinary shares for $21 each. c. Stock option C - The holders may purchase 25,000 ordinary shares at any time on or before December 31,2025 , for $23 each. Requirement a. Which of the slock egtions are dilutive and which are antigtutive? What is the rile in this respect? What is the nie? The rule in this retpoct is that if eaming per share from continuing operations there are muliple coriversion options, the ditive allomative is always considered. Which of the stock options are dilutive and which are antidilutive? islutive. and andiditivo pupposes (ferund your final answer to the newrout whote number, Ender a "or it no incremental shares elould be considered)