84. A collectivistic culture displays an orientation in which relationships and group decision making are valued. True False 85. A cultural orientation where people belong to a loose social framework and their primary concern is for themselves and their families is based on power distance. True False 86. High uncertainty avoidance is associated with high risk taking. True False 87. Hofstede's work cast doubt on the universal applicability of U.S. management theories True False 88. Women hold only 16% of senior management positions in Fortune 500 organizations True False. 89. Women salaries persist at a level of 78% of their male counterparts True False 90. While women's participation in the workforce is increasing their share of the rewards of participation is not increasing commensurately. True False 91. The glass ceiling is a unique phenomenon to the United States. True False 92. As the workforce becomes increasingly diverse, the potential for unfair treatment also increases. True False 93. The disparity between the pay of women and minority group members relative to white males decreases with age. True False 94. The glass ceiling is not the only gender barrier in organizations. True False 95. Consequential theories of ethics emphasize the consequences or results of behavior. True False 96. John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism suggests that right and wrong is determined by the consequences of the action. True False 97. Employers are not liable for the acts of their agents (supervisors) when it comes to sexual harassment True False 98. Distributive justice is the fairness of the process by which outcomes are allocated in an organization. True False 99. Americans are more suspicious of labor-saving robots than the Japanese because employers often use them to cut jobs. True False 100. A computer-based application that uses a representation of human expertise in a specialized field of knowledge to solve problems is known as bootstrapping True False