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A bitstring is just a sequence of bits, e.g. 10010110. Normally, printable characters in a file are encoded as bytes, or bitstrings of length 8.

A bitstring is just a sequence of bits, e.g. 10010110. Normally, printable characters in a file are encoded as bytes, or bitstrings of length 8. This is called ASCII code. For example, the ASCII code for the character a is the bitstring 01100001, which is 97 in binary. However, we are not forced to use a fixed-length encoding. If we choose a di erent encoding in which the codes can have di erent lengths, then we can assign shorter strings to the more frequent characters, thereby saving space. To illustrate, lets do this for bitstrings of length 2. Suppose we have a file that is exactly 2000 bits long, so it can be viewed as a sequence of 1000 2-bit bitstrings. Suppose we scan the file and find that the four 2-bit bitstrings 00, 01, 10, 11 occur in the file with the frequencies 00: 900 01: 90 10: 9 11: 1 Figure 1 Frequencies of 2-bit bitstrings in a file A good encoding for this set of frequencies would be the variable-length code shown in Fig. 2. This particular encoding has the nice property that it is self-delimiting, which means that no codeword is a prefix of any other codeword. This property allows us to place the codewords end-to-end in a file without having to mark their endpoints, and still be able to recover the original text (see Section 3.3 below). For example, if the file begins with 00 00 00 10 10 11 01 00 00 00 00 01 ... then it would be encoded as 0 0 0 110 110 111 10 0 0 0 0 10 ... (We have inserted spaces just to show the original 2-bit bitstrings and the codewords, but the spaces are not really there in the file.) Given the correspondence of Fig. 2, the two sequences determine each other uniquely. How much space have we saved? The original file was 2000 bits long. The length of the encoded file is 9001+902+93+3 = 1110 bits. We have compressed the file by almost half. Tree Representation of Self-Delimiting Codes A convenient representation of a self-delimiting code is a complete binary tree with the original uncompressed bitstrings at the leaves. The path from the root down to the leaf containing x, represented as a bitstring (left=0, right=1) is the codeword for x. For example, the code of Fig. 2 would be represented by the tree in Fig. 3. The tree in Fig. 4 shows the identity code, in which each word is represented as itself. This code doesnt achieve any compression. Huffman Trees A Huffman tree is a tree built from known frequencies for bitstrings of some fixed constant length k. It tries to code frequently occurring bitstrings of length k as short bitstrings and infrequently occurring bitstrings of length k as long bitstrings. The tree of Fig. 3 is a Huffman tree for k = 2 constructed from the frequencies of Fig. 1. In this assignment, you will implement Huffman trees for k = 8 (bytes). To build a Huffman tree, suppose we know the number of occurrences of each k-bit bitstring in the file. We make a separate tree node for each k-bit bitstring containing that bitstring as the key along with its frequency; these will be the leaves of our Huffman tree when we are done. So we start with a forest of 2k single-node trees. Now we build the Huffman tree bottom up using a greedy algorithm. We first put all these tree nodes into a priority queue. A priority queue is an ADT that supports the following operations: 1. Insert an element. 2. Extract the minimum element. In our case, minimum will mean minimum frequency. Now we repeatedly do the following, as long as the priority queue contains at least two elements: 1. Extract the two elements with the lowest frequency x, y from the priority queue. 2. Make a new tree node with children x and y and frequency the sum of the frequencies of x and y. Call this new node z. 3. Insert z back into the priority queue. We keep doing this until there is exactly one element remaining, which will be the root of the Huffman tree. This has to happen eventually, since the size of the priority queue decreases by one in each stage. For example, suppose we wish to form a Huffman tree from the frequencies as shown in Fig. 1. We start with the four tree nodes (00,900), (01,90), (10,9), (11,1). In the first step, the priority queue will extract the two lowest-frequency elements (10, 9) and (11, 1), form a new tree node (u, 10) with children (10, 9) and (11, 1), then insert this back into the priority queue. Here u is a new key that we assign. After this step, the priority queue will contain (00, 900), (01, 90), (u, 10). Doing this again, after the next step the priority queue will contain (00,900) and (v,100), where v is a new node with children (u,10) and (01,90). Finally, the last two nodes are combined, yielding a node (w, 1000) which is the root of the Huffman tree. The resulting Huffman tree looks like Fig. 3

The term codec is short for a compression/decompression (or coding/decoding) scheme. void compress(File input, File output) throws IOException;

void decompress(File input, File output) throws IOException;

In the following two sections, we will go over carefully what you have to do for compression and decom-pression.

3.2 Compression

3.2.1 Constructing the Huffman Tree

To construct the Huffman tree from the uncompressed inputFile, you first need to calculate the byte frequencies in the file. Open the file for reading by calling

FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(inputFile);

You can then read bytes sequentially from the file by calling i successively. This method returns an int containing the next byte in the file in the low-order 8 bits. For example, if the input byte was 01100001 (binary) representing the ASCII character a, the int returned by would be 97. You can use this int as an index into an array of length 256 = 28, the total number of possible bytes. Go through the file once and record the byte frequencies in an int array of length 256.

Now construct the Huffman tree as described above. You should use a java.util.PriorityQueue of TreeNodes for this. First construct a new priority queue by calling

PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue();

then insert a new TreeNode for each byte and its frequency. These will be the leaves of the soon-to-be-built Huffman tree.The minimum element of pq is extracted by calling pq.poll(). But how does it know what minimum means? You have to tell it. You do this by making the TreeNode class implement the java.util.Comparableinterface. i.e TreeNode implements Comparable

To implement this interface, you must define a method int compareTo(TreeNode obj). The return value of this method should be

negative 0 positive

if this is less than obj,

if this is equal to obj, and if this is greater than obj.

