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7.a) Compare the characteristics of a BJT in CB, CE and CC configurations. - b) A Silicon BJT is connected in common Emitter configuration
7.a) Compare the characteristics of a BJT in CB, CE and CC configurations. - b) A Silicon BJT is connected in common Emitter configuration with collector to -Base bias. Calculate the base resistance R for the quiescent collector - to - Emitter voltage, VCE has to be 4 V. Vcc and Rc are given as 2 V and 1 KQ respectively. Assume = 100, VBE to be zero volts. Also find the stability factor of the circuit. 8.a) Explain how self biasing can be done in a BJT with relevant sketches and waveforms. b) Design a self bias circuit for the following specifications: Vcc = 12 V; VCE =2V; Ic = 4mA; hfe = 80. Assume any other design parameters required. Draw the designed circuit.
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