5. At a company function, a top executive corners you and complains that your department is wasting too much money. The executive demands to know why the company must spend so much money on computers and software, especially operating systems and related licenses (for closed source programs and operating systems). Write a report that defends your department by explaining the nature of hardware, software, and operating systems. In the report, be sure to explain how oss and the Linux operating system can be used to reduce these costs in the long term. 6. You are contacted by a project organizer for a university computer science fair. The project organizer asks you to hold a forum that discusses the origins of the Linux operating system, including how it has evolved and continues to develop. The main focus of this forum is to encourage university students toward participating in the open source community, therefore, it should detail the philosophy, major features, and methods of the hacker culture. Prepare a bulloted list of the major topics that you will discuss and write somo sample questions that you anticipate from the participants as well as your responses 5. At a company function, a top executive corners you and complains that your department is wasting too much money. The executive demands to know why the company must spend so much money on computers and software, especially operating systems and related licenses (for closed source programs and operating systems). Write a report that defends your department by explaining the nature of hardware, software, and operating systems. In the report, be sure to explain how oss and the Linux operating system can be used to reduce these costs in the long term. 6. You are contacted by a project organizer for a university computer science fair. The project organizer asks you to hold a forum that discusses the origins of the Linux operating system, including how it has evolved and continues to develop. The main focus of this forum is to encourage university students toward participating in the open source community, therefore, it should detail the philosophy, major features, and methods of the hacker culture. Prepare a bulloted list of the major topics that you will discuss and write somo sample questions that you anticipate from the participants as well as your responses