Your compareTo method can do this by comparing the frequencies, and returning the appropriate int.

Your TreeNode class should contain int fields key for the key (which for leaves will be the uncompressed byte) and frequency for the frequency, TreeNode fields left and right for the children, and a compareTo method. You may also include a toString method for debugging purposes if you wish, as well as any other needed fields or helper methods. When constructing the tree, you should give each newly constructed internal node a key consisting of a number assigned sequentially, starting at 256. All the leaves will already have keys less than 256. So, the root of the tree should have key value 2 256 2 = 510. You might want to include this

test as a sanity check.

Constructing the Byte-to-Codeword Map

To do the coding, we will need an efficient way to map each incoming byte to its corresponding codeword. We could search the tree every time for the byte, but this would be very inefficient. We will instead do a little preprocessing to construct an array codes of length 256 whose kth element is the codeword for k. Then while we are coding, we will be able to map incoming bytes to codewords by just pulling the appropriate codeword out of the array.

Use Java class BitSet to represent codewords. Each codeword will be atmost 9 bits long. You will construct

the codewords by walking the tree recursively, filling in the codes array when you encounter a leaf. This should be done with a recursive method createCodes(TreeNode n, BitSet bv). The method should just assign bv to the key of n if n is a leaf. Otherwise, if n is an internal node, it should clone bv, add true to one copy and call recursively on the right subtree, and add false to the other copy and call recursively on the left subtree. If you do this right, it is only a few lines of code.

Saving the Huffman Tree

The compressed file will contain the Huffman tree followed by the sequence of codewords corresponding to the bytes of the input file. You must first write the Huffman tree to the output file.

Open the output file for writing as a BitStream with BitStream outStream = new BitStream(outFile, "w");

The "w" means write. The class BitStream is a class for reading and writing streams of bits as opposed to bytes. We have provided this class and Javadoc documentation for it.

Write the keys in the tree in preorder to the output file. Write just the keys, nothing else. Use the outStream.writeBits method to write each key. You are writing an integer, but you only want to write 9 bits of it. (All keys are between 0 and 511, which only requires 9 bits. We are trying to save space, remember?) The outStream.writeBits method allows you to specify the number of bits to write. Again, this can be done recursively with only a few lines of code.

When decompressing, we will be able to reconstruct the tree from the preorder sequence of keys.

Compressing the Input File

Now we are ready to compress the input file. Close the input stream inStream and reopen it so we can read the bytes again from the beginning. The output stream should still be open. Read the bytes sequentially from the input stream. For each byte, get its codeword, then write the codeword to the output bitstream.

When you are done, make sure you close the input and output streams. This is especially important for the output stream, because bits are buffered, and not all of them may have been written to the output file yet. Moreover, since the number of bits is not necessarily a multiple of 8, the actual bit count must be saved in the output file. The BitStream.close() method takes care of all this for you, but you have to remember to call it when you are done.

3.3 Decompression

Reconstructing the Huffman Tree

Before we can decompress, we must reconstruct the Huffman tree that was saved in the compressed file as a preorder sequence of keys. In the decompression phase, the frequencies are not used.

Open the input file as a BitStream for reading. Read in the sequence of 9-bit bitsequences that were the keys of the Huffman tree in preorder into an Iterable such as ArrayList or Vector.

Now we will reconstruct the tree recursively. The recursive procedure should take an Iterator and return a TreeNode, which will be the root of the tree constructed from the keys in the Iterator. The recursive procedure will be called with the initial Iterator obtained from the Iterable object containing the keys that you read in. The recursive procedure does the following:

1. Get the next key from the Iterator.

2. Make a new TreeNode n with that key. This is the root of the subtree we are currently visiting.

3. If we are not at a leaf, do two recursive calls to construct the left and right subtrees and store them as the children of n. We can tell whether we are at a leaf just from the key. How?

4. Return n.

Decompressing the Input File

After reading in the Huffman tree, the remainder of the input file contains the codewords corresponding to the bytes of the uncompressed file. Now we want to decompress these codewords and map them back to the original bytes.

Open the output file as a FileOutputStream. We can write bytes to it using the write(int) method of FileOutputStream.

Set a pointer to the root of the Huffman tree. Read the bits of the input file one at a time and follow the path in the tree as determined by those bits (0=left, 1=right). When we arrive at a leaf, that leaf contains the uncompressed byte corresponding to the codeword we have just seen. Write that byte to the output stream and reset the pointer to the root of the tree for the next codeword. Note that this works since the code is self-delimiting: we know when we are at the end of a codeword, since that occurs exactly when we are at a leaf of the tree. Beautiful!

When done, remember to close the input and output streams.


You are given code for BitStream classes.

With your Huffman codec, you should see about 25 to 40% compression on text files.

We have supplied a text file hw9.txt. Compress this with your Huffman codec and submit the com- pressed file compressed.txt. Just give us the raw output of your compress method. You will have to write a little driver to call your compress method on these files, but dont submit that.

3.5 What to Submit

Submit files,, and, each containing a class of the same name. The class TreeNode should contain your definition of a tree node.

Class HuffmanTree should encapsulate

Huffman tree; it should have two constructors, one for building a tree from an array of frequency counts and one for building a tree from an Iterable of keys in preorder. The code for constructing the byte-to-codeword mapping should also go in this class; the array representing the mapping should be private and accessed from the outside through a getter method. The class Huffman should be your codec. Finally, submit the file compressed.txt that you have compressed from the supplied text file hw9.txt

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