5. Refer to the four data analydic types described in Exhibit 2.2.on p. 39, Ariefly explain how Valentinas accounting team could use either the product costs fismbified in requirement 2) or period coits (Udentified in requirement 3 ) in conducting one type (Lei, descriptve, dagnostic, predictive, or preacripelive) of data analytics inquiry: A trend anelnis of how product costs and period costs have been changing over time weuld provide insights into valentina's financial performence. Ar examination of each element of prime costs (l.e, direct materiais and direct laber) would provide invights into whiy pebduct costs have increased or decressed over time. An estimation model that focccosts the amounit of preduct costs (and pensd costs) at different anticipated production ievels (or ether pertinent decison oriteria) would peovide insights into how profits are likely to vary across wuch production levelu. A procews analyis that kereals a particular iaboratory technicue for testing new prototype detyma nill lead. to the lowest peried costs ever the life of the new product. 5. Refer to the four data analvic types described in Exhibit 2.2'on p. 39. Briefy explan how Valentina's accounting teamt could use elther the product corts (isentifed in eequirement 2) or period coits. (Identifed in requirement 3 ) in conducting one type (1.e, descriptive, dibgnostic, predictive, or prescriptive) of data aniovtics inguiry. A trend analisis of how product costs and penisd costs tuve beeh dwaging over time nould provide inights into Vaientina's foancial performance. An examination of each eiement of prime coits (L.e. diect materials and drect labor) mould provide intights into afy product costs hove increased or decressed over thin. An estimation model that forecasts the amourt of product coss (ond period costi) at ifferent andicipated production leveis (or olher pertinent deoven criteria) would previde inughts into how profts are fikely to vary across such production levels. A procew analysis that reyneis a porticiar iaboratory technique for testing new prototype designs war ind to the lowest peniod costs over the afe of the new product. Exhibit 2.2 Matching Data Analytic Types to Management Accounting Analyses