6. Use the Internet to research the history of the Python programming language, and answer the following questions: Who was the creator of Python, and what does his title of "BDFL" mean? What is "The Zen of Python"? In which year was the first version of Python 3 released, and in which year was the final version of Python 2 released? 4. Total Purchase A customer in a store is purchasing five items. Write a program that asks for the price of each item, then displays the subtotal of the sale, the amount of sales tax, and the total. Assume the sales tax is 7 percent. 5. Distance Traveled Assuming there are no accidents or delays, the distance that a car travels down the inter- state can be calculated with the following formula: Distance = Speed x Time A car is traveling at 70 miles per hour. Write a program that displays the following: The distance the car will travel in 6 hours The distance the car will travel in 10 hours The distance the car will travel in 15 hours 9. Circle Measurements Write a program that asks the user to enter the radius of a circle. The program should cal- culate and display the area and circumference of the circle using tr for the area and 2 for the circumference. Hint: You can either use 3.14159 as the value of pi (tt), or add the statement import math" to the start of the program and then use "math.p1" wherever you need the value of pi in the program. 11. Male and Female Percentages Write a program that asks the user for the number of males and the number of females regis- tered in a class. The program should display the percentage of males and females in the class. Hint: Suppose there are 8 males and 12 females in a class. There are 20 students in the class. The percentage of males can be calculated as 8 + 20 = 0.4, or 40%. The percentage of females can be calculated as 12 + 20 0.6, or 60%