5. On the balance sheet we see the line item, "Buildings, equipment and land, net" What is this amount net of? Ifn rhannande Brildines, equipesent and berd, net Goodwill Intangole a aset, net of accumulated amoctization Invectment in MGM Retorts Internatioeal Long-tena investments Other non-eurrent atsets Non-current anaes of diaccafinued operationa TOTAL ASSEIS LIABIIITIES AND SHARFHOLDERS'EQLITY LIABILITES: Curare porties of Jeegsem loit Aeterns payable thate Theariti r4 =i A coruad wopmor and eter curiet hallion Toptal cuener liatiliniti Total current liatahitis Lofetarn debt, net. 2046237 71277 Deferted inconan tweet Other lone-term laabitities: Nou-curant labbihties of thecontiesid operations Findemable neneonteolhist ietareits 18,74! 211.972 Qcenueitmerts and sectinfapaits SIHAREHOLDRRS+EQUITY+ cututandint at Dacinble 21, 3211 oothaeding at Deckmber Iti a0: SHAREHOLDERSY RQUTY Comnon Stock, 50,0001 pur value; anthoritad 1,600,000 shares; 83,922 isuned und outstanding at Decerater 31,2021 Chass B common atock; 50,0001 par value; anthorized 400,000 share; 5,759 inoud and outstanding at Deceraber 31,2021 Cotimon Stick 50001 par value, authorized 1,600,000 lazec 83,926 phare insia and outarding at Dicember 31,2020 outatanding at Deckaber 31,2020 Aditiceal paid-in capial Raninde exnant Acenoulated obef cemprehensive income (lea). Total 14C anarthel'sen qquiry 6,265,66959r9814 Normal text Arial 1 NTonocoutrolling interesh Toul waanholders equity TOTAL LAAEILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUIT Accrued expenses and other current liabilities Acerued employ ee compensation and benefis (in thouranca) Customer deposit liability Accrued advertising expense 5277.5945107.280 146.28 Accrued advartising expense Accrued traffic acquisition costs 67,986 Qther Accrued expenses and other current liabilities $980,574$340.406 Other current assets Prepaid expenses (In thousando) 573,453 s. e, 095 Inventories, net ia) other Other current assets 137,9955242,18893,60955140,022 5. On the balance sheet we see the line item, "Buildings, equipment and land, net" What is this amount net of? Ifn rhannande Brildines, equipesent and berd, net Goodwill Intangole a aset, net of accumulated amoctization Invectment in MGM Retorts Internatioeal Long-tena investments Other non-eurrent atsets Non-current anaes of diaccafinued operationa TOTAL ASSEIS LIABIIITIES AND SHARFHOLDERS'EQLITY LIABILITES: Curare porties of Jeegsem loit Aeterns payable thate Theariti r4 =i A coruad wopmor and eter curiet hallion Toptal cuener liatiliniti Total current liatahitis Lofetarn debt, net. 2046237 71277 Deferted inconan tweet Other lone-term laabitities: Nou-curant labbihties of thecontiesid operations Findemable neneonteolhist ietareits 18,74! 211.972 Qcenueitmerts and sectinfapaits SIHAREHOLDRRS+EQUITY+ cututandint at Dacinble 21, 3211 oothaeding at Deckmber Iti a0: SHAREHOLDERSY RQUTY Comnon Stock, 50,0001 pur value; anthoritad 1,600,000 shares; 83,922 isuned und outstanding at Decerater 31,2021 Chass B common atock; 50,0001 par value; anthorized 400,000 share; 5,759 inoud and outstanding at Deceraber 31,2021 Cotimon Stick 50001 par value, authorized 1,600,000 lazec 83,926 phare insia and outarding at Dicember 31,2020 outatanding at Deckaber 31,2020 Aditiceal paid-in capial Raninde exnant Acenoulated obef cemprehensive income (lea). Total 14C anarthel'sen qquiry 6,265,66959r9814 Normal text Arial 1 NTonocoutrolling interesh Toul waanholders equity TOTAL LAAEILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUIT Accrued expenses and other current liabilities Acerued employ ee compensation and benefis (in thouranca) Customer deposit liability Accrued advertising expense 5277.5945107.280 146.28 Accrued advartising expense Accrued traffic acquisition costs 67,986 Qther Accrued expenses and other current liabilities $980,574$340.406 Other current assets Prepaid expenses (In thousando) 573,453 s. e, 095 Inventories, net ia) other Other current assets 137,9955242,18893,60955140,022