8.1 Task One Type the source code following the steps as below. Compile, run it and capture the screenshots of the output. stepl: create a project folder: Task2_1 i+#11 - work 0:) . Lab 20130103301 - Task2_1 m) em IRC) 00 1930- 2 - Labi 20130103301 Task2_1 B ork 0:). Labi 20130103301 - IA) #h Task2_1 Tas 22 Tusk23 Lab Report 1.doc step2: create a C project: Tele Me ... step 3: save as *.c Save As #TE) BE Task2.1.0 2018-02-25. Source File *** (S) ) Tusk2_12 source files 0.2 step 4: Input source code: Project 1 - Project 1 dev] - Dev-C++ 5.11 File Edit Search View Project Execute Tools Asyle Window Help 29 Iglobais Task2 1.6 1 2 3 Project Classes Debug Project 1 /*First example code Task2.1.6 // Author: FXP 4 // Preprocessor directive 5 #include
6 7 t/main function int main() 9 1e printf("This is C; "); 11 printf("Coding is funny ; "); return 1; 13 step 5: Compile and Run, then capture the screenshots of the output for the report below the task titles: 8 12 Project1 - Project dev] - [Executing) - Dev-C+5.11 File Edit Search View Project Execute Tools Style Window Help 011 89 28 UWN 6 (globals) Project Classes Debug Task2 1.0 Project 1 1 /*First example code/ Task2_1. /// Author: HXP 3 //Preprocessor directive 5 #include 7 //main function 8 int main() 9 10 printf("This is C; "); 11 printf("Coding is funny; "); 12 return 1; 13) FAC_Programming Project1.exe This is c: Coding is funny; 89 Compiler Resource Process exited after 0.06001 seconds with return value I About Contact : Warnings: 0 Output Filename: T:\C_Programming Project.exe step 6: Edit the source code with more statements to print your name, date of birth. and mobile number. Example Expected Output Name : e.g. Alexandra Abramov DOB : e.g. July 14, 1995 Mobile : e.g. +86-15988888888 Ab . ir ht ? 8.2 Task Two Write a program to include all of the escape sequences listed in Table 1 below: Table 1 Escape SequenceRepresents Bell (alert) Backspace New line Carriage return Horizontal tab Single quotation mark Double quotation mark Backslash Literal question mark #include *program to verify the function of sample escape sequences */ void main() { printf("\tAtab is placed before the new line"); // put a tab before the line printf(" Switch to new lines "); //switch to new lines } 8.3 Task Three Write a C program to print First letter in your Family name using hash (#). For example, the 'F' and 'C' has a height of nine characters and width of eleven characters. # 15 C W DAN Letter C Letter F