6. Using the chart of accounts in Figure 2-1, Determine the changes to the balance sheet, income statement, job cost ledger and equipment ledger as the result of receiving payment from the owner for the bill in problem 5. Employee ($) 3 2 Total Employer's Costs Wages Social Security Medicare SUTA FUTA Liability Insurance Workers' Comp Health Insurance Vacation 400.00350.00 500.00 31.00 7.25 15.00 4.00 10.00 15.00 40.00 33.20 496.09655.45 1,850.00 114.70 26.83 55.50 14.80 37.00 136.50 160.00 129.42 2,524.75 600.00 37.20 8.70 18.00 24.80 5.80 12.00 3.20 21.70 5.08 10.50 2.80 7.00 31.50 40.00 27.51 36.00 40.00 29.79 813.62559.59 12.00 54.00 40.00 38.92 Total Employee Deductions 114.70 26.83 156.90 37.20 8.70 59.85 36.00 60.00 201.75 24.80 5.80 29.85 24.00 60.00 144.45 21.70 5.08 22.35 21.00 60.00 130.13 31.00 7.25 44.85 30.00 60.00 173.10 Social Security Medicare Federal Withholdings State Withholdings Health Insurance Total 649.43 6. Using the chart of accounts in Figure 2-1, Determine the changes to the balance sheet, income statement, job cost ledger and equipment ledger as the result of receiving payment from the owner for the bill in problem 5. Employee ($) 3 2 Total Employer's Costs Wages Social Security Medicare SUTA FUTA Liability Insurance Workers' Comp Health Insurance Vacation 400.00350.00 500.00 31.00 7.25 15.00 4.00 10.00 15.00 40.00 33.20 496.09655.45 1,850.00 114.70 26.83 55.50 14.80 37.00 136.50 160.00 129.42 2,524.75 600.00 37.20 8.70 18.00 24.80 5.80 12.00 3.20 21.70 5.08 10.50 2.80 7.00 31.50 40.00 27.51 36.00 40.00 29.79 813.62559.59 12.00 54.00 40.00 38.92 Total Employee Deductions 114.70 26.83 156.90 37.20 8.70 59.85 36.00 60.00 201.75 24.80 5.80 29.85 24.00 60.00 144.45 21.70 5.08 22.35 21.00 60.00 130.13 31.00 7.25 44.85 30.00 60.00 173.10 Social Security Medicare Federal Withholdings State Withholdings Health Insurance Total 649.43