5. Automatic adjustments to the government budget The following table provides some information on government spending (G) and tax revenues (T) at different levels of real GDP in a hyothetical economy. Note: Throughout this problem you can assume, for simplicity, that government transfers are zero. Use the bive line (circle symbois) to plot the government spending schedele presented in the table. Then use the orange line (syuare symbals) to plot the economy's tax revenues schedule. Consiber the government spending and tak fovenues schedules you ploted. When real Gop is $380 bilion, the govermment runs a budget Consider the gov nding and tax revenues schedules you plotted. When real GDp is $380 bilion, the govermment runs a budget af Use the purpie triangle (diamond symbois) to shade the region between the fax revenues scheduie and the government spending schedule in which the levels of raal GDP are associafed with government budget deficis. Then use the green triangle (triangle symbors) to shade the region between the fwo schedules in which the fevels of real GOP are associated with bddoet surpluses 5. Automatic adjustments to the government budget The following table provides some information on government spending (G) and tax revenues (T) at different levels of real GDP in a hyothetical economy. Note: Throughout this problem you can assume, for simplicity, that government transfers are zero. Use the bive line (circle symbois) to plot the government spending schedele presented in the table. Then use the orange line (syuare symbals) to plot the economy's tax revenues schedule. Consiber the government spending and tak fovenues schedules you ploted. When real Gop is $380 bilion, the govermment runs a budget Consider the gov nding and tax revenues schedules you plotted. When real GDp is $380 bilion, the govermment runs a budget af Use the purpie triangle (diamond symbois) to shade the region between the fax revenues scheduie and the government spending schedule in which the levels of raal GDP are associafed with government budget deficis. Then use the green triangle (triangle symbors) to shade the region between the fwo schedules in which the fevels of real GOP are associated with bddoet surpluses